Meeting him again xxx

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Ciara's P.O.V

We were at the arena where Taylor concert is going to happen, Taylor is practising some of her songs and duets. it's pretty boring so i decided to logged on to twitter, i snapped a picture of Taylor singing and upload it to twitter with the description "girl with a angelic voice <3 @TaylorLouise" and tagged her in after that i logged off and just play a random game on my phone.

"Ciara" someone yell at me. "Yes" i said without even bother looking, "Hey you lazy buttface! come here i wanna introduce you to my boyfriend and his friends" i heard some laughs and i just walked where the voice is coming without leaving my eye on my phone and i bumped into someone i fell at my back and someone fell above me i can tell it's a boy because he is really damn heavy.

"Oh my god!" he yells. i just put my hand on his chest to lift him lightly because,has i told before he is really heavy. i found his eyes and he found mine, he put his 2 hands on the floor for support, we just stared at each other eyes and i think his eyes were thoughts were interrupted by some boy that i think their best friend.

"Uhm, guys what are you doing at the floor?" he ask with his irish accent. we noticed what he is saying and quickly got up, i saw 5 eyes staring at us liked we murder someone, i took a glimpse to the boy who is above me a few minutes ago, he's cheeks is burning and so do i, there is a awkward silence when Taylor destroyed it.

"Uhm,Ciara this is my boyfriend Zayn, Zayn this is my cousin Ciara" she introduces. Zayn held his hand for me to shake and i took it and smiled. "Nice to meet you Ciara" he said "Nice to meet you too Zayn" Taylor introduces them one by one but when it was the curly haired boy turn "Uhm this is Harry, Harry this is Ciara the girl that fell to you a while ago" she said and giggled, Zayn put his hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheeks which made her blush and then Louis shouted "Oh my eyes" "Shut up Lou!" Zayn replied. "Come on the show is about to start" Taylor shouted. we are all accompanied by bodyguards, Taylor and Zayn were infront while me and Harry was in the back. When were about to enter the stage he stopped me and held my wrist and dragged me to the nearest room he found, it was the janitors closet he closed the door and locked it. he pushed me to the wall, it was dark inside, i cant see him, but i can feel that my hands were glued to the wall and him pushing it, i can feel his hot breathe on my ear. "Ciara, you are the girl i meet in the park a few days ago, it was nice meeting you again by the way" he said. i didnt speak because i was too suprised, i can feel his hot breathe on my lips and suddenly he press his lips on mine lightly without even touching it. he smiled and opened the door and walked out leaving me there shocked. 




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