Chapter 11: Cruisin' For A Bruisin'

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The bag pulls off of my head and I gasp as I look around me and see a dark skinned man sitting in front of me and a few men standing off to the sides, obviously his guards. He holds out his arms and smiles and he begins to speak Arabic to me. I take in my surroundings and see I'm in some sort of docking room from a boat. I look down and see that I was tied up to a chair as well.

"Remember me? Rameses." Rameses said then places his hat on his head. "You should thank me, my friend." He said, smiling. "Uh...right....thanks." I said, with uncertainty. "No, really. The English lady paid me to get rid of you. But me? I'm a nice guy. I saved your life. Right now, I am the only friend you got." Rameses said to me with a smile still on his face. "Uh-huh...and now you figure I owe you something, is that it?" I asked and he nods at me.

"Smart girl. I like that. You are way ahead of me. It is really a simple question...Iram of the Pillars..." he said and I sigh, exasperated, at this. "Of course." I mutter. "...where is it?" Rameses asked me. "I don't know, buddy." I replied, shaking my head. "Bullshit." He exclaims at me, his smile disappears and was replaced with a scowl.

"Look, even if I did know, my life wouldn't be worth very much once I told you, now would it?" I said. "You insult me." Rameses said, calmly. "You're a pirate." I exclaimed. "And a good businessman. Give me some respect." He said then he stands up and tossed his chair aside. "Let's try this again." He said as he walks around me then comes up behind me.

"Where--is--Iram, (y/n)?" Rameses asked me as he leans in and gets close to my right ear. "Look, you can torture me all you want--" I said. "Okay." He said as he stands up straighter and walks away from me. "But I can't tell you what I don't know." I said as the other pirates started coming in closer. "Maybe so. We'll see if your brother is more...cooperative." Rameses said as he turns to me and my heart drops and my eyes widen in fear and shock.

"What?" I asked, fearfully. "I don't want to do this...really, I don't. But...who knows? It may be too much for him." Rameses said then he turns and heads toward the door. "Wait--" I shouted but he raises his hand and turns to me again. "No, no, no. You have given me no choice. Perhaps your brother will be more grateful for his life." He said then he goes to the door.

"Wait. You leave Nate alone!" I shouted. "Bye, (y/n)." Rameses said as he heads out the door. "You don't touch him!" I screamed as he shuts the door and one of the men comes up to me and laughs. "This is gonna be fun." The man said and I look up at him in fear.

After a few punches to the face, the man stops and starts to walk around me. "Don't want to tell us what we want to know, huh?" The man asked as he walks back in front of me and leans towards me. "I'm talking to you, girl." He yells and I go and headbutt him. He falls back and I stand up and back up to the wall, breaking the chair subsequently freeing myself.

And as my life goes, I start a fight with my torturers by punching, kicking or ramming their heads against the crates near me. "And stay down....please." I said after I take them out, then I see a ladder near me. I climb up it and start to climb my way out of the room. " cliché." I muttered as I see an empty bottle of rum while I scale the walls and make my way up the open roof then swing over to the exit door.

"All right, now we're talking." I said when I see a shoulder holster hanging near the door. I grab it but see no gun inside of it. "Empty. Of course, it's empty." I grumbled, annoyed, as I put on the holster and push the door open. I got through a small hallway where there was a door to the left. I run towards the door and shoulder charge at it and it easily opens, so this makes me stumble forward and fall on the platform.

"Oh crap." I said in shock as I look down then around as I see what I can best describe as a graveyard for boats and ships. "Where the hell am I?" I asked myself. "Look at this place. Shit. Here goes nothing." I said and I run and jump toward a rope then swing over to a broken part of a ship and over to the large chain, that is attached to an anchor, and climb down to the ocean. "Making progress." I muttered as I swim under some obstacles and just start to make my way over to another ship.

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