the dream

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I'm running outside and I feel the wind flow through my hair and the nice breeze hits my face and the smell of fresh rainy cherry blossoms makes me smile. The way the moonlight lights up the sky it takes my breath away. Im walking through an orchard for what seems like for ever but I finally get to a big white house with a statue of a lion at the bottom step. I start walking up the stairs. when I get to the top the door swings open and mr.panda is standing at the top with a tray that has a cup of milk and a plate of cookies. As I walk in the main hallway is lite up with candles shining bright. I turn to the left and there is a massive mirror on the wall I stop and stare at my refection. My hair it's up in a high bun with the sides curled . I'm wearing a midnight blue dress that falls off my shoulders and is short up front but long in the back and is make out of the softest cloth but what gets me is the design on it is the night sky with the stars. I'm wearing black heels that make me 3 inch's taller. Im wearing a poster on my left thigh and it's covered by the puffiness of the dress. My face is covered with make up making my smokey gray eyes noticeable. My lips are painted with a dark blue color. But my face is heidden by a black lace mask that only covers my eyes. I grab a cookie and eat it as I walk through the hallway to a ballroom. The ball room is light with candles hanging... No floating from the ceiling they are repecenting the starts in the night sky. It is crowded with people I'm approached by a guy with Black hair down to shoulders and a small beard growing. His eyes are dark red with a scar across right eye. He's tall maybe 6'4 and muscular built like a house. He's wearing a black suit with a blue tie and a mask that only covers half his face. He offers me his hand and walks me to the dance floor. He puts his left hand my lower back and holds my right hand with his. My left hand rest on his shoulder and we start to dance through the night not saying a word to each other just staring into each other's eyes something about them are kind and tell a story... A story of longing for something or someone. I get a warm fuzzy feeling and I lay my head on his chest as we dance. After what feels like centuries of us dancing there is a loud crashing sound in the other room that cause me to jerk away from him and turn around. Everyone starts to run in fear and I grab for my weapon. Its a small round compressed metal thing I press a button and it extends to a staff I take my fighting position that's when a group of people dressed in red robes storm the room. That's when the guy I was dancing with stands next to me and smiles. Next thing I know I'm waking up to me hitting the ground.. I look at my clock and it's 3am..

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