Queen of the Seas

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"The moon rage with angried "I tried and I tried to give but it's fail" due to the moon ourage gaint tornado flood island the moon did not care, the moon stop hearing cries "What have I done?, I broke the balance" the moon hidden with grief, the sun wasn't aware of the chaos"

Also guy I am fully aware of "Unwanted memories" that there is two chapter sorry about that I don't know went wrong I have tried to  unpublish it and publish it agian did not work out, becuse seeing all my chapter only show one so that can't be help.


Adora began to blush madly because one Adora knew Catra great scent of smell and to differentiation different smell so maybe...Adora took off her shirt instantly Catra bite her lips she couldn't tak her eye off Adora slowly she felt her waist twitch with sudden reaction Catra couldn't believe how fit Adora is also very slim. Adora put on another shirt left for Catra and gave it to her she wore this for longest, Horde symbol shirt Catra took it smelling the strong scent of spring in mellows yet wasn't enough because Catra had to do something else a test for Adora "This won't do, Adora" Catra said grabbing Adora waist from behind she gently whispering into Adora ear "I need someting else" Adora shiver almost moan fewling Catra hot breath against her ears "L-like what?..." Adora said as she felt Catra rub her waist gently only thing Adora could think of was, "I-Is she going to kiss me? Dose she want to to kiss me? Do I want her to kiss me? I am...not ready I..ughhh" Adora thought in mist of panic because well see seen Netossa
and Spinnerella kiss or make out once before this will be first time yet Adora very nervous. Catra loved the way Adora reacted by her taste Catra will make it know to show as much affection as possible she wasn't afraid "I want you to be mine and no one else" Catra said serious tone Adora was shock yet also very confuse she didn't understand what Catra meant by that if this is what Catra wanted she couldn't say no, well not that she wanted to anyway "Bow, Glimmer anyone else can't be yours, I want you to be mine and mine only" Catra said as Adora turn around still confused "Yes I will only be your and no one else" Adora said as Catra touch her forehead smiling like a goofball "Good well I will see you soon,Adora~" Catra said purring as Adora blush stighly. Catra watched as Adora walked away she finally made Adora hers soon maybe they could further into their odd confusing relationship Catra suddenly saw Adora stop turn back walking towards Catra this time Adora wanted to make Catra blush in embarrassment she never seen Catra show that type of emotion Catra watch curiously Adora slowly lean in Catra felt her face heat and heart pounding slowly Adora pulling Catra press her lips against Catra's cheek instantly Catra blush madly began stuttering Adora giggled at Catra reaction "See you later,Catra~" Adora said seducely leaving Catra in a blushing mess. Adora race back to the castle she smile widely seeing Catra reaction it was so cute, still Adora didn't understand what Catra definition of mine maybe she should ask favorite couple about that also some more advice Adora also wonder what would feel to kiss Catra lips instead of her cheek will Catra like?, will it also confirm Catra like her in the same way Catra be okay with someone who has no experience kissing people. Adora shrugged that off because Catra also in the same boat who can say for sure Adora had much to learn about her feline friend alao wonder if stepping past that line going to fast for the both of them? Adora told herself to follow her heart. Adora saw Glimmer and Bow already pack waiting for Adora she saw them on top of the roof waving frantically at her "I see someone is ready" Adora said as Glimmer throw Adora's bag at her "I pack all your clothes, now let go" Glimmer said as they all hop into Swift Winds flying away towards city of Salineas.


