Chapter 1

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        Well finding out I was talking to a dragon I thought was named Qibli but wasn't is quite an embarrassing thought. Moon walked in to the cave that really was hers. She walked in to find a icewing sitting surprisingly still. His ledge that she instantly knew was his, wasn't even covered in his frostbreath. Well as there isn't anything else to do as it's Saturday, might as well talk to him. "Hi! I'm Moonwatcher." Moon looked at her schedule. "You must be Winter." Moon said awkwardly. Winter did nothing but look at her with an unreadable expression. Moon nodded her head. Well I can successfully say I look really stupid right now. Moon thought as she went over to a bed of leaves. I can't tell if I should claim this or wait. Just as Moon finished the thought she looked up to the roof of the cave and saw a bed up there. She knew about the energetic rainwing named Kinkajou and as soon as she saw the bed she didn't hesitate to claim the one next to her. "What you looking at Moon?" The soothing sound of the icewing's voice almost put her to sleep right next to the thing she should be sleeping on. "O-Oh! The bed on the ceiling" She turned to look at Winter. But instead of him looking at her, he was looking up at the ceiling. "I'll tell you what but that looks like something right out of 'Control'."

(FYI: Control is a dragon movie based on a book that is about a couple of dragons who are control freaks trying to take over Pyrrhia and I may or may not make the book on this platform.)

        Well Winter wasn't wrong about that and Moon had to admit it. And it gave them something to talk about. The two talked for about 3 hours about "Control". It was only when Kinkajou walked in that they stopped talking. Both looked up at the rainwing and soon Winter stood and asked, "Hey, are you the dragon who owns the bed on the ceiling? Because i'm beginning to question my sanity looking up at it." As he finished his sentence the rainwing beamed at the dragon twice her size(?). "Oh yeeah that's my bed but you can have it if you'd like. Also your scales are really pretty! Oh! And i'm a rainwing, you must be an icewing and this is a pretty nice cave here. Oh and is that a nightwing? Why is she here? Are you two sharing a cave? Is this to many questions? I think this is to many questions. I'll quit talking now." It seemed the rainwing was talking faster than the speed of light. (Not the speed of sound cause then they wouldn't hear her period.)
        Moon looked at the little rainwing who apparently froze Winter even though he is an icewing. Moon decided it would be better for all of them if she intervened. "Actually, I think Winter is saying you can keep your bed as he has his own bed." Moon decided to read Winter's mind at that moment Wow, Thanks Moon, Oh and by the way I can read minds too you know. The Icewing looked so sexy in that moment Well, She thought, An icewing who can read minds, that's something you don't hear everyday. Moon looked over at Winter who was looking at her with a slight smile on his face. She turned away, a slight blush covering her face, she knew about how icewings and nightwings were at war, but being in this sort of moment had made her forget about everything she knew.
No, I can't be wi-
NO, Ugh, why do i even have internal battles with myself? They aren't internal if there is another mind reader in the room? Hey Moon. What? Did you know we could have entire telepathic conversations with each other and no one but us would know about them? Hmm, No. I did not know that.
        Their telepathic conversation was cut short by none other than Fatespeaker rushing into the room. "Hey Moon?" Fatespeaker asked panting, "Can you follow me for a good minute?" The question was one of, if not, the weirdest question she'd been asked in the about 6 hours she's been here at JMA. "Yeah, sure?" Moon said confused. "And before either of you ask, yes Winter. You can come." Fatespeaker had a look of worry on her face. "Actually I think I'll stay right where I am." Whilst his words were cold, he meant them with all due respect. Which from him, was none. Even though Moon had only known him for almost a fourth of a day, she had an urge to drag him along until he messaged her through telepathy. Don't worry, I'll always keep in touch. Tell me if anything goes down, then look to your left and I'll be there. Why left? Just.. don't ask. It's a long story. Alright.
        Moon followed Fate towards what looked like something right out of a horror movie. A dragon lay on the floor next to a knife. The item that supposedly caused this whole thing. The dragon had stab wounds all over their scales, two of the bigger gashes were on their torso. One on their underbelly and the other their upper back Hey, it's Winter. See anything? Also, I heard of a trick that apparently works. It states if i go into another dragon's head and say their favorite something, one of their eyes will change color and the dragon who said the favorite object will be able to see out of that eye. Can I test that theory? Sure Winter, but how does the affected dragon get that eye back? The other dragon leaves their head. Ok, now that I think about it, that makes total sense! Alight try it in, 3, 2, 1, GO! Scrolls. Moon felt a weird sensation in her left eye. She looked into a conveniently placed mirror placed to her right.It had bits of mirror falling out of it and a spiderweb crack where the face would be. Moon crouched(?) to look at herself. The only different thing about her appearance was a now blue, left eye. So that's what you meant by 'Look to your left.' Heh, that's pretty funny

Hello again everyone! Author Skarr here! I really hope you guys are enjoying the book so far because I still have no idea where the plot is going but I ❤️ writing it! I also hope to do a WOF : Truth or dare book that isn't Moonbli centered, Blech! I mean no offense to Moonbli fans but almost everyone who has the courage to write something like this is a winterwatcher shopper and personally, I am one too. Sorry for my ranting. Hopefully we can get the next part out by tomorrow but that may just be a rainy daydream. I'll see you all in the next chapter. Peace!
Also, Big thanks to my first reader for showing themselves! LonelyTooLong, thank you for showing yourself, and liking the chapter and/or the book!

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