Halloween With The Host Club

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It was getting close to Halloween and today is the first soccer game of the school year. I left my house early to practice with my team and I saw the host club was there watching as well. We practiced for an hour and I took my medicine. I was super psyched for today's game, that's for sure. We ended up heading to our classes for the day. Well during the host club time I have to practice with my team and the host club plans on going outside to watch my practice.
I was practicing the whole entire time with my teammates to the best of my abilities. I wasn't holding back today I can't do that during the game. Some of the newer soccer players didn't know why I was the soccer captain until I went all out during practice. I wasn't exhausted even though we had more than once practice today. It just gave me more energy to beat the other team. As soon as club activities were over I changed out of my clothes into my soccer uniform.

I told the host club that they could go home whenever they wanted to since it's just my soccer game. But they wanted to watch the game and I didn't mind. I'm kind of glad that they decided to stay and watch the game. We were going up against a different elite school that I recognized. Some of the teammates on the team were old friends at one point. But now we're rivals since we're rival school's and all.
By the end of the game Ouran academy won the first game of the season. I scored the winning shot and the host club took me away from the field. Kyoya was smirking but I have no idea why he was. We were deciding on what we wanted to dress up as. I personally would have suited being a werewolf. I told the others my idea and they thought about Kyoya being a vampire. We got our costumes ready for tomorrow and we all headed home to rest.

The next day
We got through all of the boring classes while Kyoya kept checking my work in each class. It's become a game the more answers I get right the higher the end of the year award will be. The more answers I get wrong I get the punishment at the end of the year. Which is kind of exciting if I'm being completely honest. Knowing Kyoya he will keep to his word so it makes it more thrilling.
We went to the club room and we got into our costumes along with our characters. Everyone else was a vampire but me being a werewolf. The golden trio was late to the club and apparently they're getting ready for their classes event which is pretty much a scaring contest. Sounds like fun if I'm being completely honest. As they were leaving I shout " DON'T LET THE CLOCK TOWER WITCH GET TO YOU!" Nekozowa came out of a coffin and offered to give them a good scare. Tamaki almost shit himself while I nodded my head vigorously wanting to scare the crap out of the first years.

I started acting like a wolf being repulsed by the idea of being near a vampire. But Kyoya joined in and placed his hand under my chin lifting my head up to face him. I try to pull away as apart of the act but Kyoya keeps me there. I force my face to begin to turn red and Kyoya smiled and began to talk in his smooth voice. "You can't hide what you truly feel, I can hear your heart beating rapidly. Your face is also quite red as well, admit it you love me." I look away from Kyoya and sneer. "As if I would love an undead creature! You probably just want me for my blood!" Kyoya leaned in closer with his smirk. " I want you and your body why can't I have that? "
At that moment the girls began to all scream moe. I noticed a little friend popping out to say hello so we stayed like that for a couple seconds longer. Then I left to deal with my friend in the bathroom. Once I finally got that taken care of I went home and we continued doing the vampire wolf cosplay for awhile. On the day of class 1-A's scare contest I helped Nekozowa get the traps set up for the contest. Kyoya didn't want to join in so I was going to cuddle with him while everything went down.

The first years were in position and Tamaki dropped the skull down the staircase. Hikaru kicked it up the staircase and Tamaki kept saying the same phrase over and over again. "My skull. My skull. Why did you kick, my skull?" The four first years ran in two different directions. Karou and the class rep in one direction, while Haruhi and Hikaru in the other. We trapped Karou and the class rep in a room thanks to Nekozowa's servants. Haruhi and Hikaru we're trapped in the trap I set up.
While all this was happening Kyoya was reading in his book and I read over his shoulder with my arms wrapped around his waist. Nekozowa was sad that we didn't join in on the fun but I was having plenty of fun right here.
For the final scare all of class 1-A was all together and Belzenef the cursed doll cat thing showed it's shadow and made a noise scaring the whole entire class. In the school newspaper they were showcased as the ministers of scaredy cats. When the golden trio came to the club room they went straight towards me asking why would I do such a thing.

I wasn't expecting them to be targeting me for scaring them. "I was with Kyoya watching you guys to make sure you wouldn't die. Besides I have to take Haruhi home too, you know." They weren't expecting Nekozowa and Tamaki to be apart of the prank since they already knew Mori and Honey were in on it. I had a pretty good Halloween seeing the golden trio scared senseless and being with Kyoya.

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