Glimmer was sighing heavily everyone knew the heavy tesion surround our young friends because well one they have no idea who to get in contact inorder to get arcoss the sea safely without running into the Kraken that was impossible task without thinking it through they where on their way without any information and unknow territory Glimmer never set foot of her Kingdon beside meeting with Perfuma and running into Entrapta
long time ago, those Kindom where close or near Brightmoon Empire it's a very long travel, but do able still only information Bow pilled up with a place called 'The Rust' was you can gate way between Salineas and the ocean right off the border if you wanted to cross many people who help you for a quick buck, yet the was crooked place full of thief,s cammers, crooks also somewhat like a the Black Market anything you ever need or wanted that is the place to go but beware people loved variable innocent newcomers those who are easily manipulated and taking advantage this was trail of a life time with Glimmer she know nothing of the place nor Bow himself they where mentality unprepare of what 'The Rust" had offer whole alot. The Rust was very old and broken down place, poorest of the poorest it look down upon many people, such they called it home you can either strink rich or lose everything you own in a flash, if you are not careful still also darker place within shadow away from prying eyes could easily get lost and subtle on something you shouldn't have seen or being in the wrong place at the wrong time, such your name is gone from history because 'The Rust' dose not care nor dose the poeple it's strange how anyone could live here under such horrific conditions and still make a home, thus unlike Kingdom you don't need ID or wait for very long time to be accept and migrated into any Kingdom. Only need is connection or find a way to strike rich that is how thing work in 'The Rust' and so Bow and Glimmer didn't understand the totality of 'The Rust' they are in for a ride. Adora was lost in her thought thinking about Catra every moment being away Adora couldn't help to miss her its broke her heart she need to leave once more yet Adora felt torn apart inside as if someone crush her heart Adora didn't know why but a soft voice told her not to leave Catra, who know what is truly behind the meaning or why Adora felt this way. Adora hope Catra is doing well without her and promise to return back very soon they both knew this wasn't a one day return Adora could be gone for days and hopefully Catra could manage without Adora. Hopefully Adora could get good night rest without having her nightmares so far it was working out with Catra very well Adora mind was cloud with Catra she should be focus on what going on yet Adora has been thinking about what Catra said before she left wondering why Catra said such a thing what dose that mean Adora was complex by Catra, was it a funny away of saying you want a intimate relationship or an confession?, Adora never heard of such thing coming from Catra she needed to ask
Spinnerella and Netossa about or get insight with Bow or Glimmer but couldn't allow for them to found out about Catra and Adora didn't feel like making up a story it was exhausting enough for them to figured out Adora was hidding something. The ride was long because Bow realize looking at the Map of the world they are still far away from 'The Rust' but thankfully with Glimmer contact there is a check point an outposts, It's was a border between lands and Brightmoon territory Glimmer spoke with Knight unknowly they didn't get word that Glimmer was supposed to watch over the Kingdom of the Queen absent, it's was perfect set-up also all thank for
Entrapta advanced technology help alot with Brightmoon, Glimmer was too meet for HoverCar to head over to 'The Rust' well they couldn't ride Swift Wind all day Adora seenly didn't mind one bit because Swift Wind was enjoying himself talking to Bow and being pamper by Knights. Glimmer with Bow's binoculars looking around hopping to spot outpost only thing they saw was a farm with bunch of cattles walking around and young boy playing with a ball by himself playing. Bow was marking on his map never went out this far it was good to mark certain, like this farm knowing they are at least close "Bow are we there yet?" Glimmer said getting bored of looking at nothingness "We should be..." Bow said still looking at his map, Adora lower Swift Wind she saw a lonely tower in the distance before she could say anything Glimmer yelled "There is is, the outpost Adora lower us down" Glimmer said excitedly as Bow felt so relieved finally finding the outpost. Glimmer smile widely as Knight