Childhood Friend '1'

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Charmaine's POV

This is the dorm.

I pushed the button of the doorbell and the door opened.

"I am Venom's Charmaine"

J-Hope's POV

I opened the door and looked at the angel standing in front of me.

I looked at her from head to toe.

Woah. How can someone be so beautiful.

She came closer to the door a bit after she knocked,

As she walk towards the dorm, her hair flew and dropped where it should be

My jaw just dropped from the sight

Charmaine's POV

Oh, so this is really the dorm.

I looked at J-Hope and smiled sweetly.

"Uhm. Good morning or afternoon. Hehe. I am Venom's Charmaine. Richie invited me. God bless. And you're J-Hope?"

I smiled.

J-Hope smiled at me.

He reminds me of the sunshine.

I was looking at him as I wait for his reply

Uhm... Why is he just staring and not talking?


After a few minutes of staring at me he suddenly came back to his senses and shook his head as he blinked both of his eyes

And smiled brightly again.

"I am your Hope. J-Hope." He smiled even more and laughed.

I looked at him for a while and just smiled and all is left is silence.

J-Hope's POV

Okay, never laugh that hard again..

Charmaine's POV

The both of us looked at each other awkwardly

I just laughed instead but stopped immediately.

J-Hope and I laughed loudly

The both of us suddenly stopped from making eye contact when Bang PD Nim came and smiled.

I formed a little 'o' on my mouth as I look to other directions.

"Good afternoon Charmaine. I am manager Bang PD Nim." Mr. Bang PD Nim greeted me with a smile

I bowed down and smiled

"Good afternoon manager Bang PD Nim."

"Is?" He stopped for a while I noticed that he was looking at my back to check if I'm with someone.

Who is he looking for?

"Is Mr. Lim there?" He grinned with a boxy smile

Bang PD Nim's POV

I will surely hit that Lim's face. How dare he place a trainee under his company who just got kicked out.

I mean no.

I don't have the right to accuse someone without proper and formal evidences. Besides, After all, we're friends and both wanted this dream.

I snapped out of my thoughts

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