Coming Out

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I woke up on the beach coughing up water to see Kyoya getting up off the sandy shore. Did Kyoya save me from drowning? I looked at him and he was soaking wet so my guess was a yes. I glance around for signs of Haruhi but I don't see her. I cough my guts out trying to figure out where she is. "Where is my sister, Haruhi?" Tamaki surprisingly answered telling me she went inside. I finally feel like I can breathe again. I felt my back was in so much pain. Mori picked me up and took me to my room. He set me down on my bed and gave me a cup of water.

"Doctor will be coming along with Kyoya." I nodded my head since it hurts to talk and move. As I waited my mind began to wander. When am I going to come out to my family? They deserve to know the truth. I'll tell Haruhi once I see her and dad I'll tell him once I see him as well.
The doctor came with Kyoya as Mori told me. The doctor worked on my back. He said I had stiches from my shoulder blade down to bottom of my back. Just at opposite sides of my back. He wrapped them in bandages and told me to not mess with them otherwise my wound will open up.

The doctor left and it was just me and Kyoya. I saw Kyoya was looking at my chest so I went closer to him and whispered"Something that you like, Kyoya? " He blushed and looked away while I moved my arm around him in order to grab my water and my pills.
I get to take three pills now, one for my back, one for my migraines, and the other one for my heart. No one knows about the last one except me and dad. Haruhi doesn't know she only knows about the severe migraines.

As I took my pills I let Kyoya calm himself down but I noticed his little friend popping out. I looked Kyoya directly in the eye and looked down to his crotch. He noticed and excused himself to deal with his little friend.
I began playing on my phone waiting til dinner was served. After around an hour I hear a knock and I get up to open the door and I see Haruhi with Mori. She's wearing a dress. A very pink, frilly, dress. I try not to laugh so hard but I fail, epically. "Oh my god I love dad so damn much right now! Wait til everyone else sees this!" I drag her and Mori to the dinning room with a big smile on my face. Haruhi doesn't say anything on the way.

It might be because of her seeing my stiches but I have to deal with worse. We got to the dinning room and everyone approved of Haruhi wearing a dress. Tamaki didn't say anything to her I wonder what's up with those two.
Oh wait I get it she didn't have a way of protecting herself and he was mad about that. I'm kind of pissed off about it as well. She shouldn't have gone without me she put herself in danger and the girls. Luckily I saw what was going on so nothing too bad happened.

The girls weren't injured and I have to deliver apology bouquets to the girls later. Which I bet means the money will be added to our debt. I don't mind more time to spend with these idiots is actually pretty fun. I felt it was time to change my bandages so me and Tamaki stood up to ask Kyoya for different things. Kyoya, Tamaki, and I left the table and dropped Tamaki off at his room. Kyoya took me to his room to redo my bandages. As he was taking them off he was checking me out.
His hand touched the scars on my chest and I looked him in the eyes as his hand was going down my chest. I'm not even going to lie I'm really turned on by Kyoya. He's hot, caring, and is pretty damn good with medicine. He took off my bandages and started wrapping new ones on my body.

He was very gentle so nothing hurt at all. It was honestly relaxing to be around Kyoya. Shit do I like him? Would I consider going on a date with him? He wouldn't want to date me I have scars all over my body not attractive. "There you're all done and just call me if you need me to redo your bandages." " Got it. Thanks Kyoya I owe you. " I grab my phone and look at the text messages I've received. I went pale very quick reading Jackson's message. Why would he show me a picture of the exact knife he cut me with?

Kyoya pov
I noticed that Alex paled very fast looking at his phone. What did he see? Alex put his phone in his pocket and waved me goodbye. He left my room as quick as he could. Does he hate me that much? Or was it something on his phone?

Alex pov
I went back to my room and texted Haruhi to come in after she was finished eating. After awhile she came into my room and asked "What did you want to talk to me about?" I pulled up a picture on my phone that had the words ' I'm gay do you accept me?' I showed the picture to her and she read it. She smiled and said, "I always will accept you dummy." I let out a sigh of relief and sent the same thing to dad. He said the exact same thing and he was so happy about it. Haruhi then asked "Wait did you date Jackson?" I nodded my head and she made a disgusted face.

" Why Jackson everyone else is better than Jackson. Anyone is, even Kyoya! " I blushed at her words and then she had the urge to puke. My room didn't have a bathroom so I took her to the nearest one. I then went with the others and told them Haruhi puked. Apparently she had way too much crab for dinner.

We all just sat and talked for awhile until we got bored. We decided we wanted to check up on Haruhi and see if she was okay. We went to the room I dropped her off at and I opened the door to see her blindfolded. Tamaki was saying something about not hearing anything. I was about to beat him when the twins and Mori had to hold me back from killing Tamaki.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HARUHI!?!? I'LL KILL YOU TAMAKI!!" Haruhi slept in my room thanks to the thunder. She learned what bdsm was thanks to the twins. This trip has given me a lot to think about now. Just what the hell am I going to do about Kyoya?

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