set down her favorite spaghetti and meatballs that Bow has prepared yet Glimmer is worried becuse it's of the long ride Bow seemly tried aswell. Thankfully Bow had time to relax with a fruity drink soon a Knight stood forwards "Princcess, Glimmer we have a ship ready for you" she speak as Glimmer noddely bitting into a meatball "Thank you I will be leaving shortly" Glimmer said as Knight nodded she turn to Bow and Adora "Well we got a ship prepare so now it's figuring out who to talk to" Glimmer said sighing heavily they all left immediately after yet still don't have plan at all or what to do when they get to 'The Rust' but still needed to press on "Well sorry, Glimmer I have no clue researching The Rust or any information is blank because this city only here after The Great War" Bow said sadly he wish he could have done more with the short time now Glimmer felt guilty leaving so soon without a plan or Bow researching about 'The Rust' still Glimmer realize she needed more patience but she couldn't go against her big heart she glad to have a friend who can deal with her spontaneous nature "It's my fault, Bow I dragged us out here without a plan" Glimmer stated as Bow narrow his eyes "Let's forgot about that think of something" Bow said cheering Glimmer up which was working Bow never wanted Glimmer to blame herself, they talked about it that all it matter to Bow "Well I was thinking maybe we go find someone with information" Adora said adding on as Glimmer snap her neck "Yeah, someone who know about ridding the seas" Glimmer said rubbing her chin as they all agree on a set plan. Adora took off she look out the widown thinking about something what's going with Salineas, we seem that Mermista leaving out some detail Adora know its also why she willing came she knew Glimmer gut feeling is worth it what could be going on with Salineas that Princcess herself cancel all and ever future meeting that made the group worried some reason what if the Horde holding the Kingdom hostage that seem unlikely no one is able to sail across the sea unheard of, only few is able to. Once Adora, Glimmer and Bow made it too 'The Rust' after a long ride thankfully wasn't that far from outpost Glimmer was happy to see building and people Bow was stretching from sitting all day. Adora felt low breeze if you ever been or live long period you can smell the ocean no matter how far away, this was unfamiliar to Adora to smell such fresh satly water quite close yet getting close Adora smell horrific of oils and pollution almost made Adora cover her noise and Glimmer isn't looking to good either its was even horrible to look at people all dirty and gross sleeping on the street, people dumping out dirty water with out a care within the shadow bright red eye staring creepy to say the least. Bulding was ruin down it seem like people build whatever you can get their hand on housing stack on each seemly about to fall down, old rusty Hovercars old and worn out due to years, wasn't like Brightmoon this place was the opposite. Adora saw Glimmer holding into Bow even how horrible this place smell Glimmer was quite scare of the people around here dirty and sloppy it's like everyone staring at them "Glimmer it's okay I won't let anyone hurt you" Bow said as Glimmer push himself she sigh crossing he arms looking around nervously "I am not scared, okay" Glimmer confess as Bow chim in "No one said you where?" Bow said as felt slap on his shoulder "Whatever let's get going" Glimmer spoke with Bow following behind "Don't worry, Glimmer I will keep watch I dont like the look of this place" Adora said giving short nervous girl a soft smile she only nodded continue walking. Adora took the initiative to speak with some local anyone that didn't feel like a threat she soon came across with fat lady who represent a dog "Huh?, you lookin' for caption?" She spoke as if she couldn't hear Adora "Yes, ma'am someone to take us to Salineas" Adora said as lady set down her basket staring down at Adora "ermmm..ya know I can tell a new face when I see one, best be careful here in The Rust you lose everything I can say check around bars most caption spend time you're luck enough not to find on thay sobor" the lady spoke as Adora only nodded she was grateful for information thankfully out of people she talk to this one was rather nice, despite she seem like a rude person "Thank you so much" Adora rustled into her bag taking out a gold bar, Adora didnt know about currency she never bought or paid everything was hand down to her so in her kindness she gave the lady a block of gold that will actually buy fair good businesses or a home, heck even a whole field to farm. The lady stood