26. touch of grace

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[ 26. touch of grace ]



At the moment, Taehyung doesn't know where they're going or what she has in mind. He's sitting in the passenger seat beside her, still feeling numb and unable to breath properly. Everything's happening so fast it's dizzying.

Right after their phone call, Grace had drove over to his house to pick him up. He didn't ask why she did it. All she said was 'get in the car before I strangle you too' before running back down the driveway.

Grace hasn't said a single word since then.

He glances over at her, noting how she's leaning forward and gripping the steering wheel tight. She's also squinting at the road despite wearing glasses, and telling by her expression she doesn't look so happy either.

Taehyung can't bring himself up to speak, however. Everything part of him still feels drained. He leans his head against the window, exhaling shakily. The night feels like it's dragging on forever yet it had just started.

God, he can't think straight. His thoughts are a jumble in his mind, tangling and untangling themselves over and over again in an endless cycle of what-ifs and should-haves—

"Do you like Sonic?" Grace interrupts his train of thoughts. He lifts his head from the window, facing her with his eyebrows arched. Grace smiles in return, waving her fingers at him.

"Earth to Taehyung~ do you like Sonic?" She asks, sounding more tired than usual but of course she masks it with a smile. Taehyung nods slowly, a little confused.

"They got good milkshakes. Why?"

"Great, continue being angsty I guess," Grace chuckles, ignoring him. He stares at her for a couple seconds, trying his best to decipher the complexity named Grace Anderson. She's something, alright.

"Wait, where are we?" Taehyung manages to speak, though his words still tremble on his tongue. Grace shrugs, gaze focused on the road as she drives through the darkness.

"Beats me. I didn't know where to go so I took random exits," Grace replies, chuckling awkwardly while drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. Taehyung's jaw nearly drops. What did she just say.

"So you're saying we're lost?" Taehyung smacks his dry lips together, lowering his voice. Grace snorts, shaking her head. She points straight ahead to a little neon sign in the distance.

"I mean, we found a Sonic so we technically aren't," Grace laughs, elbowing Taehyung's side playfully. His expression, however, is far from happy. Grace's laughter dies, her shoulders shrinking away from him.

"What? Don't you think it's fun to drive around and explore?" She reasons, or at least, tries to. Taehyung rolls his eyes, rubbing his hands over his tired face.
"Don't look so sad," Grace pouts, reaching over and patting his arm.

"You're so ridiculous oh my god," Taehyung groans. "We could have went to a normal milkshake place," He says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"That takes the fun out of it, and plus I doubt you wanted to go anywhere local just in case," Grace replies in a factual tone. Taehyung peers at her from beneath his hand, his lips fluttering into a frown.

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