And a Scar Away

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It was only a half hour later when he slipped back inside, holding a handgun and a bag of food, with a coffee. He was quiet about leaving the food on the table, but he kept the coffee with him as he crept back over to where Sam was still asleep. Yawning a bit, he crawled into the bed, gently laying the gun next to him on the sheets and putting the coffee on the nightstand. His legs were crossed underneath him and he sat up against the headboard.

He sighed, looking at the weapon. Gabriel hated that he'd grabbed it. It felt wrong to be carrying it around, but when he saw Sam's rising and falling chest he remembered what it was for. The knife had saved him from going another round of torture; it had allowed him to return home. This weapon could do just the same, though he didn't know how to shoot. Sam had showed him the safety lock however and he checked it four times to make sure it was on before even thinking about picking it up.

Suddenly, Sam stirred a bit and Gabriel sat up. He tucked the gun into his waistband (he had changed into jeans earlier) and looked at Sam as he opened his eyes.

Gabriel grinned at him and cooed, "Morning, Sunshine."

"You're okay," Sam smiled, perking up a bit.

"Of course I am," Gabriel told him.

"You weren't last night," Sam sighed, sitting up on his arm.

"Well it's not last night, is it?" Gabriel asked, smirking. Sam rolled his eyes and pushed himself all the way up. He leaned in and gave Gabriel a brief kiss. As he pulled away, Gabriel hummed and tried to lean in for another. Sam dodged him and pulled him to lay down again.

Metal dug into his side and he held back a groan, but still laid with Sam.

"Does Dean know we're coming?" Gabriel asked him.

"No. I'll have to call him later." Sam yawned and stretched his arms around Gabriel. "I'm still tired."

"I brought you coffee," Gabriel told him.

"You didn't have to," Sam cooed, but he quickly sat up. "Wait, you left? When?"

"I woke up about an hour ago and went to get you some food," Gabriel admitted. "I didn't think you'd left..."

"What do you remember about last night?" Sam asked.

"Everything up until I stood up. Everything after that is fuzzy and it hurts to think about it." Gabriel slid down Sam's chest as he sat up farther. He adjusted until he could sit up with him.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked, brushing Gabriel's hair back to look at his face.

"Better," Gabriel told him. He smiled and leaned in towards Sam with his eyes closed. "Can I have another kiss now?"

Sam quickly pressed his lips against Gabriel's cheek. Gabriel opened his eyes and pouted, "That's not what I meant."

"Well it's what you've got until we get out of here," Sam told him, rolling out of bed. "Come on, we gotta leave."

"Don't be like that, Sammy," Gabriel whined, grabbing his hand.

"The faster you get ready, the more time I'll have to kiss you," Sam smiled, helping Gabriel stand.

"Fine," Gabriel huffed. He let go of Sam and got all the way to his bag before struggling to pick it up. Sam had already tossed all of his stuff in his bag and was dressing again. He looked at Gabriel, clutching his stomach and leaning down shakily. He was tipping dangerously forward and though Sam knew it would kill Gabriel's pride, he walked over to help.

"I can do it myself, Sam," Gabriel told him.

"I know," Sam said. "But let me do it anyway."

He grabbed the bag off the floor and pulled out a t-shirt. "Just change your shirt. You don't have to change pants."

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