Chapter 14 Locust Campaign pt.2

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As General RAAM has his forces marching towards Shade Academy with their mission on mind to destroy it and leave no survivors.

The headmaster is aware of the Locust marching to them, he tries his best to get ahold of Atlas or Ozpin but no avail no response.

Headmaster:Damn! I can't reach anyone...I hear those COG soldiers are the only ones who can defeat these guys...

Student: Could you try Qrow? Was he not a teacher here for a bit?

Headmaster: Oh you're right.

Headmaster calls Qrow.

Headmaster: Come on Qrow.

Qrow answers.

Qrow: Ya? What you need?

Headmaster: I need those soldiers at Shade, the Locust are here I repeat the Locust are-An explosion is heard and the call is lost-

Qrow: Hey.. HEY!. Damn I lost him

Benjamin:Qrow whats wrong?

Qrow: ..s..Shade Academy is being destroyed right now as we speak

Yang: WHAT!?

Ruby: No..not Shade

Marcus: You know people there?

Qrow: I use to teach there. Ruby and Yang both attended there

Yang: We got alotta friends there..

Baird: Yikes..well I know we have a more pressing mission but Ben I consider we go help Shade.

Cole: I agree

Marcus: As do I

Clayton: Bro I agree with the squad

Benjamin: There was no need for a vote I was gonna make us go there anyways so everyone load up on ammo and grab your guns we are saving Shade.

Everyone loads up into the truck and check their mags and ammuniton.

Benjamin: Baird we are good to go, follow Qrow's directions to Shade.

Baird: Yes sir, alright Qrow, where we going.

Qrow: Head right here.

As Baird follows Qrow's directions. The time passes as they head there.

Clayton: Hey Weiss, you been practicing with your Lancer?

Weiss: Ya I have been but the chainsaw handle jams a bit on mine

Clayton: Pass it here lemme fix it

Weiss hands Clayton her Lancer and Clayton examines it and then grabs the handle to start the chainsaw and he tries to pull it, it doesn't budge Clayton then pulls it back towards him and sees a small object caught inside the track for the handle.

Clayton: What the hell? -he turns the Lancer over and smacks it a couple of times and the object falls out-

Weiss: Oh think you fixed it

Clayton pulls the handle again and the chainsaw revs to life.

Weiss: Oh thank you so much.

Clayton: Anytime Weiss

Blake looks at Yang.

Yang:Something on your mind Blake?

Benjamin glances over.

Blake: Its about Benjamin

Benjamin: Ya?

Blake:Oh..well you deserve to know that I have feelings for you like Yang does

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