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Few minutes ago -
Sahir was standing in front of Zoya's apartment still contemplating whether he should go inside or not. Unlike of Sahir Azeem Chaudhary, he was nervous. Maybe because he was going to apologise which is the rarest thing he did. Sahir looked at his watch it was almost 10 pm. He turned to return when he realised that Zoya's phone was still with him. If nothing else, he needs to give it to her as soon as possible. She might be worried already and she may need it. So, gathering ample amount of courage, he took a deep breath and pressed the door bell. He waited patiently for the response. However, it didnt come. Though he shouldnt have but Sahir was dissappointed. After the events of the day, he really wanted to see Zoya. Her face with messed kohl and eyes filled with tears didnt leave his mind even for a moment. After having lost almost all hopes of meeting her, he turned and began to walk when he heard someone crying. It was a faint sound. On focussing more on the source of sound he realised it was coming from Zoya's apartment. "Zoya is inside!" He spoke to himself. "But damn! Why is she crying?" Sahir's guilt was increasing with every passing second. "Maybe because I..." Sahir did'nt want to complete the sentence. He started knocking on Zoya's door. The knocks were loud. He was getting restless. Maybe it was for the first time but Sahir didnt want to be the reason of Someone's pain, Zoya's pain.
"ZOYA!!! ZOYA!! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR. I AM SORRY! I AM REALLY SORRY" Sahir was loosing his calm. He just needed to see her. That's all. Maybe it was the wrong thing to do but Sahir couldnt think of any other way. He stepped back and with all his strength pushed the door. Well ,he was lucky because the door was'nt latched properly and it did'nt take much efforts to get inside.
"Zoya you really need to be more careful. What if someone breaks into your house." Sahir muttered looking at the open door. He then quickly paced up to the place from where the sound was coming. As he approached, the sound became more clear. With every step he made, his heart beat increased. The wails were enough to pierce one's heart. Sahir could feel the pain. It was breaking his heart. Sahir realised that this woman had the capability to affect him. He was affected the very first day when he saw her brutally injured. He was affected today when her cries were piercing his heart. He wanted to destroy the reason of her pain even then. Irony was that today perhaps he was the reason. Sahir hated himself in that very moment. He entered a dark room following the voice. He realised it was coming from the bathroom. He stood still when he heard shower being turned off. He knew it was time to face her. He better have a good reason to break into her house as a thief. Sahir was still thinking of an excuse when he heard the door sound click. "You are so dead Sahir." He thought. He saw a figure come out of the bathroom. It was dark. The room was illuminated by a faint moonlight that entered through the window. The moonlight fell on her face and God! Sahir lost his senses. He was mesmerised. The beautiful hazel eyes seemed to turn much darker in that light. Her lips glistened. "She is beautiful." The only thing Sahir could hear in his head. He saw her struggling in search of light switch. He was unaware how and when unconciously ,he carried himself to her. Within seconds he was just behind her.
It was dark. Zoya stumbled her way to the lamp. As soon as she turned it on, she felt that her body hit something and she lost balance and tripped only to be caught by Sahir who in turn tripped on her bed. So there they were, Sahir on her bed and Zoya on top of him.
Zoya slowly opened her eyes only to find a pair of black eyes looking into hers. It was the same eyes that made her heart sink. They were those same eyes that made butterflies fly in her stomach. The ideal reaction would have been to get up immediately but they didnt. Perhaps they both were caught in the moment. Neither of the mind could process anything. Neither of the two hearts wanted the moment to end.
Zoya was covered in dark blue bathroom robe with her wett hair spread all over her face reaching Sahir. Sahir's left hand was encircled around Zoya's waist. The proximity was unreal. The faces were just a few centimetres apart.Not even for a moment their eyes have lost contact. Sahir slowly brought his right hand to her face and gently tucked her hair behind her ears. He then noticed the wound on her head and the bandage. The expression on her face suddenly changed. He broke the eye contact which brought Zoya out of trance. She quickly got up and adjusted her robe. Sahir got up in haste.
"umm.. I ..actually.. your door.." Sahir fumbled. He then looked at Zoya who had a stern expression on her face. She clearly demanded and explanation.
"What are you doing here?" Zoya asked in a tone that clearly stated that she was unimpressed.
"Actually you left your phone in my office." Sahir said quickly sliding her phone out of his pocket and handing it to her.
Zoya looked at him without a change of expression. If only staring could kill, Sahir would have been dead by now.
"WHAT?" Sahir asked however he was'nt the usual self . He very well knew  Zoya was not really convinced of the reason he gave of him being here.
