Chapter 6: Stay In The Light

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As we come out of the tomb, I look over and see Talbot and two of his men standing at the doorway of the morgue. Nate and I start to pull out our gun as Sully takes the torch out of my hands. But Talbot and his men aim their guns at us. "Ah, I wouldn't recommend that." Talbot warns and Nate and I look at each other with worry.

"Shit." Nate mutters and we put our guns away. "Nice work, you three. Harris, please relieve Mr. Drake of the artifact." Talbot orders and the man on his left starts to come at us. I take a step forward and said. "Yeah, Harris, come and get it." I walk up to Harris and he tries to go over to Nate but I get in front of him and grab his gun. We start to struggle for it until a gunshot sounds out and I felt something painful going through my shoulder.

"(Y/n)!" Nate exclaims in fear as I stumble back then look at my left shoulder to see it bleeding. Nate comes up to me as I look over to see Talbot was the one who shot me. "Now--it's hardly worth dying over, is it?" Talbot asked and Nate and I glare at him. "Your friend doesn't think so." He said.
Nate and I look at Talbot in shock then over at Sully. "C'mon, Nate." He said. Nate looks at Sully then at me before he sighs and hands Harris the artifact. Harris smiles then walks back over to Talbot but then we heard the hissing noise. "What is that?" Harris asked when suddenly we look down and see hundreds of bugs starting to crawl around the floor.

"Oh my God...." Nate mutters in shock and horror.

"What the hell..." Sully whispered as my jaw dropped in horror just and see the bugs start to go around Sully, Nate and I. "Stay in the light." Sully said to us as Nate and I stick closer to Sully as bugs start going towards Talbot and his men. "Get it! Quickly!" Talbot yelled as bugs started crawling up on Harris. "Get 'em off me!!" Harris pleads as the other man comes up to him and Harris hands the artifact to him while he pleads to them to get the bugs off of him.

But the man grabs the artifact and he and Talbot back away while Harris dies in front of us. "Your torch seems to be dying out. Good luck with that." Talbo sneers at us and he and his guard run away. "God, what a dick." Sully mutters. "You're telling me!" I said as I point out my shoulder just as Talbot shuts the door. "Are you okay?" Nate asked me. I nod and said. "We gotta find a way outta here fast." 

"Stay close." Sully said and we stay close to him as he starts to look around the room. "Wait. Up there." Nate said as he points out a giant hole up on the wall. We run over to it and Nate stands near the wall and cups his hands. "C'mon, c'mon!" He said and I place my foot in his hands and he boosts me up. Sully tosses the torch aside just as I get up and Nate boosts Sully up.

"Give me hand!" Nate exclaims as I kneel down and hold my hand out to him and I pull him up. "Come on, kids!" Sully shouts as I get Nate up but also the bugs start to crawl up and on the walls.

"Holy crap, they're coming from everywhere!" I exclaimed as we began to run but Sully falls to his knees. "Damn it! Come on!" Nate said as we help him up. "We gotta go! Go!" Nate screams and we continue running then Nate and I leap through a door and Sully shuts it.

Nate and I get up but the door seemed to not have stopped the bugs as they started coming through the ceiling. "Oh, God, they're coming through the ceiling!" Sully screams and we start running away from them again 

"My God these things are fast." Nate said as we start to climb up and enter back inside of the Chateau then up a spiral staircase. "Up here." Sully said as he was standing on a large windowsill. "Go!" Nate yells at me and I jump first then get up, quickly, as Nate jumps and grabs onto the sill as well. "I gotcha!" I said as I pull him up then we turned around. "Jump!" Sully exclaims and we jump out into the sunny grounds of the castle.

"Get it off! Get it off!" Nate exclaims as we, frantically, swipe around us to make sure nothing was on us. I cringe and let out a small yelp as Sully turns to us. "All right, you two clear?" He asked. "Huh, yeah." Nate and I said in unison. "How about me?" Sully asked. "Turn around." Nate said and Sully turns around but there was nothing on him. "All right, you're good." I said.

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