Chapter 3: Run To Ground

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"And...they're gone. All right, lads and lass?" Cutter said and Nate, Sully and I open our eyes and smile. "Oh, God...Thought you were gonna put a silencer on that thing." Sully grumbles as we stand up. "Sully, you've got no sense of drama." Cutter said as I roll my eyes. "Right. All that racket is gonna bring the cops any minute. Let's get the hell outta here." I said and Nate looks over at Cutter.

"You coulda pulled a couple of those punches, Charlie." He said. "What d'ya mean? I hardly touched you." He said. "You headbutted me." Nate exclaims. "All right, all right, I got a little swept up in the moment." Cutter admits and Nate rolls his eyes. "Yeah." He grumbles.

"You were the one who said make it look realistic". Cutter argued and Sully leans over to Nate. "Better stay on his good side." He said as Cutter pulls out his walkie-talkie. "All right, Bright Eyes, look sharp, they're coming your way. Don't lose 'em." He said and we began to leave the alleyway.

"Told you they'd take the bait." Nate said to me and Sully. "How long d'you reckon before they realize theirs is a fake?" I asked him as I hold up the real ring for a moment then put it in my pocket. "Who cares? We finally flushed 'em out." Nate said. "Now we just follow 'em back to their hole." Sully said and Nate and I look over at him. "You do realize you make everything sound dirty." Nate said and Sully looks at us, confused. "I do?" He asked and we nod at him.

Then we hear siren's go off. "Shit, the filth!" Cutter said. "This way!" Sully said and we head down a narrow alley. "Really?" Cutter asked as we come go through the alley. Nate turns around to see Cutter hadn't moved.
"C'mon Charlie, what's the hold up?" Nate asked him. Cutter looks around, nervously, then starts to slowly make his way through the alley while muttering to himself. "It'll be over soon, it'll be over soon, it'll be over soon....that's it, that's it!" He said andnhe makes it over to us. "Oh, that's wasn't too bad." He said, relieved, and we state at him. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him. "Nothing. I'm fine." He said and I just shake my head as we make our way through another set of alleyways. We come upon a large gate and Nate goes up to and grabs the handle. "Ah, it's blocked. We'll have to go another way." He said and he starts to climb on the wal next to the gate. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, right...or we could use alittle muscle." Cutter said and he shoulder charges the gate open, making Nate and I drop our jaws.

"Well....I guess that works." I said then I look up at my brother. "C'mon, monkey man!" I said and I follow Cutter and Sully through the gate. "Haha...very funny." Nate said as he climbs down and follows us. "Walls too high." Cutter said. "Here....let's move this thing over there." Sully said as he points at a cart. "We got it." Nate said as he and run over to it and push it up against the wall. "Put your backs into it, mates! We haven't got all night!" Cutter exclaims at us. "Yeah, thanks for the help." I told him, sarcastically, after Nate and I pushed the cart up to the wall. "Come on, move your lazy asses." Nate said as we climb onto the cart and over the gate. 

"Alright, looks like the coast is clear." I said as we walk down the street. "You should be more careful with your head, y'know, it's--" Cutter started to say until Nate playfully pushes him and he laughs as we walk up to a van. The passenger door of the van opens, revealing Chloe. "Evening, mates." She greets as she climbs out of the van. "All right, darling?" Cutter asked her and she nods before she looks over at Sully, Nate and I. "Looks like Hell spit you three back out." She said and Sully laughs. "Ah, it was a thing of beauty, Chloe." Sully said. "Went off without a hitch." Cutter said. "Yeah...went pretty well." I said and Chloe looks over at Nate, noticing his silence.

"You're unusually quiet. What's up your bum?" She asked him. "Oh well, Charlie seemed to enjoy himself a little bit too much for my taste." Nate griped and Cutter rolls his eyes. "Here we go..." Cutter grumbles. "My ears are still ringing." Nate exclaims at him. "Oh, for God's sake." Cutter mutters. "Helps if you have something in between. Looks like I missed out on some fun." Chloe said. "Yeah you did actually." I said. "It was very, very ah- cathartic." Cutter said as he looks over at Nate. "Ha ha, that's funny." Nate said, sarcastically.

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