there shock she look up and down at Adora and gold block "This ain't no scheme or trick you playin'?" The lady said glaring down at Adora but Adora grab her hand placing the gold block in her hand "It's not, for helping us" Adora said as lady gave a genuine smile she took it made sure to look around hopping no one watching put it deep within her basket "Better get on, best keep watch your friend they might see somethin' they shouldn't" Adora gave the lady on last wave runining away to her friends she took warning very seriouly because she knew that this place was off never agian Adora will ever feel vulnerable "Bow, Glimmer?" Adora said as Bow was tentionly watching Glimmer Adora saw hoe defeat Bow looks awhile Glimmer pointed at cup which was empty "Ughh...agian!" Glimmer said as rat smile widely Glimmer place one golden coin, Adora tapped Bow raising an eyebrow "Sorry, I tried to talked her out it she came be so stubborn he told us to play and tell us where to find a caption" Adora shocked her head she grab Glimmer hand dragging her away the guy smirk waving to Glimmer "Hey...I-" Adora stomp her foot making Glimmer jump up "Glimmer didn't you notices he was just using you?" Adora said crossing her arm Adora wasn't mad well alittle but not to the point she would be screaming "I was getting info, he said that he knew a guy who could sail with us only if I played" Adora faceplam herself honestly been years Adora knew well enough not to judge a book by it's covered or be to fooled by people she use to be like that even they hardly never go out as far from the Kingdom Adora took time studies people of all cultures she had enough being manipulated "Glimmer this place doesn't seem right, he was just after your money probably rigged the cups, look I found out where too look" Adora said as Glimmer looked away sadly how can she be so foolish mother would've been disappointed "I am sorry I was heat up in the moment so what did you find?" Glimmer ask as Adora smiled "It's okay well a  average nice lady told us to looked at bars to find who we are looking for" Adora stated as Bow clap "Finally more looking around!" Bow stated praying to the gods Adora understandable knew everyone was tried "Let go get something to eat guy" Adora said as they all groan but nodded. The group was well indeep into town most likely into the heart of it Adora look aprund seeing any place pleasantable luckly with the obvious fighting light and noticeable sighs "Dump and Funk" Bow followed Adora and started walking towards it also his job to scotts any place either Adora or Glimmer go to. Adora shortly sat down with Glimmer next to her it's was odd people began staring at the group Glimmer with her mouth spoke making everyone continuing with they where doing "Okay, I have deep fired slugbuger with said of chips and one Flapstack with maple syrup and quarter pound slugbuger and one gaint beer, enjoy" The waitress place down everyone food that they previously order Bow couldn't help but to stare at her tails he never seen such a creatures before "Thank you" Adora gave a quick smile before slowly digging in awhile Glimmer was happily eating the waitress only nodded "Look we don't usually let childern in but place don't let her around the adult bar" the waitress said looking straight at Glimmer "Hey I am not a kids" Glimmer spoke angrily as the waitress just shrugged and rolled her eyes walking away "Whatever you say, kid" Glimmer angrily ate her flapstack awhile Bow chuckled quietly soon "Well, where should we start looking?" Bow ask as Adora bite into her slugbuger so juicy and little serect in the middled a flat boiled egged "I don't know people seem to get drunk here alot she said hardly unlike we will find a caption who is well sobor" Adora said stealing some chips from Bow plate Glimmer gave a sigh as she tooked Bow beer slowly "Glimmer that is not for you" Bow said snatching away the beer "You and I both now you can't even drink that either" Glimmer stated getting into another arguments Bow only shrugged "I know and I wasn't this was only thing on the menus" Bow said in defense aa Glimmer rolled her eyes. They all continue to eat quietly until someone brust through the door talking loudly and laugh neither people inside didn't seem to care "And I said you low life breast I the king of the seas!" Someone said as everyone gave a hardy chuckled and then music began playing in the background "C'mon boy, let play a game of piker I called dealer" Adora look to see very young man with brown mustache and leather black jacket, and stack around his waist with tight green-ish plant and cowboy boots Adora watch as the group subtle into a table laughing she saw him pulling out cards and began playing poker soon Adora turn her attention to Bow and Glimmer enjoying there meal today going to be a long day and hopefully soon they could find someone to sail them out to
