Thank you for 1.02 K reads

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----For the 1.02 k overall reads-------

I want to thank you all of you who up until now didn't stop reading my book. Actually the first reason why I started writing this is because I want to share my imaginations to others through a story but as the months go by, I started to love writing even more.

English is my first language. I learned speaking my country's language when I was seven. I transferred to my country and I started learning my language until I got used at my country's language. I became unconfident about my English and I lost my accent.

So writing this book in English, as it gives me tons of ideas, it helps me improve. I became confident in English again.

I started to write because of my imaginations.

I didn't dream of becoming an author or a writer at first, it just came naturally and I started to love it.

And as the days pass, a thought suddenly popped up at my mind.

I don't wanna just share my imaginations. I want to help people to get inspired and motivated. I may not be that great at it, but I'll try my best to put my story and words in their hearts. Even if it's just a little. It will mean a lot.

I know getting 1.02 k reads is not that high, but it still makes me smile.

I want to thank you _jEoNgGuK_97. You're the first one who commented at my story and because of you I got inspired writing again. Thanks for voting too.

With just 1 comment, I got excited and motivated. I know its just little, but it made me happy.

And also BangtanWormz for adding a comment too. It makes me happy again and for voting.

I also want to thank Rose_Mirabel . You were the first person to vote for my story up until now hehe.

There was also this 2nd person. But my notification didn't mention the name, it only said "1 other". I tried to find who it was, but it didn't work. Whoever it is, please tell me.

I also want to thank


For adding my story on your reading lists.

By the way, I tried to find the "5 others" that voted to some parts of my story but it didn't tell me who it was. It just said "5 others"

To those "5 others"

Whoever you are, I really want to thank you. I really am.

I tried my best finding the usernames/profiles through my notifications but it didn't show up

To those who were not mentioned but if in case you voted, commented and added this to your reading lists, please tell me so I can add you here.

And I also want to thank you to those readers, even though I don't know you, I still want to thank you. Maybe you didn't vote or comment but I'm still thankful that you took some time to read my book. To all of my readers, I'm really thankful. I really appreciate it. I really mean it. So much. 💖💖😍😍

The views are just little but it still makes me smile 😊😊

Once again, thank you for reading my story. I promise to do my best and to continue writing, as long as I have the time but I really love writing hehe.

Once again, thank you and thank you. This really means a lot.

To those missing 5 who voted that my notification didn't mention please tell me who you are but still I really want to thank you. 💖😍

To all of you, thank you and God bless.

And remember,

Follow your dreams. Nothing is impossible right? And doesn't mean you can't reach your dream, it doesn't mean you should already stop improving and enhancing your passions.

Dreams were planted in our hearts for a purpose. Ask yourself, why did you dreamed your dream? We may be imperfect but God doesn't look at that. He always looks at our desire to do our best.

God bless and thank you again! Hehe wait for the next chapter! I'm working on it!

I love you all! 💖💖

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