Chapter 15 RWBY's Nightmare

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As we begin with our troops n girls and members of JNPR...or whats left. Anyways they are all snug n warm asleep for the next day. But a certain Rose bud is tossing and turning.

Her nightmare takes place back to the Fall of Beacon.

The gears along with RWBY and JNPR are in a last stand with Qrow and Ozpin next to em.

Ruby: Benjamin! The Locust are coming!

Benjamin: I see them! DELTA HOLD THE LINE. Ruby I want you and your team to assist anyway you can.

Ruby: Got it.

As the Locust are approaching they got RAAM leading the assault killing Atlas troops and students alike, Ren fires his Longshot taking out a Drone next to RAAM as he was marching towards them.

RAAM extends his arm out: FOR THE QUEEEEENNN!

All the other Locust charge towards them.


Dom chucks a grenade into the groups of em and kills em.

Dom: Eat shit and die!

Marcus is chainsawing the ones that break through their line along with Cole and Clayton.

Marcus: Ahh got some on I got the cooties.

Cole: Look at your legs! Still hanging on haha!

Clayton: This is for Anthony! -he curb stomps one-

Suddenly a boomshot is fired and knocks the group around.

Baird: We can get inside!

As they head inside and barricaded the door a sudden scream is heard.

Baird:...oh shit

Marcus: The hell was that..

Baird: A Beserker..she can hear us...she can smell us..

Qrow: I call bullshit.

Qrow walks out and is met with the Beserker and is mauled to death leaving just his head and torso.

Dom: My god...

Ruby: Uncle

Yang: It's too late Ruby..nothing we can do now but move on

As the group move together through the narrow hallways, a wall is busted down to reveal RAAM and he snatches Ruby and instantly stabs her.

Ruby wakes up drenched in sweat and heart pounding.

Yang was already near her to wake her up.

Yang: You ok?

Ruby: Just a nightmare...

Yang:Me too...wanna talk about it?

Ruby: I was at the Fall of Beacon and we took shelter inside as the Locust attacked...they sent a Beserker after killed Uncle Qrow but RAAM busted through a wall and killed me..

Yang: Mine was when we were ambushed when the truck was broken down and instead of Pyrrha getting hit by the grenade it was me then I was rolled over to find a Grenaider on top of me punching me in the face over and over...

Ruby: Then what..

Yang: I woke up after the final punch took my head off..

Ruby: Yikes...

Weiss: You two having nightmares as well?

They both nod.

Weiss: I was being chainsawed by a Drone...

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