Salineas. After awhile the table was clean everyone finish there meal and Bow strangly was chatting it up with the waitress "Is that so?, looking for someone to sail out to Salineas no wonder why you all look new" the waitress said was giggled as Bow only smiled "Yes, we are been looking asking around" Bow said as Glimmer stare intently at beer well for one it was huge bigger than Glimmer's head she wonder how can anyone pick it up Glimmer knew people has drink before also curious like anyone to have a taste, but she wasn't allow yet, she never saw her mother drink beside her special drink she keep hidden but base on people getting drunk she lost interest never wanted to make a fool of herself infront of people "I see well you see that young man who playing poker, that's your guy he has a ship base on his stories he sail across to Salineas many time, best of luck to ya" the waitress left them Bow gave a quick thank you before heading with Glimmer and Adora following behind "Excused us we here there is a caption?" Glimmer said as everyone went silence turning to her "And well you asking, young lady?" The same guy spoke as he putr his feet into the table "Well we would like somone to take us to Salineas" Glimmer stated as many men began to laughed loudly Glimmer felt her face flush "Well if you happen to know I am your guy, name Seahawk the greatest sailer of the ocean sea at your service" Seahawk said pearly white teeth showing then he wink at Adora who only raise her eyebrow confused "Well we like to head there now, so pack your thing we can get moving" Glimmer said as Seahawk only chuckled "Here is The Rust is only custom to have a drink when doing business with any sailer, as way of knowing you are serious" Seahawk spoke as Bow raise an eyebrow "Sorry but Glimmer will not be drinking tonight she much to young" Bow stated as Glimmer rolled her eyebrow "Look we have money just forget about the drink" everyone snap at Glimmer glaring down at her even Seahawk looking serious Adora rest her hand into Glimmer shoulder and smiled "Its okay I will do it" Adora said as everyone modd lighten up Seahawk leading down with a devily smirk "Oh, such a pretty lady shouldn't drink I don't want ya to passout" Adora rolled her eyes some reason him saying pretty lady over and over making her agitated never seen a men flirt with her before and be so bad at it maybe it because people didn't know anything about She-Ra. Adora pulled out a chair Bow handed his gaint bar to Adora Bow never seen Adora did anything irrational or out of character he was excited and also worried about Adora he never seen her drink a drop this gonna turn out bad, Seahawk whistles and soon the waitress place a beer on the table "Now, I must warn you I am champion at chunging also custom to drink quickly so you have a chance to back out now, pretty lady" Adora scoffed grabb her beer not backing out more so she wanted to get this over with and move on if that meaning getting tipsy than so be it. Everyone bang into the table Adora stare down st Seahawk who was winking and showing off his pearly white teeth suddenly the banging ship Seahawk tint his head chucking Adora following suit tasting so cold bitteriness of the alcohol luckly her she gulp in one go, from time to Adora would drink because people who gave her alcohol without knowing he hardly drinks it, being polite Adora would take sip here and there but now this was the next level. Adora smirk as she smash her glass into the table she felt quite tipsy drinking a whole cup worth of beer it was worth it becuse Seahawk finish his shortly after Adora who was smirking, eveyone was cheering for Adora as Seahawk lower his head in defeat but she gave out a hardy laugh "Okay, you got yourself a deal come I will show you my beauty" Seahawk said standing waving goodbye to the fellows Glimmer helping Adora hold steady Adora was a little wobbling she hopes she isn't going to passout. Adora feeling better with a cup of water follow closely behind "So, Seahawk was it?" Bow said as Seahawk touch his mustache "Yes, champ that is my name" Seahawk stated as Glimmer rolled her eyes she wasn't impress with Seahawk honestly he was annoying, Bow eyes light up "Awesome you have to tell me all your Adventures" Bow said as Seahawk pat his back "You young man, we are going to be great pal" Bow only nodded with a hug smiled. Seahawk was busy talking with Bow about all his great adventure until they reach a port with many old-like boats