Confession's Pt 2

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After holding him that close to me, feeling his heat right next to me. I, sorta, kinda-


John's pov

-bit his nose, he jumped and screamed "OUCH". After that sera jumped out the bushes yelling "OH COME ON!!!" then the principle popped out of no where said "John, you have to get up". After that, things went black and. . . I woke up, it was a bad dream. I woke up with Arlo cuddling me peacefully. The sun hit the back of his head to make it look like he was a sleeping angle. I got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

~Time skip, brought to you by your asshole of a writer~

After I was done I turn around to see Arlo walking around with my blanket still wrapped around him and a very cute bed head. "Morning sleepy head" "Morning John, how did you sleep?" Arlo said still waking up "pretty good, you?" "like a rock, I haven't slept that good in a while." "Glad to hear it, Blondy" Arlo glared at me, clearly he didn't like that name. I hand Arlo a plate (the same meal as in the dream) and he devour it like an animal.

Arlo's POV

'CHRIST ALL MIGHT THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!! How is he still single??? With food like this and looks like THAT it's astronomical how he's not taken!' I eat so fast a almost choke (on what? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) after I'm done I hear John trying not to laugh at me, he leans close and scraps off some food on my cheek. God he looks even more beautiful up close. "Don't laugh at the king!" "then don't make a mess"
(OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH) "King~". Alright, call me straight if I'm wrong but the way he said "King" was a little too sexual right?

John's POV

WHY DID I SAY IT LIKE THAT?!?!?!?!? I turn bright red as Arlo smirks at the way I said King and grabs my hand. I jump a little in surprise and he laughs then says "I know we barely know each other but I want to change that, I want to know who you really are. Not the 'Dumbass cripple' everyone says you are cause I know that's not you, and if you would let me I'd like to take you out for dinner." I feel my blank face go fully red and I reply "I'd love to go out with you." "Great! Meet me after school at Wobba Bobba okay?" "Sounds like a da- PLAN! I MEANT PLAN!" I turned red for the millionth time and try to cover my face. Arlo grabs my hands and looks at me sweetly and says in a clam loving voice "If you wanna call it a date I don't mind". 'WhyTheFuckingHellIsHeSoDamnHot?!?!?!?!?!?!?!'. My mind scrambles but a say calmly "Sorry I guess I'm use to the expression." I put on a I'm an idiot smile and laugh a little. "Well, I'll see you after school right?" He says. I respond "Yeah after...scho- ITS HALF PASSED 9 WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!". We both run around trying to gather stuff and before you know it we're out the door running like our phone's is at 1% and the only one charger for miles. When we get to school Arlo pulls me in for a hug and whispers "Try not to die." I nod and hug back. Once we both say bye we head to our normal routine, me in classes and him on the roof top.


As school began to let out everyone was in shock seeing John walk through the halls with no injuries what so ever. He was beaming, smiling, cheerful! The other student and teachers were scared at how happy he was. As John was about to leave some random douchebag with slightly better than average stats stopped him. As he goes to punch John he was stopped by a certain blondes shield, Arlo walks up next to John and holds him close. The girls are visibly upset, grinding their teeth and cracking their knuckles. Arlo threw daggers at the guy and said "If I catch you doing this again I will crush you into a paper weight." The guy was horrified, sweating and trying not to cry as he apologized and ran away. Arlo looked at me and said "You" then paused, everyone waited for him to say something rude or obnoxious. "Good job not getting hurt today, let's go." The faces of the majority of students was a mixture or shock and confusion, the rest were fangirls drooling. Arlo walked away holding John cloes and petting his (super soft) hair. As they walked out of school and to Wobba Bobba, people stared hard at the sight of Wellstones king and The most annoyingly ballsy cripple (John has a reputation outside of school too) when they finally reached the tea shop they were shocked to see the shop is closed. John eyes filled with tears as he saw the tea place he loved so much being closed down for health code violations. Arlo grabbed John's hand and led him somewhere "I know that ace meant a lot to you but there is somewhere I wanna take you." John's eyes filled with hope again, he hadn't been too many places in the town (despite living here for 3 years) he knew about the closest store and the Bobba place. Arlo led him to a beautiful cajun restaurant, Arlo knew this place was perfect. He studied the place a lot, it had red brick walls, a bright red roof, stone pathways, and potted plants in the ground and hanging from the canopy, it was an LGBTQ+ friendly place and the food was 4.5 stars. Talk about a perfect place for a date for ANYONE.

