First day at SPAS

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And he

And he pushed away my head and grabbed my wrist and started running back to the dorm with me.

"Hey! Why did you pushed my head earlier!? Doesn't mean you're an idol you can do that to me! "

"Shhh" While covering my mouth

"Hey! Answer me! " While trying to remove his hand from my mouth

"Can you please stop complaining! Oh here they come! Quick hide!"

"Who?! "

"The instructors"

What!? Why are the instructors still awake! Uh-oh not this again! I hate hiding. Why do I always need to hide. Lord please help mee

"Wait.. That's my dad..." Jungkook said while whispering

"What is he doing here? " I asked

"I don't know.... "

"Jungkook almost collapsed again!?" His father said while talking to Bang PD Nim

"But please that won't happen again and al-" Bang PD Nim was cut off

"Hey what are you guys talking about? Oh hi Mr. Jeon"

We were just listening to what they were talking about until Jungkook and I went upstairs again.

"So uhmm... Thank you for earlier. Well here's your dorm. Bye for now. Please don't tell anyone that we talked okay? No one else can know about this except for you and me. You know once you're an idol you should be careful at everything. "

"Thank you too Jeon Jungkook"

"Uhm so what's your name?"

"I'm Hope Louise"

"Oh haha bye for now Hope. Kamsahamnida"

I went inside my room already.

Wahhh. I just can't believe iiiiittt!!! I'm going crazy right now. ( I said in my mind while kicking my feet and hitting myself)

Looorddd Thank you so much! I wish I could say it to someone.. Hope NO no. SELF CONTROL.

But waaahhhhhh I'm going crazy right noww.

Wait for it Jungkookie! You're going to be mine! Hmm... I wonder what would I say to him


(Walks through a red carpet with clothes that only celebrities can afford)

*Camera flashes*

"Hey you're not that talented!" A hater said


"And who said that she's not talented!?" Jungkook said

"Jungkook my love! My hero! She told me I'm not talented huhuhu"

"Don't cry my dear" while wiping my tears

Stopped imagining

Bwahh Jungkook!!! Alcnncldpspqjysvbnxnskao. I'm going crazy right noww!!! My heart! Stop it!

Meanwhile Jungkook

(Looks at the stars at the terrace. He's eyes looks sad but still he's smiling)

Jungkook's POV


10 years ago

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