Bonding time xxx

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Ciara's P.O.V

After the concert was done we thought of having a small celebration at our house so Mr.Hestwore picked us up at the arena and drove us at our semi-masion that i was sharing with Taylor,the way there is pretty awkward except for the giggles and kissing thingy of Taylor and Zayn, they are so cute together awh. "Were here miss Taylor and Ciara" Mr.Hestwore says. So the boys doesn't know about us being princesses. "Ok Mr.Hestwore" we replied. The maids opened the door for us,Zayn and Taylor walked out first followed by Niall,Liam,Louis,Harry and me. when we were in the front door, Taylor is going to open the door but that two maids stopped her. "Miss you cant do that. that's our job" she says. "Ok" Taylor replied and sigh.

The two maids opened the door for us revealing our semi-mansion, the boys gasped at what they saw, "How come you'll never let us see your mansion Taylor?" Louis asked "Uhm,first of all it's not my mansion it's ours" she said pointing at me, "i didn't let you see this because you might broke it down" she said while giggling, all the boys except for Zayn who gave her a smile, glares at her. "What did you say?" Louis slowly coming towards her, "Uhm nothing" Taylor said backing away, "You better run in..........1.........2.........3" Louis shouted, Taylor run as fast as she can while Louis is following her behind.

"Babe, Taylor you might get your asthma again, stop running babe" Zayn said to Taylor who is still running away from Louis. "Uhm let's go to the living room" i said, everyone said "Ok" except for Zayn who said that he needs to stop Taylor from running,awh,a protective boyfriend. We all go to the living room and watched some cartoons,im with Harry,Niall and Liam, i decided to choose Spongebob. "Hey Taylor can we get some snacks?" Liam asked i nodded "Niall go with me" he said.

Me and Harry are the ones here at the living room. After a long awkward silence Harry decided to broke it off. "Spongebob's laugh is very irritating" Harry said. no one just say that to me, i love Spongebob ya'know? "What did you say" anger in my voice. "I said that Spongebob is irritating!" he screamed louder. i pushed him on the sofa and i crawled up to him so i was above him i lowered my head to him, our nose were touching "Your being a tease, two can play that game Haz" i said softly. i kissed his lips hardly and he kissed back and when he asked for entrance i didnt let him in i pulled back immediately. i start getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen to help Liam and Niall, i heard Harry said "Ohh, a feisty one" i smile to myself and help Liam and Niall to get some snacks. 

Live while were young <3

Joanna xxx

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