Unwanted Memories

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"What is my purpose,sun?" The moon ask, the sun respond "you and I are significant in the universe, you see the earth is our purpose" the sun reply"


Everyone went there separate ways doing whatever need to be done, in so Adora couldn't wait until she see Catra once more before that she heard loud squeaky noise coming from her radio that Entrapta lead her "Is this thing working?, hello...Adora can you hear me" The Queen spoke quite confused Adora smiled "Yes, my Queen loud and clear" Adora spoked as she heard a chuckled on the other hand "I wanted to speak with your privately about Entrapta it was quite a surprise seeing her in person until she explain to me, such act must not go unpunished but it's was the good of the Kingdom I will allow that to pass, futhermore I have consider giving Entrapta freedom around the Castles for the time being, after all the Horde is still after her and the cities of Dly still under ruins, but Adora you still have your mission to attend to as well" Adora listen closely she was glad it work out the way she thought Entrapta must be happy to hear such new if she ever use to walk around the castles that is up for her, still Dly isn't doing so good everything was burn to the ground and every now and then Adora would get intel of The Horde snooping around but base on the ruins there is nothing but dust, Adora wonder how Entrapta holding up about Dly she could tell how sad Entrapta is of her fallen Kingdom still she saw how lonely Entrapta is there was no one but her robot people, strange "Thank you, my Queen I am about to head out I might be gone a week if you need me I will have this radio" Adora said as Angella tone shifted alittle "Good and be careful, Adora I will sent out my army and search every inch of the forests" Aneglla said worried tone but Adora smiled non the less. Adora pack her thing her heart flutters with the thought of Catra she couldn't wait to see her she had so much to talk about let alone getting to know her friend, wait are they friends, dose Catra think they are friends? Only known each other for awhile still it felt like a lifetime Adora knew Catra, still she was looking forward go getting to know Catra.


