Chapter 12: The Rub' al Khali

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Elena was driving her car towards the airport early the next morning, while I loaded my gun and Cole was sitting in the back. "There it is." Elena said as she stops the car. "Okay. Here." I said as I hand Elena and Cole a gun with silencers. "Man....I don't want to have to use this." Elena grumbles as we get out of the car.

"I know, but we have to do this quietly. They catch us sneaking onto that plane, we're dead." I said as I holster my gun in the shoulder holster and placed the ammo holster over my torso. "I think we can cut through the building." Cole said as he points to the building next to us. "All right, good call." I said as we go over to the door. Then the three of us lift up the door open and each one of us get under the door and turn around.

Once all of us get inside of the building, we gently set the door down and I go over some crates and climb up them. "Looks like there's a way out in the other side." I said and I get on top of another crate and jump to another box, which falls and I fall over on the other side of the building.

"Ah...shit." I groan. "Are you okay?" Cole asked. "Yeah." I replied as I get up and him and Elena jump through the hole and land near me. "Looks like we can get out that window. But we need a way up." Elena said as she points at the open window. I look over the window when Cole runs over to a large military looking truck and opens the driver's door.

"If I put it in neutral, I think we can push this." He said as he switches the gear. " and I will push and Elena, you steer." I said and Elena nods while Cole goes to the back of the truck and Elena goes to the door and places her hand on the steering wheel. Cole and I get to the back of the truck and we push while Elena steers it.

"Did you bother to look for the keys?" I asked them. "Just keep going. Almost there." Elena said. "All right, hold it steady, I'm going to climb on top." I said and I get on top of the truck while Elena and Cole hold the truck. I get up on top of the truck then jump over to the window and climb through it.

I jump down to the alleyway then go around back and climb up on the roof. "Man, that's a big plane." I remarked as I see the plane then head over to the front of the building. I get down to the front of the building then run over to the door, which of course, had locks. I pull out my gun and shoot the locks and the door opens.

"There's another truck over here, we can push it towards the gate so we can get over it." I said and we go over to the truck that was near the entrance. Elena opens the driver's door and steers the truck while Cole and I push the front. "It's slipping!" Elena exclaims moments later and the truck rolls reall fast and hits the gate open.

"Oh, crap. That's bad. That's really, really, bad..." I said, frantically, as some guards come towards us. "Get ready, girls!" Cole shouts and we shoot at the oncoming guards as we make our way through the airport towards the plane.

"We're almost there. Just over that roof." Elena said. "Got it." I said after we took out the guards and climb up to the roof of another building. We climb down a ladder and head to a gate that was between us and the plane.

"All right, looks like it's a straight shot from here." I said. "Yeah." Cole and Elena said. "I'm gonna...I'm gonna climb to the top, then I'll help you guys over." I said to them. "All right." Cole said. "Keep me covered." I said and I climb over the fence and land down on the other side.

"Hey, what are you---" Elena started to ask just as Cole said. "What are you do--"
"Guys, listen--" I started to explain but Elena sighs while Cole said. "Damn it. I knew you would try something like this." And he starts to climb up the gate. "Don't. Please." I begged and Cole stops and looks into my eyes then climbs back down while Elena comes up next to him. "(Y/n)..." she whispers with worry.

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