Tea Time | Yanan ft. Honggu

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You walked into the boba shop, immediately feeling the air chill you as the glass door closed behind you, shielding you from the humidity of summer.

"Y/n!" Yanan called happily as he spotted you, raising both arms up in the air, running toward you to give a hug. You returned the hug cautiously as both of your hands each held a milk tea, one for you and one for Yanan, that you had bought earlier.

"Yanan, why are we meeting at a boba place? I told you I already got us tea."

"Oh mY goD (*read it in his voice, you know what ptg maker clip I'm talking about*) I thought you said you wanted to get tea."

You sighed, "Let's just sit down." You found a table, unfortunately under the cashier's glare who noticed that you hadn't ordered anything from them. You ignored him, pushing your guilt down and your straw through the plastic lid of your cup, finally about to relax and take a sip when-

"Yanan," you heard a voice say cooly behind you.

"Hongseok," Yanan mumbled into the straw of his tea, eyeing him.

You turned your head and saw that Hongseok was standing between the doorway of the shop. "Uh, hey, Hong. What's up?"

His eyes darted toward you, interrupting his glaring contest with Yanan and instead flashed a sweet smile. What an acting king, you thought. "Oh, nothing much, Y/n," he said as he walked to your table. "Just waiting for ChAnGgU-" Yanan physically flinched in his seat at his name, "-to arrive."

"Uh, well, ok, we're just gonna head out-"

"Mind if we sit together and catch up?" Hongseok suggested, quickly pulling up a chair next to you.

"Um, well, it's just that I have some work I should probably do and, uh, Yanan-"

"No." Yanan said, surprisingly confident. "Let's talk."

"Go on," Hongseok politely challenged.

"I will! I won't just go on, I'll go- OFF." Yanan was bursting with intensely cute anger. "You and Changgu had to have gotten along. He has no time to hang out with me anymore! He left me- ME! AND my visuals. For YOU?"

"It's not my fault Changgu can't help running to me." Hongseok comebacked calmly. At those exact words, Changgu burst through the door, stray leaves stuck in his hair, as he went to sit by Hongseok.

"Thanks for waiting. There was a cat stuck in a tree." Another one? You thought.

"It's ok. You're here." Hongseok said, wrapping an arm around him. "For me."

"HOME WRECKER-" Yanan shouted.

"I think you mean bias wrecker," you said.

"-CHANGGU STEALER." He continued.

"Oh hey Yanan! And Y/n! Long time, no see." Changgu said cheerfully clueless.

"You can't steal what's yours-" Hongseok countered.

"Yours... ?" Changgu was lost.

But the cashier had lost it, shouting, "HEY JIJIRIS." He loomed over the table, us not even noticing him approaching with all the arguing. "We're closing."

"In the middle of the day?" You asked.

He shrugged, "I'm tired."

"Sorry, uh..." Yanan squinted at the guy's name tag, "Mothwon."

"It says Shinwon." Changgu supplied.

"Whatever, Wonton." Hongseok said dismissively.

"Hongseok, don't be rude." Changgu scolded.

"But you are all the time," you said quietly, sipping your tea.

"Well, Honggu or whoever y'all are need to leave." Shinwon said.

"I'm Hong. He's Changgu." Hongseok clarified flustered, pointing at who was who.

"Sounds like a pretty cute ship name," you said.

"YANONE ISN'T DEAD YET." Yanan screamed.

"I think," Changgu sighed, getting everyone's attention by the fact that he was no longer smiling. "I don't want to be with either of you." You choked on your tea. "I may be Yeoone, but I'm not yeo property." Changgu said annoyed, getting up to leave. "The yeo-only one I need... is myself. Love yeoself." He walked out the door, done with everyone fighting over him, and put on his helmet.


The sound of Changgu riding away on his motorcycle and into the sun echoed straight through the empty hearts of Yanseok and the empty cup of your boba.

"Well, I'm out of tea. Kobe." you yelled, tossing your cup into the recycle. Shinwon slow clapped as you walked out the door.


10 minutes later.

Yanan and Hongseok sat outside on the curb of the now closed cafe, sharing a single (like them) boba.

"What do I do now..." Yanan asked, passing the cup to Hong, "without Changgu?"

"And without Y/n too..." Hongseok sighed. He took a sip, catching a boba pearl in the straw. He took the straw out of the cup and aimed it at the oblivious Yanan. Yet at the last second, he had a change of heart and shot the boba down on the street instead. With newfound determination, Hong said, "There's only one thing we can do."

"Figure out what else brings joy in our lives and move on?"

"What, no- We... We're gonna sing."


"Yes, sing about our problems instead of fix them."

10 months later.

Cube has announced Hongseok and Yanan to star in their first Disney Channel original movie directed by Kenny Ortega.

Cube has announced Hongseok and Yanan to star in their first Disney Channel original movie directed by Kenny Ortega

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A/n: Shinwon used to work as a cashier at Boy Who Cried Wolf.

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