I'm a Stitch Away

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It was not a hard choice. Gabriel knew what his boyfriend liked to see on him and he was eager to let Sam drag him into bed tonight just to pull off a new shirt. He picked up the button up green shirt from the rack it hung on and held it proudly as he strutted to the counter.

Opportunities where Sam explicitly told Gabriel to pick out his own clothing were an terrifyingly wonderful suprise. Since he was pretty much a walking ticking time bomb of loud-mouthed trouble, Sam liked to keep him under supervision. Multiple incidents had ended with Gabriel struggling to stand and spitting blood on the ground across from adversaries. All of which ranged from that asshole that dared to mumble about Sam and Gabriel behind their backs to that dickface that attempted to pickpocket an elderly man of his wallet.

There was a fire burning in Gabriel that never dulled, not for a moment. It was never because of Sam or some internalized morality. The day he loved humanity was the day he dug through the Earth's crust and leaped into Hell.

Gabriel knew he wasn't above other people, however he believed in fighting against people who decided the route to best help themselves was at others expense. He believed in fighting against the bad in people.

Sam had him trained to start off with politeness instead of aggression. Gabriel had since developed the habit of being as kind as he could to strangers before he snapped. It didn't seem to take long for him to break though. Still, the little things people did were enough to get him through the day.

"Sir, I can take you at this register." A lovely young woman smiled at him, kindly and waved him over from his place in line. Gabriel offered her the shirt and she held it up to the scanner.

"That all for you today?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'm," Gabriel replied, nodded.

"Alrighty then, that'll be ten seventeen, sir," she told him, still smiling.

Gabriel handed her a twenty and told her to keep the change, instinctively. He tucked his wallet away as the woman confusedly looked at him.

"I'm not supposed to keep the change, sir," she explained, cautiously.

"Please just keep it," Gabriel replied. He chuckled, "I always try to tip, even at retail stores. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy."

He was right. Sam didn't understand why he tipped everywhere he went. After listening to Gabriel constantly going off about how shitty some people were and how "life is cruel, that's the truth," he had watched Gabriel tip all their waiters and waitresses as much as he thought they needed, the retail workers who had checked them out, even sometimes at supermarkets. Sam thought he was insane at first, but it made him look brighter somehow.

"Giving away something you need to someone who needs it more is the only thing I can do," Gabriel had explained. "So I'm going to do it as much as I can."

His generosity wasn't always met with gratitude however and he always braced for a bad outcome before looking for gratefulness. Though, this woman seemed perfectly happy.

"Thank you," she smiled. "That's really sweet of you."

"It's no problem," Gabriel replied, smiling back.

"Well, sir, let me just bag this for you–" the woman quickly placed the shirt in a plastic bag and put Gabriel's receipt inside next to it. She held it out with a bright smile. "Here you go! Have a very nice day!"

"You too!" Gabriel called, taking his purchase and starting out the door. He stepped out into the cool breeze. It was the end of March and, though the cold wind was still present, it was warm and sunny outside. The city around him buzzed with people going about their buisness. Just as they did, Gabriel followed suit on the sidewalk. It wasn't as bustly as it was during the night and it didn't feel as awkward going around by himself.

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