From Making It

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Sam's mouth opened slighty in shock and relief. The pounding in his chest was threatening to burst out of him. Sam started towards Gabriel and was met with a kind of panic he'd never seen before. Gabriel's eyes went wide and he backed into the door, breathing shakily and twitching with anxiety. Sam stopped for a moment and only began again slowly, like he was approaching a wild animal.

"Gabe?" He asked, quietly. "It's me. It's Sam. Do you recognize me?"

Gabriel swallowed and he nodded once. Sam stepped a little closer to him, careful to take his time and not scare Gabriel into running away.

"Good," Sam gave him a small smile, but it quickly faded back to nervousness. "Can I come see you?"

Gabriel pushed off the door, unsteady, but still on his feet. He reached out with a shaking hand towards his boyfriend, eager for a touch that wasn't aimed to hurt him. Sam took his hand, feeling and seeing the layer of dried blood that stained his skin. His eyes scanned every cut up Gabriel's arm to his face. A lump caught in Sam's throat and he quickly wiped at his eyes with his sleeve.

Seeing his momentary lapse of self, Gabriel took Sam's hand away from his face. The move seemed to jolt Sam back to reality and he quickly said, "Shit! You need to go to the hospital!"

Instantly, there was an arguement. Gabriel shook his head and stayed firmly as he could in place. He tugged Sam's sleeve indignantly.

"What? We have to. You need a doctor." Sam retorted.

Gabriel shook his head again and whispered, hoarsely, "Looking for me."

"No one's looking for you. The police wouldn't—" Sam trailed off, looking at Gabriel's serious face— "It's not the police."

Gabriel nodded, sadly. He couldn't speak; it made his throat burn. The screaming from earlier had caused it, but Sam didn't know that yet. Sam didn't know anything and it reflected in his face. The smartest idea was to take him to the hospital, but Gabriel was stubborn. Especially since Sam had no clue why Gabriel was coated in a variety of cuts and bruises, there was no way he was taking Gabriel anywhere looking like that. He stared at Gabriel's bloody face for a moment before sighing.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, defeated. Gabriel nodded, eagerly. Sam smiled, weakly for a moment. It didn't matter what had happened, Gabriel would always accept food. He was happy at least some part of his boyfriend was left.

Sam pulled Gabriel closer, helping him walk steadily again, and said, "Come on, I've got you. I ordered a pizza. Do you want pizza? I can make you something else if you want."

Gabriel shook his head as Sam lead him to the dim kitchen. He clutched at Sam's arm tightly and looked up at him. Sam looked down at him curiously.

Gabriel held up his hands, plainly. Dirt and blood caked them in the thick layer.

"Right," Sam replied. He put Gabriel over near the sink and turned the water on, adjusting it so it wasn't too hot. While Gabriel dealt with the mess on his hands, Sam opened up the fridge and pulled out the pizza box he'd haphazardly shoved inside. He put a slice on the plate and stuck it in the microwave for a minute.

Gabriel grew alert as the timer went off and Sam pulled out his food. He watched as the food was set down on the table. Pushing away from the sink, Gabriel stumbled to his chair and sat down, inhaling half the slice instantly.

"Gabe, slow down!" Sam warned him, "If you wolf it down, you'll get sick."

Gabriel was already down to the crust, not even swallowing before taking another bite. It was the best thing he'd ever tasted. Despite the pain from his efforts to eat, he continued as much as he could. His eyes ached and his chest heaved with the trouble of breathing, but the only thing that stopped him was Sam pulling the plate away.

The (After) Life of the Party - Sabriel/DestielWhere stories live. Discover now