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I looked around to find myself looking at my own many happy memories of me and scp049. His teachings...his way of healing people from the pestilence...the places he showed me in the forest...maybe if i ever escape this place i could try to find those places in the forest...these memories...why had i forgotten them?

I felt a sharp pain in my head once more as i had awoken in a small cell like room. I was on a bed, unattached, in a orange like prison suit with the tag "67513". I tried to slowly sit up, everything hurt from the accident. I managed to sit up and look around the room. Suddenly i heard the metal door open. Two guards stepped in.

"Come with us 67513, we need you for testing reasons" said one of the guards.

"What kind of tests?" I asked curiously.

"None of your business 67513" said the other guard.

" to tell me why my name is 67513 and not Katherine?" I asked.

"None of your business 67513" replied the other guard once again.

"Jeez, you are so one lined, what you scared or something?" I said mockingly.

The guard looked at me angrily and grabbed me by the hair dragging me out of my cell. I screamed and tried to fight him off. Just then the scientist looked at the guard angrily and told him to let me go. The guard threw me to the ground hard in anger. I had hit my head on the ground that my ears were ringing. I held my head in pain as i stood up. The guard that had attacked me smirked. I looked at the guard, anger filling up inside me.

<Kat, do not do it, not yet>

That voice...who was it? I suddenly felt myself calm down as i gave a glare at the guard. I walked with the scientist who led me to a containment chamber. It read [SCP 049]. Why had that seemed so familiar to me? The scientist looked at me and asked me a few questions.

"So 67513, are you ready to meet SCP049?" He asked.

"I...I think i in danger?" I asked a little nervously.

"As long as you dont have the pestilence, you should be fine. Just don't anger him or joke around, he doesn't understand our centuries jokes very well..." he replied as he looked away.

"One more question?" I asked.

"Go ahead." He replied.

"Is it normal i hear a voice in my head, like someone is speaking to me from inside the building?" I asked a little concerned.

"You probably just hit your head too hard or something, im sure it's fine." He replied calmly. "Now, i will open the doors to SCP049 and you will enter alone. I will send a guard in if anything goes wrong"

I nodded and turned to the doors. They slowly opened, i walked in and looked around before jumping back after seeing the plague doctor like person standing in front of me. I looked at him then had a flashback of a past i could not remember. The scientists watching from the safe room were surprised of how SCP049 was reacting to me. He stood there, examining me from a distance before saying something...a name...

"Katherine..?" He said.

I looked up at him in confusion.


"Kat is that you? Do you, remember me?" He asked concerned.

"I...I cannot remember much, but taught me..."

i said realizing what those nightmares were....they were memories....forgotten...trying to come back...I sat down in his containment cell as he just watched. My eyes suddenly grew big with tears as i looked up at him.

"F-father?" I said smiling.

SCP049 smiled and hugged me. The staff watching were astounded by the emotions SCP049 had shown since his day of containment. It was the first time since he had been put in containment.

"Alright, 67513, please step out of SCP049's cell." Said the scientist over the com.

"Wh-what? But we just met each other for the first time in least give me some time with him?" I said.

"Fine, 10 more minutes, then we have to bring you back to your class D holding cell." Said the scientist over the com.

I smiled brightly and looked at my father. He had seemed happy to see me and wished to speak more, he leaned in and whispered in my ears how to talk telepathically like he was doing earlier before. After our ten minutes were up. I headed back to my Class D holding cell and tried to fall asleep. Or at least act like it, so I could speak telepathically with my father all night until we fell asleep.

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