KDD - August 29

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Katherine @ 9:05 a.m.

Your proposal is intriguing and scary. My pulse increases exponentially as I consider the consequences. However, I'll take the leap. So yes, I'll accept under one condition (I know, I know; you hate conditions . . . Oh well, suck it up, buttercup. :p). It's actually a request more than a condition—please don't leave me while we're there. I'm having this vision of you going off with one of your playthings . . . — Kat

Connor @ 13:35 hours

Not to worry. You're the only plaything I'm interested in. — C.

Katherine @ 3:15 p.m.

You do know how to flatter a woman, but I love that you said it. I know I've said this before, but I love the way our double diary allows us to explore our feelings. It has opened the door to so many things that too often go unsaid. — Kat

Connor @ 21:25 hours

Couldn't help but read your recent thoughts. Once again, it's amazing how we fit so perfectly. I do have one comment in response. It may seem trite but I'm very serious. The essence of my fantasy is to think of you touching yourself so I can use my excitement to masturbate. But, more importantly, to say goodnight and see the sexuality in your eyes, especially now, after you have tried touching yourself in the bath. If you experiment when I'm not here, as on the weekend, I miss the opportunity to catch that aura of you having played I the tub or trying to read in your eyes that you are turned on and may masturbate in bed. Silly; yes maybe. But I love the mystery.

Don't experiment in the bath while I'm not here. You may masturbate in bed. I will dream of that and command it.

My vision is of you lying in shallow bath water . . . shallow to accommodate the shower, which is turned on low. Do not close the curtain as I passionately dream of you doing this while we watch. I know, again silly, but I want to read about the reality of how you felt, exposed to the view of another, as I want to display your sensuous pleasuring to demonstrate the essence of my love slave, knowing he will never have you. Do that for me but only when I'm home. After, come own and look at me. Kiss me passionately before you go to bed. This will make it my night too!

Your note gave me the reason to problem-solve and encourage you to let out enough bath water to expose your vulva so you don't lose your wetness, or essence as you say. My fantasy is to test your commitment to me by asking you, in truth, telling you to perform for us. You must not look at us. In fact, you shut your eyes, in apparent oblivious abandon. A lave to your insatiable desire to please me.

Of course, the tub in an open exotic old Victorian model. There are only velvet drapes, strategically placed so you cannot see us but you know we are there. You slowly reach for the shower head, removing it from the clasp. Adjust the flow to a perfect force that will gently caress your vulva.

You lay down in the shallow water and expose your swollen lips. You use the fingers of your other hand to spread your engorged lips wide . . . Just like your legs . . . Spread wide open to accommodate your need. You direct the water to your enlarged clitoris, standing out hard and long. At first, it feels like a soft tongue caressing your, urging you to want more. The sensation quickly builds to and urgency that makes it hard to control your breathing.

Waves of sensation emanate from the core of your sexuality, spreading up your abdomen, to your breasts, augmenting your already hard erect nipples. Your hips begin to move uncontrollably as if reaching for every sensation possible.

You barely remember and no longer care that your body and the raw essence of your normally guarded sexuality is exposed for view. Even if you wanted to, you could no longer stop. Your need to orgasm becomes too overwhelming to hold back. You have gone beyond any sense of modesty or shame you may have had at the thought of having to be so exposed in body and soul. You feel your body go momentarily rigid. Your feet arch in anticipation.

Your orgasm starts slowly but quickly intensifies to encompass every fiber of your being, building to a climax, so strong you would not have thought it possible. Alternating shock waves surge in a torrent of uncontrollable spasms. Only when they begin to subside do you recognize you're making the gasping and tortured moaning sounds. You reluctantly let the feelings subside and smile, know that your lover should be pleased.

...I have got to go to bed. To be continued. . .DD — August 29

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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