Digging up the past..

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~Arlo's POV~

John was laying on my chest, snoring gently and curled up into a little roll, it was adorable to see his hair almost float in his sleep. 'I am one of the luckiest people in the world..' I thought to myself. John stirred a bit and yawned, rubbing his eyes a bit before laying back down trying to go back to sleep. I chuckle at the effort and he whined "No morrninnnnggggggg..." Pitifully and I kissed his head "If you can go back to sleep I'll stay." I said and I watched him try for 3 solid minutes to try and fall asleep before sitting up on my lap in defeat, I gently hold his cheeks and kiss his nose "It's okay, I'll stay with you anyway." I said and he brightened up, hugging me around the neck and laying back down with me as he turned on the TV. We stay there for a few hours, just laying around lazily before my phone pinged and John got up and gave it to me. I looked and it was a message from Blyke

Blyke: Agwin just declared a terf war on all the schools in the area, he's won all the schools that have agreed and he wants Wellston to battle.

I sigh in my head, I was gonna have to deal with this sooner or later. Maybe I should pass off my title soon. "You're making that thinking face, what's wrong??" John asked, somehow he is always able to read me like a book "Just school rivalry crap, nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about." He said, kissing his forehead. John giggles a bit and rolls onto his back "Does being king ever get tiring to you?" He asked. 'That's a little out of character.' I thought "Well yeah, but it's nothing I can't handle, why?" John looked to the side then sat up holding his shoulder ".....You know I love you right?" He asked, I started worry "Of course I do." I responded and I sat up too, he then turned to face me "And you know that I never want to hurt you or do anything to make you mad?" 'What's going on???' I nod slowly as John looks like he's really straining to continue. 'He's gonna tell me something.' I re-adjusted myself and held his hands "I'm here to listen, not to judge." I said, John bit his lip and looked like he was tearing up. As I reached for his face he said it "I have an ability." I was silent, frozen in place. He had an ability? Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't he protect himself?! "W-What??" Was all I could manage to say as John wiped his eyes "I-I'm sorry, I sh-shouldn't have brought this up." His voice cracked and I felt my heart break a bit, I hugged him close "Please talk to me..." John choked back a sob and started breathing to calm himself down.

For the next few hours John explained everything to me, his past life in New Boston, his time with Keon, how he tired to change after reading UnOrdinary, and his life up until now. He even told me about his mother being sick when he was younger and dying right before middle school, I felt awful to pry into his past like this but he also looked relieved to cry everything out. I sat there and listened to everything, all the crying, the rants, and hate and fear built up in him for so long just pouring out into verbal barfing. After a while it turned into incoherent sobbing as I hugged him close and laid back with him "It's okay, I'm here. Let everything out." I said, John cried harder into my chest. After he had calmed down and I had enough courage I spoke again "Do you plan on telling anyone else?" John shook his head no and I could understand why, while I think showing his powers to protect himself is smarter he clearly has issues right now with trusting others and himself "Okay, that's fine. Do you feel better?" John nodded and pulled his head up, the reminisce of tears drying on his face. I wipe his cheeks off with my thumbs and smile warmly at him "Thank you for telling me." I said. John smiles back and I pulled him down into a gentle kiss "I love you." He said, his voice a little horse after the crying "I love you too." I said back

~TIME SKIP: A while later, at Woba Boba.~

John had agreed to go to Woba Boba with me to get some fresh air after the talk to the dorm. I was really worried at first and I still am but he seems to be doing much better now than he was earlier, he's much calmer and is talking much easier. He's even agreed to show me his ability soon, I told him not to rush into anything he was uncomfortable with so we agreed when he was comfortable he'd show only me, and we both agreed keeping his ability secret for the rest of high school would be the best option. "Now, I know you're really not a fan of the idea but what would you so if you went to a professional to talk to? Like a real professional, not like Keon." I asked. John thought for a moment as he ate his jelly pie cake creation that the Boba place had made. "I guess...it wouldn't hurt to try." I smiled, kissing John's hands and petting his hair "Thank you John." He smiled "No problem cutie." He said. "Hey, that's my line." I said and he giggled. We stayed talking for a while until a certain group of nuisances entered, Agwin kids and what looked to be one of their mothers. I cringe, Agwin kids apparently had a kink for drawing attention to themselves and getting on people's nerves when they don't get their way, so when I see one of the girls staring at John I immediately get pissy.

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