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~~~~~~ (mean I'm changing POVs in the middle of the chapter.)

--------- (means a time-skip)

( ) mean an author's note


        Winter was sweaty and tired as ever as Icicle and him flew towards JMA through the sand kingdom. Winter disliked the heat as much as he disliked fruit. He turned towards Icicle as Jade mountain Academy came into view. All Winter wanted in that moment was to cover his sleeping area in his frostbreath and take a long-ass nap.

        "Hey! Winter!" Icicle yelled to him, "Yeah?" Winter replied. Oh moons, this better be good Icicle. "Do you want to stop at that oasis over there?" The words that came from her icy, cold jaw were surprising, but upon closer inspection she was just as sweaty, tired, and out-of-it as he was. "Yeah, I would like that. I would like that a lot actually." Winter replied reluctantly to Icicle. "Good, cause I'm thirsty!" Icicle shouted so Winter would hear her. She dove down like a hawk going after a juicy squirrel, except she was going after the water. And Winter quickly realized something his sister didn't and when she realized it, it was already to late, it was a mirage.
        Icicle face planted right into the sand, and at least half her body was engulfed by the blistering hot sand.  Winter glided towards his now encased sister. A low, muffled cry of, "Winter get over here and help me or I will-" which is where she cut off, presumably because of the sand in and around her snout, could be heard. And supporting Winter's assumptions was the sound of coughing suppressed by the sand above her. It almost took all his willpower not to laugh at the fact his sister flew willingly towards the thing that was now slowing them down. Although Winter really didn't want to, he helped dig his sister out, and after she came out she said one of her famous one-liners, "Well, That was stupid." The funny part about it was, instead of having her arms crossed like she usually did, she was rubbing the back of her head. "Well, are you going to sit on the ground and contemplate your existence or pull yourself together and fly with me to JMA? Trust me, whining on the hot sand will be much worse than an icy ledge that'll make you feel at home." Winter looked into his sister's eyes, he could tell she agreed but didn't want to admit defeat. "Yeah, Yeah. Let's go." she replied in the same tone Winter gave her.


        Icicle and Winter flew towards JMA and finally got to rest their wings by closing them whilst their talons grabbed the wet, cold mud on the mountain. Winter assumed it was just him, but there was a sudden surge in the heat as the two icewing siblings traversed through the sea of dragons, attempting to find the entrance. "Count't the 'Dragonets of Destiny' made the entrance at least taller than a fully grown adult so you can actually find it?" Icicle asked slightly annoyed that the entrance was so much more difficult to find than catch a seal back in the ice kingdom. Winter turned to his left to see a beautiful, and surprisingly much healthier nightwing dragonet that looked to be 5 or 6. Hmm, this dragon seems different from the others... Winter thought as the dragon turned away from him. Her appearance wasn't much different from another nightwing's, other than the fact her head was slightly bigger and had teardrop shaped scales at the corners of her eyes. That could be helpful if he needed to find her in a crowd, although Winter doubted he need that information. Wow, I wonder what your name is. Winter thought, Well, to late now, I can see the entrance cave.
        Winter walked toward the cave and was met with yet another nightwing. What is it with me and nightwings today? Winter thought as the nightwing spoke, " Hi! I'm Fatespeaker! You must be Queen Glacier's nephew! Your sister already came in and is at her cave. Here is your schedule and your winglet page, as well as your ID. Your cave is that way." Fatespeaker gave Winter his items in a little pouch and he tied it to his wrist. "Are you going to tell me how to find which cave i'm in?" Winter asked with a little tint of rudeness in his tone but it was almost undetectable, but Fatespeaker didn't notice. "oh, no! It's on your schedule!" Winter looked down at his schedule and flew towards the room the schedule said to go. The papers Winter read also said that he was apart of the Jade winglet.
(which from now on will be JW)

        Winter went into the cave the parchment page had said and he saw one other dragon in the room, not the nightwing he saw outside but a different one, Winter was confused. He looked at the paper again and saw that the dragon in the room was wearing a name tag. Bigtail, that isn't Moonwatcher. "Hey I think your in the wrong room." Bigtail looked up at Winter and realized he was in the wrong room. "Oh, sorry." he said and left in the same amount of time he had spoken. Then the supposed Moonwatcher walked in to take his place. Well this will be interesting. Winter thought

Hey Guys! Skarr Here! I'll be surprised if this story even gets A view! This is my first time writing on this program! I'll try to update a lot but i have no idea where this story's plot is going so i'm sorry if it is bad. And Yes, i know Moonbli Is canon but i really don't give a flip what is canon and what isn't so here is my crappy and cringe writing of the prologue of a MoonxWinter story but i really hope you enjoyed it! Either way, author Skarr out! Oh and yeah i know it's short. sorry!

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