Who is she? xxx

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Ciara's P.O.V

"Give your heart a bre-" i pulled my phone and turned off my alarm, yes im a fan of Demi Lovato and my  nickname is Demi very ironic huh? i rubbed my eyes and saw that im in my room, i remembered what happened last night i kissed Harry, oh fuck! why did i kiss him, but i like it, i slowly touch my lips,

"TAYLOR COME BACK HERE!" someone shouted and i heard some girl laugh, i decided to take a shower after that i decided to wear a knee-length black shocks, a denim shorts and a floral tank top. i heard someone knock on my door and suddenly it opened revealing Taylor with a sleepy figure she plopped down my bed and pulled the covers in her head. "If somebody asked you where am i tell them you dont know, okay?" she said sleepily, "Uhm,okay, but why?" i asked while straightening my hair, "First i pranked Zayn and it's so funny"she said and giggled "Ella is here, and dont mind asking who's that girl is, she's very mean" she added and by that i heard some soft snores coming from her, after i straightened my hair i quickly got out of my room and walked downstairs.

I saw Harry with a girl sitting in his lap, they are both laughing at what are they watching,there is a weird feeling something in my stomach but i ignored it  and walked to the kitchen, i get myself a banana and walked to the island and sit, Zayn came downstairs and sit beside me, "Erm, Ciara did you know where Taylor is?" he asked, i can tell him where Taylor is right?, he is her boyfriend, "She's in my room, probably sleeping" i replied, Zayn didnt say a word and quickly got up from his seat and run up the stairs. "Babe im just going to get snacks" i heard Harry says in the living room, "Ok" i heard some high pitched girl voice it's irritating i must say, i heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen "Good morning" he said to me while getting something in the ref, "Mornin, is the girl in the living room...Erm...your girlfriend?" i asked while looking down quite ashmade, "Erm...yeah..her name is Ella she's really ki-" he was cutted by a loud laugh coming towards the living room, i think thats Taylor's laugh. "ZAYN DONT! PLEASE" she shouted while laughing. "No i wouldnt stop unless you said you love me, Taylor" Zayn replied. "OKAY OKAY, I LOVE YOU ZAYN, STOP TICKILING ME!" Taylor shouted causing everyone to wake up. The laughs ended and Harry said something i didnt get.

"You know Ciara, if you said you love me all of this will stop" he winked and walked to the living room again.

What is that supposed to mean? i thought to myself.

Live while were young <3

Joanna xxx

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