Chapter 4

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        Winter turned to look over his shoulder at Turtle, who up until this point Winter had thought ran away but somehow managed to piss Daggerfish off enough that he was already pinned to the wall by said dragon. Already gotten pinned huh? You really do suck at this Turtle. Hold on, if i'm correct i should be able to make objects out of ice with enough willpower. Winter looked to his left and saw none other than a little block of ice. About 3 feet wide, half a foot deep,and 7 feet high. Bitter Irony to the rescue. Again. Out of the blue Flame roared and rushed Winter. He swung but something blocked, more importantly, an icy talon blocked, plucked the sword from his talons and threw it behind itself. Winter formed a pure dragon out of nothing but ice. Well now the tables have turned have they not? Winter thought. "Save Turtle, I'll call if I need help." Winter whispered. The new ice dragon made of nothing but the stuff charged Daggerfish and pinned him in a matter of mere seconds. Winter looked at Turtle and nodded towards the exit in which Turtle looked way to happy to be out of this situation and Winter on an odd enough scale, could relate. His abusive father with his monotone voice was always nagging at him and he would have done anything to shut him up. He had Hated his icewing training back in the ice kingdom and whilst it only made him stronger, Winter wanted to live a little. Be out with friends, help his aunt, hunt, maybe even draw something. But his father would have none of it. Never has. Never will. And Winter knew it all, all along. A dragon roaring and rushing towards him at incredible speed, silence, and reflexes dodging knives being thrown at Winter without batting an eye. Damn, Must be Battlescar. A worthy opponent. Winter knew his opponent. He had to take out Battlescar as fast as possible because Winters knowing of him led to deeper research which granted him with the knowledge that Skywings with green fire and minor amounts of green scales, could change time. Fast-forward or reversal of time. In the blink of an eye she had Winter pinned to the wall.  Shit. Shit. Shit-  Winter's thought was interrupted by another dragon knocking Battlescar off of Winter. Winter's minion took a good look at Battlescar and with a kick to the head she was out cold. Well that was lucky. Winter thought. He looked at the remaining dragons, who unsurprisingly looked mortified at what they had just witnessed. Winter turned and spoke for the first moment in a while," Get em'" The ice rendition of Winter rushed the single remaining attacker, who booked it for the exit, but the latter reached him first. In 3 blows he was down and over. "You're dismissed." Winter said, to which the ice dragon dissipated into nothing but a fine dust. He then proceeded to turn and run after the trail Turtle had followed to leave, all the while attempting to contact Moon. 


        Turtle burst into Moon's room, looking as if he just fought another Sandwing succession-esk war. "Moon. Get the others. Winter's in trouble." He explained the situation that was on the other side of the school. "You have to be kidding me. Winter isn't physically able to piss that many people off at once." Moon stated matter-of-factly. "no, no." Turtle said through pants,"He saved me. It was meant to be a trap, presumably that was meant to end in my death." Moon looked at him with worried eyes, "If there are already small groups of dragons trying to kill people, then when are gangs going to show up? Clans? Whole armies? This could be bad. We have to go get him." Moon agreed. "I'll go get the rest of our winglet. See if you can reach him, we'll all meet back here for a rendezvous." Turtle said already moving for the exit. "Ok" Moon replied

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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