John's POV

I was beyond impressed, the place was beautiful! Plus I love cajun food. I don't know if he planned this or he just found it but I adored it more than anything! We walked in and were greeted by a kind women in her mid to late 40's, before we were seated she asked "Friends or couple?" I turned bright red and almost started steaming. I tried to answer but arlo interrupted me "We're fri-" "Couple miss" she nodded and led us to a booth. Arlo held my hand the entire walk and sat in front of me. I tried to brush off the couple thing and just talk with him. Every word he said made me fall deeper and deeper in love. I watched as he went on and on about all the things he loved. Reading about famous writers, clam quiet places, classical music, and (of course) black coffee. After we ordered, I noticed Arlo just looking at me, he had a dopey love sick puppy kinda look on his face. I asked if something was on my face and he shook his head no. Then he started asking me questions about me, what I liked and found interesting, what I wanted to do with my life and how i planned to get it. After a minute he asked me "So, are you interested in anyone?" my cheeks turned pink as I tried to form an answer "I-I um w-w-well I uh... m-maybe?" Arlos smile faded as he became dead serious. "Maybe? It's a yes or no question." I got a little scared, if he wanted a straight answer he might follow up and ask who it is. "Um I d-don't" Arlo's eyes narrowed 'I-is he mad I'm lying or is he mad it's not him?' I started shoving chips in my mouth to distract myself but Arlo grabbed my wrist and made me focus. "Your lying. You only studder when  your nervous or lying." I tried to think of a believable and not stupid response but I said "M-maybe you make me nervous..." Arlo's eyes widened as he started to blush. 'WHAT DID I DOOOOO!???!?!!?!??!?!'

Arlo POV

'I make him nervous? Is he scared of me? Or scared to embarrass himself? I need to be sure before I do anything too intense' I held is hand calmly and asked him "What am I to you?" He turned beet red as he tried to answer "W-w-well y-your my um m-my uh..." he tripped over every word he said, usually I find this cute but I wanted an answer. I NEEDED an answer. I looked him the eyes and he calmed down a but ans said "Your my-" just as he was about to answer someone pops up and yells "HEY ARLO!!!" 'E-Elaine??? Why is she here?' I thought then said "Why are you here?!" She smiles and says proudly "I'm here to discuss the next turf war meeting with you!" I was really getting annoyed with her "I told you we would talk about this tomorrow. Now can you lea-" as I was about to finish she sits down and started blabbing about different schools and shit like that. I look over at John and he doesn't seem too bothered by her being here, I dont wanna seem cruel in front of him so I let her stay.

Elaine POV

'YES I finally stopped one of their interactions. It's been difficult lately with Sera, Remi, and Isen always needing help with stuff. Now I'll just stay with them until it's time to go home, then I'll confess to arlo once John leaves to go home! We'll make it back to the dorms just in time for curfew. You'll finally be mine! There's no way he'll say no, I'm perfect! You go Elaine'

John's POV 

I'm trying not to look mad because this is one of his friends and I dont wanna be rude, but trust me when I say. 'Elaine, you won't fucking win this game, he's already so close to me. Even if you do ask him out he'll come running to me for advice. I'll eliminate you one way or another.'


After 3 hours of talking and hanging out it was getting late, it was time to leave. As the walked john said "Well I better get back to my house" (john moves into the dorms like next week)
Arlo then said "I'll walk you home" john smile while Elaine look horrified. "B-bit arlo, curfew is-" "I'm the king, I can be a few minutes late for curfew" after a few minutes Elaine started to the dorms and arlo and John when to John's appartment. When they got to the house John said "Thanks for today, it was really nice." "Well it would have been better without Elaine." John blushed and pulled Arlo close and kissed his cheek "Your my world Arlo, nigh." John shut the door leaving arlo in shock and pure delight as they both thought 'I'll have you to myself one day. One day soon'

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Sorry I haven't been on my schedule lately, stuff happened and I'll make a chapter about it if you want. LATER MY LOVES!!!

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