new home

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I am woken up by Mr. Ruik wrapping me up in his arms.
"Asuka is there anything you want to bring with you from this room.?" His voice is soft his eyes are back to normal.

I grab Mr panda." I am good. Just Mr. Panda."

"Okay" we walk out side and we get in the back of a car and drive off.

I've never been in a car before it's something that the rich people have. I curl up with Mr panda and fall asleep.
When I wake up the back passenger door is open and the sky looks pink and orange with hints of blue painted around it. I slide closer to the door to get a good look and there is a guy standing at the back of the car. Just as I swing my legs out the door Mr. Ruik walks out side with two bags and a smile across his face.

"Well good evening sleepy head." His purple eyes are sparkling with happiness. " I got you food and juice." He hands me a bag and I slide back in to the car.

Mr. Ruik sits in the car and closes the door behind him. "So we are about a day away from your new home. And I was thinking that we could decorate your room any way you want it. And get you some more clothes, Maybe some books."

The moment he says books my eyes widen and my fork drops. But I quickly recover and start to eat the giant stack of white chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on top. After a couple of bites I open up my apple juice and take a couple of sips then go back to eating. When I finish up I put all my trash back in the bag and look about the window.

When we get to the house we pull up to the house it's nice and big and wooden. But it's an old traditional Japanese home. It was big wooden with a stone gate that was really tall. Looking to the right of the house I could see a big body of water. There was a big white front door with different colors of flowers on both side.

we get out of the car and I'm in aww just looking at this place. I run to the door then I kick my shoes off I'm waiting for Mr. Ruik to catch up.

" Let's go check out your new room." Mr. Ruik looks down at me a smiles.

We walk up a flight of stairs and take a right and walk all the way down the hallway.
There's a big wooden door split in 2. I push it open and behind the doors is a massive room with bookshelves on the walls going around the room except for a small part of the left side there is a window with a bench seat. A big bed with blue covers and the ceiling is painted with the constalations. There is a big stuffed panda bear in the corner of the room. To the far right of the room there is 2 doors with spacing in between them. I go to the first one that is closed and open it and it's a bathroom With a shower in the left corner and a bathtub in the right corner. There is a sink and a mirror with a counter. Close to the sink there is the toilet. I back up and closes the door and open the next one.
This one opens up to a closet that already has clothes hanging up I walk in and there are dresses on the right hanging up. To my left is uniforms both schools an gees. To the back there are all types of shoes on selves. The further back I walk there is a small corner of the closet that has some jewelry hang. I walk out the closet and look at Mr. Ruik.

"Mr. Ruik? " I look at him with a puzzling look.

"Yes Asuka?" He bends down to look at me.

I give him a hug and right as he wraps his arms around me there is a knock on the door. And a guy standing in a gray suit, with black short hair and glasses speaks.

"Sir your meeting is about to begin in the office." His voice is harsh and raspy.

"We will talk later at dinner. " He pulls back and looks at the guy in the suit.

"Akito very well please help Asuka settle in and whatever she wants to eat for dinner tonight lets make sure it happens."

"Yes sir " they walk off and I'm sitting in the room in aww.

I get up and go to the closet I get a t-shirt that is black with a panda on the front. I walk further down and grab a pair of pj pants. Then I walk to the bathroom start the shower after 15 minutes I get out and dry off and get dressed. I walk through the hallway and down the stairs I get four stairs in and I trip going tumbling down hitting the ground with a loud thud. Akito walks around the corner and helps me up.
"Are you okay ma'am." He helps brush me off.
"I'm fine thanks for helping me up. Where is the kitchen?"
"What do you want for dinner and I'll make sure it's ready. " he walks with me to the kitchen. It's big yet has plenty of space it there are a lot of kitchen appliances some I've never seen before.
" can we have chicken Alfredo for dinner with mash potatos and brown gravy. And cookies and milk for dessert? " I eyes sudden as I talk about food.
"I can see what we can do now you run along and explore. Mr. Ruik will be done with his meeting soon. If you want you can go and wait for him you can he's in the library if you go
Straight across the stairs he'll be in there."
"Okay. " I run to the door just as there Mr. Ruik walks out I come to a stop right next to him hugging his leg.
He looks down at me and smiles. " well hello there. What are you doing ? "
I smile at him " I was wondering if you would come play with me?
"Play??" His purple eyes have a hint of confusion in them.
"Tag your it" I tap his knee and run away after a few minutes I stop and look behind me. To see that he is still sat ring there. I run back up to him tap his hand. "Tag your it... Do you not know how to play tag?"
"Honestly no I don't know how" Mr. Ruik looks a little sad.
"I can teach you it's really easy I tap you and then I run away and you try to catch me and tag me ."

After 30 minutes of tag Akito walks in to the hallway were we are at. " sir dinner is ready. "
I smile and run to the dining room, it was big with a long rectangular table in the center with a red cloth going from one end of the table to the other. There was two places set on the tab I go and sit in one of the chairs , and wait for Mr. Ruik.
After he come and takes a seat at the table Akito walks in with two trays and places one in front of me and the other in front of me Ruik. He uncovers them to show chicken Alfredo and mash potatos with brown gravy. I start to eat as soon as I can.

" so I was thinking that tomorrow we might take you to get enrolled in academy down the road. " Mr Ruik says as takes a bite of the Alfredo.

" school already? " I look at him a little sad. " I've never been to a school before. Truth be told I'm six years old and haven't even been to any school. Big brother said I was to smart to be around anyone my age. "

" yes school but it's not a bad one I went there once. But after that maybe we can go in to town and get you what you need for it. " Ruik looks at me.

" hmm okay I'm give it a try. It can't be that bad can it. " I finish my dinner and go to my room and get ready for bed. With Mr. Panda in my arms I pass out.

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