"Anybody could have done that. Why did the great, the egoistic, the mannerless Mr. Sahir Azeem Chaudhary took pain to come to a house of a non existent legal advisor." Zoya sounded bitter.
For a moment, Sahir thought of storming out of there pushing her aside. He was certainly not used to someone talking to him like that. He would have done the same only if Zoya's was'nt hurt. He could see the bandage on her forehead and it was definitely hurting him. Not just that, a sharp razor blade mark present on her neck had not escaped his eyes.
"Was Zoya harming herself?" Sahir had a lot going on his mind at the same time. He realised Zoya was waiting for his reply. He took a deep breath, calmed himself down and said,
"Zoya.. listen." " Its miss Siddiqui." Zoya interrupted.
"Ok. Miss Siddiqui.. look I am really umm.. I am really " He paused and looked at Zoya who had an unreadable expression.
Sahir closed his eyes and quickly said, "I am sorry."
"Whatever." She replied. Sahir looked at her confused.
"How the hell did you come inside my house.?" Zoya said her voice slightly being louder.
Sahir lowered his gaze. He had no answer to this. What was he suppossed to tell. "I asked something. This isnt your office SIR. You certainly cant break into my house. You better give me a reason or I am calling the police." Zoya said in harsh tone.
Sahir was quiet. "well ok then, answer them." She turned when she realised his warm hands clutching onto her wrists. She looked at him and gave an annoying expression. She had already had it for the day. She jerked his hand. "Are you crazy?" She shouted. "I better hurry up and call the police." She turned to walk again when Sahir held her hand and pulled her close to him with her back touching his chest.
"What are you..?"  Zoya said trying to get out of his grip but he was strong and well not that she was trying really hard. The proximity with him always had a special effect on her.
"Shh! Just listen." Sahir whispered in her ear.
Zoya stood still. With his strong muscular arms wrapped around her stomach.
"I was coming here to say sorry. I know I overreacted. Also you had left your phone in my office. When I knocked at the door you did'nt respond. I thought you were not at your place. I was leaving when I heard you cry and I could'nt resist. I just wanted to see you so I came in. Not that its my fault. Your door want latctched properly. You should be careful." Sahir answered with honesty. Zoya heard it all silence.
"Now that you know why I came.. its your time to tell. How did you get hurt?" Sahir said again tightening his grip around her. Zoya could feel his hot breath on her neck.
"It was just a minor car accident." Zoya managed to speak. Sahir instantly turned her around in shock.
"What?? Are you crazy? This is how you drive. ? Where else did you get hurt. Oh come on I thought it was some minor cut or something. " Zoya looked at him in awe. Just few hours back he yelled at her. "What are you Sahir?" Zoya thought.
"I am fine besides I can take care of myself." Zoya said in a calming tone. Sahir looked at her.
"Thank you for the phone. Now you may leave." Zoya gestured him towards the open door.
"Not until you say you will be back as my..I mean Saiyaara's legal advisor." Sahir said in a firm tone.
"I will think." Zoya answered coldly.
"No. I am not leaving until you say a Yes." A No was something that Sahir didnt take. Sahir gets what he wants.
"Yeah.. its all so easy for you right. Few hours back you were yelling at me for no reason and now you want me to come back. Right? You know what men are shit. They really are. Just let me tell you I am not something you can play with. I am not at your beck and call. Just get away from me. You are just so.." Zoya was cut off when she felt a warm finger on her lips. Sahir looked at her. Her eyes were full of tears. Sahir could read the pain in her eyes and he knew there was something more than what had happened today.
Zoya looked at him with eyes opened wide. Why does she see a new Sahir in every meeting?
"Listen Miss Siddiqui.. you know how important this is for you. You also know that I can ruin your chances of working in any law firm. I can make your hardwork go in vain and I dont want to do that because you are talented and you deserve better. Until you compel me to that extent I wont. So you better come to my office tomorrow. You are continuing as my legal advisor and that's how it is going to work.  You know I am Sahir Azeem Chaudhary. I can get what I want." Sahir said and walked away from her.
Zoya stood there still processing everything he said. He was right. Zoya had worked real hard for it. She would'nt let it all go.
"Well ok then.. Since you have called for it Sahir, I will be there.. but a different Zoya. Zoya that can ruin you." She said.
Ok guys I know you people were asking for long updates. Here it is somewhat better but I dont know I am not very good at it. Also I am so sorry but I really cant update until i have got some ideas.
I am not very happy with this chapter but I hope it gets better. Also the next update may take a while.
Anyways how was this chapter according to you? It was an all Sahir Zoya chapter and well how will things take a turn now since Zoya is now drifting a bit from what she is. Will she be able to do that or will she stick to her principles?
Do comment and vote if you wish to. :)

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