Halloween with Ptg

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"Awwweee, cute." Changgu smiled down at the trick or treater in front of him, who wore a black cloak with the hood on, a red and gold scarf, and round glasses. He noticed the drawing of a lighting bolt on their forehead through the dim porch lights. "Where are your parents?" Changgu asked politely concerned, holding out a basket of Kit Kats.

"Very funny," Jinho replied, rolling his eyes. He grabbed a Kit Kat and walked past Changgu inside to their dorm.

Changgu just laughed and closed the door, only for it to ring immediately after.

(Ring a-)* Ding-dong.

Someone else had actually come with Jinho.

"Yuto!" Kino yelled from inside, who had been sitting on the couch, trying to find a Halloween movie to watch once everyone got here.

"I didn't know you were there," Changgu apologized after having opened the door. Yuto was wearing all black. "Your costume..."

"I'm a dementor," Yuto explained.

"But you give us ✨~ H a p p i n e s s ~✨!" Kino stated. "Not take it away."

"Soft," Yuto said. "But dementors are dark and cool, like me."

"Where are your costumes?" Jinho said to Kino and Changgu.

"Oh! I'm Changgu," Hyungguwued, wearing a blue apron with eggs.

"And I'm Hyunggu," Changguwued, wearing a purple cardigan. He pushed his hair back to also reveal a row of rainbow stripes painted across his ear.

"Whoa, I didn't see that earlier," Hongseok said, who had been in the kitchen, struggling to carve a pumpkin in his Iron Man costume. "That's so cool." Changgu's ears began to turn red.


Yuto being closest to the door opened it this time.

It was Hui and Wooseok.

"Lookie !!" Hui said excited, not seeing Yuto and immediately running to the center of the living room to get everyone's attention. "I'm a chicken !!" He stated proudly, flapping his winged arms up and down.

"Why?" Jinho asked.

"Because- ~ I BELIEVE I CAN FLY ~" He answered in song.


"Chickens don't-" Jinho took in a big breath of air. "FlyyyyyYYYYYYY" out singing Hui, going up an octave higher at the end and holding the note for a unnecessarily long time.

"I said that I believe I can, not that I could." Hui pouted. "Why does no one listen to me?!"

"Wooseok, what are you?" Changgu asked as everyone ignored Hui.

"Uh, I'm a tree," he stated as if it should be obvious, wearing all brown and pointing to the long green pieces of paper sticking out from the top of his head.

"But those leaves..." Kino said, laughing. "Make you look more like, weed."

"Oh god," Weedseok said.

Suddenly all the lights went out.

"Eeeeeee," Hui cried.

"I don't like this," Yuto stated.

"Did Cube forget to pay our electricity again?" Jinho wondered.

"Help me..." an unknown voice pleaded in the dark.

"Who's there?!" Hongseok screamed.

"There's no way out..."

"Hey!" Hongseok felt a hand harshly grab onto his shoulder. "Sh-Shinwon?!"

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