everywhere some where carrrying cargo and some heading out into the death of the sea. Seahawk shown thr hand his ship which was fairly nice and almost like new quite big than some of that other boats around "This is my babe, we set sail across the sea me and her she is my loyal friend I honestly build her myself" Seahawk stated as he grabbing into mental latter dropping it down he montion for everyone to follow, Glimmeer being quite annoyed teletported herself into the ship looked around awhile Seahawk was busy talking about other thing "Awesome, I can tell she had scar along the side" Bow said noticing the visible scar along side Seahawk ships "indeed so, now let get sailing? Shall we?" Seahawk stated as began pulling up the anchor slowly and began flipping down switch and with enough momentum slowly the ship began to sail. Adora couldn't help notices thing around the ship wasn't properly prepare to set sail Bow notice this too started to follow Adora, Seahawk seemly very impress how they helping out with his ship more so then himeself to be told he didn't make those scar through some heroic adventure is was his mistake he had to fix the ship more time than even sailing out "Thank you for all your help" Seahawk said as Adora sat next to Glimmer with Bow following along "Hey no problem!" Bow said with huge smiled he really thought Seahawk was the coolest person very couldn't wait to hear more of his adventures "So why not we all introduce ourself how come newcomer like yourself heading to beauiful place called Salineas" Seahawk stated as Bow was the first to speak "I am Bow, Glimmer bodyguard and best friend" Glimmer rolled her eyes but blush non the less "Well that is princess to you" Glimmer said aa Seahawk gasp "By the seas, a princess? Its a honor to be at your presents" Seahawk saying bowing down as Glimmer felt oddly comforable and confused this was too weird first of all "I am not the Queen...so don't do that" Glimmer said as Seahawk raise up wirh cheeky smile "Forgive me" Seahawk said as Glimmer thinking about jumping overboard it was only option because she stuck with most annoying captions ever "Well about you, beauiful" Seahawk said turning his attention to Adora who oddly uncomfortable "It's just Adora" Adora said plainly as Seahawk smile with delight "Well it's pleasures you meet you all!" Seahawk said with a smile it honestly been awhile since anyone conducted business with him hardly can get any with his reputation hoppefuly making to Salineas will be a smooth ride today was calm. Bow continue talking to Seahawk as Glimmer pulled Adora to the side they where out in open water for quite some time the boat was rocking steadly with the wind blow quite high with this speed in no time they will make it to Salineas "Adora something fishy with that guy" Gkimemr said sheepliy as Adora couldn't agree more "Yeah, but he is our best bet" Adora said as Glimmer only shrugged she more than anything wanted to be alone to collect her thoughts it going to be long ride with him. Adora sat down awhile Glimmer was on top of ship looking bored as ever Adora left her alone for now until something else happen or Glimmer ready to come back down "So tell why are guy heading to Salineas for?" Seahawk said asking Bow who turn to Adora asking for her permission she nodded becuse base on his stories he been to Salineas many times so he know his way around and could be useful once more "Well we had formal invite from Princess Mermista"Glimmer said behind Seahawk before even Bow could say anything Seahawk eye widen hearing the princess name "By God, of course its only right for a princess to meet with a princess" Seahawk said slapping his knee just realizing up until now "Great new I know the princess personally myself" Seahawk said as Glimmer place her hand in her hips "Okay I don't believe you" Glimmer said as Seahawk raise his hand up "It's true I do know her" Seahawk said as Glimmer rolled her eyes "Well how do you know her then?" Bow ask peaking his own curiosity "We are very....close I used to sail her to her islanda from time to time, I swear it" Seahawk as Glimmer flick her finger at Seahawk, I am watching you look walking away leanding against the wall "That is so cool maybe you can help we are meeting her very soon and we also don't where we will be going" Bow said cheerfully. Adora was surprised that Seahawk knew Princess Mermista they are quite close this was perfect she never expect a lonely drunk to be associated with Princess Mermitas, like Adoa felt something odd about Seahawk claims Adora knew he wasn't telling half of the truth but I guess we will wait and see.

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