About three weeks has past, and time seem long compare to before Adora being lonely of course despite hanging out with Bow and Glimmer helping out people who are in need without Adora doing her daily routine waking up early before the sun set, heading to Queen office helping her out with her busy schedule and having breakfast with Bow and Glimmer that all change once she meant Catra, her darling friend who yet still a mysterious to Adora. Adora was spending alot of her time with Catra well it was her job to find Catra and mostly she enjoyed Catra company found herself missing every moment apart Adora would leave for awhile no more than five hours and return back to Catra as promise neither of them miss a beat when its time to have a sleepover. Adora gotten to know Catra alot better over the week past by, she knew almost everything about what Catra like or dislike never brought out about coming to the castles because Adora never mentioned it again enjoying spending time with Catra. Adora wonder something aswell how long Catra lived here alone, how come she never seen or remember such a person from the Horde surely she would have seen her, they all grown up togethers, fought togethers, slept with each other Adora only know Lonnie, Rogelio, Kyle from the Horde she long time friend in which she miss them dearly the way thing turn out was sudden yet Adora lost contact with her friends non of them every wrote a letter or reach out she wonder if had to do with Shadow Weaver, everything was a blank to Adora. Still one day her friends might turn a leaf, forget the Horde and fight along side with her but fear is powerful weapons and manipulation kills that Adora knew very well. Hopefully in the battled field they won't be against fighting each other the last thing Adora wanted to harm one of her friends yet Adora had to worried about Shadow Weaver she shouldn't have known they are making such a moved, this is the Horde and Adora knew the in's and out's. Adora wanted to ask Catra about anything she remember from the Horde or how she ended up here Adora was all too curious about Catra. In other news Adora enjoy being around Catra alot every day of every moment she think about Catra didn't know why everytime she around Catra the more she became attached every second Adora love this she would get excited seeing Catra made her heart fluttered with joy. Catra on the other hand feeling something odd an unfamiliar feeling within her heart, Catra enjoy every second with Adora mostly love to listen to Adora about herself she learn quite a few thing about Adora sometime out of the blue Adora would get personal whatever she is feeling Catra figured this was something Adora dose when she stuck or struggling with something more than anything Catra listen more time she was blunt with her reponds somtime she wonders if she right, but base on Adora reaction it seem something Adora needed no everyone had a answer or solved all her problem Catra was toughest in Adora mental state. Catra was beginning to feel yearning for Adora she would mindless wait for Adora return or wooed her into staying for long amount of time each time Adora would leave her heart felt tight squeeze took everything she had not to run after Adora or follow her. Still Adora was annoyed sometime they would bicker back and fourth, and occasionally joke around Catra hated when Adora would called out, "Hey, Catra is that a mouse?", Catra predator instinct was alerted only made Catra played the ignored card soon Catra would give up becuse she love Adora's attention. Catra feeling only grew more as time passes it's why so unfamiliar to Catra everything Adora dose she loved so much, what was this feeling?, Catra always wonder being around Adora. First time they meant some reason Adora scent smell incredibly familiar Catra never bought it up because even herself had answers as well but only thing she know what bars,pain, and misery and that bitch Shadow Weaver, is dose seem there's a block in her memory she couldnt remember anything from when she was little it was considering to Catra becuse soon speculated that it had to do with Shadow Weaver Catra felt it down into her bones. Back to Adora she hated when Adora smell like her friend it put Catra in a sour mood, but thankfully Adora spending less and less time Catra could smell sweet scent of spring in the melllows Catra had to control her urges couple of night ago almost caught herself holding Adora slim frame, it took Catra in shock and question began pilling up inside her mind, Catra feeling only grew more each day being around Adora as if a hole has been filled, but wasn't enough. Adora smiled widely gently jumping off Swift Wind this time Adora had Swift Wind closer to the tent after pleasing with Catra to allow him to stay close it took awhile before Catra gave an okay still she was high alert with Swift Wind ever since Catra found out he talk, but know nothing about mission. Adora happily walk moving vines out of her face seeing little home Catra stay at "Catra I am back sorry for-" before Adora could finished speaking Catra literally pouts on top of Adora as she was confused yet happy for some reason, Adora chuckled as Adora gently rub against her something new Catra that Adora never knew, may be becuse she was cat?. Adora gently lift up meeting those beauiful eyes of Catra "Miss me much?" Adora said as Catra rolled her eyes in which Adora couldn't help but to smile she welome Catra touch also yearn for it, she felt everytime that Catra wanting to cuddle with her, in so more than happy to allow it still it would be awkward waking up and have to explain why "Not really, but you been gone so long" Catra confess she was getting lonely and worried about Adora "Sorry, Bow had me taste test a new recipe for Perfuma" Adora said yawning quite exhausted from her day but was happy to be with Catra once more "Pff I really don't like your friends, Adora" Catra said jealously with hint of angried, you would think Adora would brush it away?, or convince Catra her friend's are different actually spending time with Catra understood her feeling that well how Catra is, you can't make a person like someone until they talk and get to know each other. Adora deep down something was wrong an strange feeling of abandonment that Adora needed to spend as much time with Catra incredible longing feeling more then anything never leave Catra again "Yeah I know, Catra" Adora said giggled as Catra rolled her eyes crawling into her bed that smell like Adora sweet scent Catra couldn't help but to moan, thankfully Adora couldn't hear it totally embarrassed. Catra watch closely as Adora was opening a containers smiling to Catra her smile was most beautiful thing made her heart flutter and a warmth familiar feeling. Adora sat near Catra was laying down she gave Catra brownie that Bow made earlier, Adora favorite she loved brownies so moist and sweat sometime Adora will go out and sneak some brownies for her own pleasure. Catra was enjoying sweet brownies like everything she wanted more "They're brownies, so good" Adora said moaning on delight as Catra nodded in agreement Adora lay next to Catra just enjoying each other present in silence. Catra was the first to speak "Adora, something I meaning to ask you're scent is very familiar so how come I don't remember you from the Horde?" Catra ask aa Adora was hopping they could talk about the Horde yet Adora was nervous to ask but she also felt that Catra was very familiar "I am not sure, Catra I knew everyone even we all grew up but I can't seem to remember you" Adora said simply confuse days of knowing Catra they never once spoke about the Horde maybe it out of fear?, or something to do with Shadow Weaver still Catra was uncomfortable talking about her experience with Shadow Weaver all those count years, tortured, broken, despair maybe talking about it to Adora lift some weight off her chest, but to remember those years wasn't for the best Catra might snap ans go on a rampage she did once before but that was long time ago "I was..just a normal person for The Horde but people praise and welcome me as some type of savior I was the best in my class with Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle they where my childhood friend, I was going to be General for my Unit some princcess army setting camp wasn't until I meent Bow and Glimmer thing change I found out what the Horde has done, what they are" Adora said remebering that day as if it was yesterday replaying over and over she couldn't believe how Horde brainwashed her to think of Princcess are evil and they where their enemies "But I was most love by Shadow Weaver-" Adora heard Catra cried out in pain Adora immediately held into Catra holding her gently whispering kind words as Catra soon relax, that name Adora spoke twice something that triggers Catra suddenly she felt overwhelming saddness "You don't have to talk about her...until want too, Catra" Adora said as she gently brush Catra's hair in which Catra slowly began to melt. Catra sigh heavily loving Adora's fingers running through her hair nice slow pace she almost began to purr hoppefuly Adora dosent figured out Catra sweet stop, too late. Adora smile widely as shr gently starch behind Catra's ear something urge her to do so or rather Adora knew Catra's weak spot, if you can focus closely Adora could hear Catra stighly purring at her touch maybe Catra will allow her to touch from time to time lately Catra was always distant mostly when Adora wanted to huged Catra she could feel Catra stiffen up by Adora she knew Catra would like to keep distant so Adora came up with a plan, to ask permission instead everytime Adora show affection towards Catra, but now Adora learn something new "Adora..." Catra said moaning cuddling with Adora she couldn't help it she felt comfortable within Adora arms, Catra never allow anyone this close she didn't know why, it's was a feeling since she meant Adora she allow her to break through her walls so easily deep down she knew Adora will not hurt her never step too far making Catra uncomfortable. Adora blush hearing her name being called like that it was usual feeling made her heart flutter, what is this feeling? Adora thought to herself becuse being around Catra Adora never felt likr herself in years always some type of persona around her friend, The Queen, many people never truly herself almost like she forgot apart of herself strange being around Catra opened up doors that Adora lock tight. After awhile of cuddling Catra lift up in a daze she smiled alittle seeing two pairs of baby blue eyes, they where close very close Catra found herself blushing of how close they were Catra thought how beautiful Adora is she felt her heart skip a beat. Catra immediately pulled away from Adora icy glaze blushing alittle Adora raise an eyebrow suddenly she knew Catra wall back up once more "That women is the reason I was behind bars..." Catra simply said opening up for the first time ever Adora only nodded she didn't need to say a thing only listen to Catra's voice they all have scars in some shape or form. Adora and Catra spend the rest of the day talking occasionally or reading many books laying around Catra excitedly shown Adora a book she been reading for awhile only thing was heard Adora's sweet voice reading word for word as Catra lay into Adora lap listening.

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