Restless nights, painful days

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John's POV

So far this week I've been through idiots trying to look tough, Doc's mocking and some shadow thing following me all over school. I swear it's even in the bathroom with me! So far, today has been okay. No one has bothered me, I'm early for class, and I have a great breakfast. 'Maybe god decided to give me a break-'. Just as I think my luck is changing some asshole trips me down the stairs. I hit the ground hard and I hear people laughing like its some joke. I turn around to see who it is and I see 2 girls and a guy standing tall and proud. Usually I would say something and get myself into a fight but for some reason I just got my papers and walked away like nothing even happened. When I get to my english class my teacher say "As you all know tomorrow is the beginning of PRIDE MONTH!!! So, in honor of the brave souls who face discrimination and hate everyday I am paring all of you with an upper classman to write a paper on Pride month and one person you know who is part of the LGBTQ+ community!" As she says that my eyes light up, I've always been a supporter of the LGBTQ community. When I was young my dad would take me to every parade and festival we could. My train of thought was disrupted when the teacher called my name. "John, I've decided to pair you with Arlo Chanela." My eyes widened and I asked if I heard him right, and I did. 'Arlo, king of Wellston, the guy I've loved since the beginning of school!? This is going to be hell.' After class I start thinking about where I should start with the paper, while I'm lost in my own head I bump into someone and guess who it is. The one and only blonde king. "A-Arlo!" I say flustered as my face turns red "S-sorry I was j-just getting to c-class" I stammer like an idiot and try to avoid eye contact when I realize I dropped all my papers. 'SHIIIIIT!!!!! He probably thinks I'm a Moran now'. I kneel down to pick up my papers hoping Arlo wound keep walking but he does the complete opposite and helps me with my stuff. I look Confused as he hands me my papers. I try to walk away but he grabs me, "Hey John I need to talk to you about our essay." he puts his arm around my shoulder and leads me somewhere. 'GOD SAVE ME'

Arlo's POV

He looks so tense and scared, it's cute watching him stutter. I put my arm son this shoulder and start leading him to the roof where we talk without people staring. His face is bright red and he won't look me in the eyes, I wait till doesn't suspect anything and move my hand down his back onto his hip. It looks like he almost jumped out of his skin when I did this, and the best part was I heard a quiet MEEP escape his mouth. He's almost too precious to mess with. . . Almost~.

John's POV

'JESUS CHRIST IM GONNA SCREAM' Never in my life have I seen someone like him. He acts so annoyingly hot!!! His hand is on my hip, he looks like a freaking god, and worst I HAVE TO WORK WITH HIM FOR A WEEK!!! If I don't make it, tell sera she was the greatest friend I ever had. (OK John, no need to be so dramatic). We reach the roof and he starts asking me questions about the project. I talk about my ideas for what feels like minutes to me and what must have been hours in real time, I talk with such enthusiasm, I feel like I might annoy Arlo but he listens and gives me his opinions on the project. It's nice to have my ideas heard and judged fairly.

Arlo's POV

John talks for hours missing several classes just talking so enthusiasticly. He rambles on and I half listen to him while I watch him glow with joy. I guarantee you can see light radiating off him. So cute, looks so innocent like this. Like a little kid talking about their favorite toy. God I just wanna scoop him up in my arms and hug him like he's mine. That would be beyond blissful. 'John, mine and no body else's, mine to hold, mine to kiss,  mine to call when ever I was down.' At this point I was no longer listening to the conversation and just watching him explode with creativity and excitement. 'His smile was bright and beautiful, his voice clear and sweet to hear. His-' my thoughts were interrupted. "ARLO!!!!!!" John yells "WHAT, IM LISTENING" I yell back trying to figure out why he was so mad "I asked you where we were going to start the paper?" Oh yeah, that thing. I really didn't care as long as I was with him. "How about your house?" John's face turns a little red before he says shyly "S-sure just, hurry up will ya." He says as he starts heading for the door, guess schools over...

John's POV

'Stupid, blonde, pretty boy! He wasn't even listen half the time! I bet he was thinking of some hot chick or bossing me around. God he's unbearable, why do I even like him?' I turn to face him and he looks down at me and smiles, I smile back and think 'oh right, that's why'. My face turns a little red as we walk out of school together to my house. When we get their he asks me "Why don't you live in the dorms, wouldn't it be easier to get to?" I respond "then I would haven't worry about people trying to kill me 24/7" Arlo looks away and says "oh right that". I blush and think to myself 'JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!! STOP BEING SO FUCKING HOT ALL THE TIME!!!!!' I open the door and Arlo looked astounded at how clean it was. After a few minutes of us working I hear his stomach growl like a beast. "Hungry?" I ask trying not to laugh, he nods and I make dinner for the both of us. I make one of my specials (Fried chicken, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, and mixed veggies) When I was done I saw Arlo drooling over dinner, then he dug in like this was his last meal. After dinner we were bother exhausted. We tried to continue working but... I fell asleep

Arlo's POV

'Aw he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Guess I'll carry him to bed.' I picked him up bridle style and as I suspected, he's light as a feather. I look in the first room and luckily it's his room. I take off his shoes and tuck him in, as I'm about to leave I feel him grab my hand tightly. I turn around to move his hand but... He looked to beautiful to disturb. I moved him over a little and layed down next to him. 'guess I'm staying the night'.

2 parts in one day????
I guess sleeping got boring...

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