A day to remember

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John's POV

Today is the day! Me and Arlo have been planning to bring Sera and Elaine to the movies with us and suddenly disappear. I planned the whole event and Arlo insisted on paying for everything else, and while Sera and Elaine are together I plan to finally confess how I feel to Arlo. It's been a few months since we formally knew each other and I'm confident he'll accept! As long as I can keep Elaine away from him long enough to get him alone things should go as planned. The only thing I have to worry about if what to wear. I called Sera hoping she would know. "So should I wear the blue hoodie with the yellow sneakers or the yellow tshirt with blue jeans?" Sera laughed and said "Look in the back of your closet, I put an outfit in there for special occasions." I look in a pink and black bag and see white Jean's that go a little past my knees, a black crop top hoodie, and blue high tops. "Sera how much did this cost?!" I asked worried about her spending, "Only like $50 okay? Just wear it and meet us there." Sera hung up and I got dressed, everything looked pretty good on me and I liked it. I head out as fast as I can and see everyone outside the mall. Elaine is attached to Arlo who waves and smiled at me and Sera looks annoyed at them. "Hey guys, did i miss anything?". "Not really, let's go to the theater now." Arlo said pulling Elaine off him and walking with me, i turn back to see Sera talking to her and her smiling. Everything is going as planned, Sera and Elaine are deep in conversation and the movie I picked is sure to hold their attention long enough for me and Arlo to slip away.

Arlo's POV

I have to hand it to John, his plan is brilliant. Not only does this plan get Elaine off of me and away from us but I've never seen Sera this happy before. I check my watch and see we have and hour and a half before the movie starts so we decided to get some candy to smuggle in. While looking in a candy store I see one of the workers with John in the back, not only does this piss me off but it worries me too. I watch them for a while before a go over and hear "So how much can I pay you for one night~?" I was no longer just pissed, I was now in that yandere kind of snap mode. I walk over to them and yank John away and shoved the worker away and glare at the guy who then runs off, John puts his arms around me and I feel him shaking "What did he do to you?" John shakes his head as if trying to regain his composure "He just kept talking to me in this really creepy way..." He looked up at me and was clearly distressed. I told the girls to hurry up so we could leave and didn't leave his side after that. 

~TIME SKIP: Brought to you by the Boba Inc restaurant chain, they'll be back!~

Me, John, Eline, and Seraphina were on the escalator going up to the AMC dine in movie theater, the girl's hadn't stopped talking to each other since the candy store which was almost an hour ago. We ordered dinner and went to our seats, John had trusted me with the seats so I put us in the 4th to last row and the girls in the very back because the back is good for makeout couples and our seats were next to the exit. Our food came and John dug in to his food, he had ordered a 3/4 quarter pound burger like at the restaurant Thurman's (great place BTW!). It was HUGE, and smelled like heavens greatest gift. A while later John looked back at the girls then nudged for us to leave, while walking away I looked back up to see Seraphina and Elaine making out roughly, it looked like Seraphina had claimed dominance and Elaine willingly went along with her. Once out of there me and John stop at a cafe to get something to drink before we go shopping for a while.

~TIME SKIP: 3 hours later.~

John was totally beat, the girl's texted us a while ago saying they got an uber home and were sorry for ditching us. Tonight was perfect! I got rid of Elaine as a block, John and I had a good time together, and went I take him home is going to be the best part. After another 10 minutes I tell him we should go home and that it's late, he agrees and we get in the car. While driving I noticed that John had fallen asleep 'What do I do now??? He looks so peaceful, but I had to get him home and into bed.....but he would probably want me to let him sleep, and since it's rude to go into someone's house uninvited I'll just take him home with me! I'm sure he won't mind.' Arlo thought to himself, smiling from ear to ear as he looked back over at the sleeping angel.


Arlo parked his car on campus grounds and carried John up to his dorm on his back, he then undressed the boy and let his eyes trace over the perfect skin that would soon be his to touch. Arlo put him in a long sleeve shirt of his, that was almost like a dress on him, and left his jeans on thinking it was best not to mess with anything below his belt. Arlo got into pajamas and laid down with John in his arms peacefully "Good night, and sweet dreams beautiful." Arlo whispered, making John smile in his sleep.



So uh...

It's been a while right??

I got mega grounded and had to delete Wattpad for a bit....I mean, I'm not really supposed to have it but.......commitment????

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and sorry for any spelling mistakes.

Have a lovely Day or Night my friends!!!

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