Chapter 1: Home is Calling

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    Rain was pouring down from the sky as I made it to the entrance of the small inn on the outskirts of town that I had called "home" for the last 6 months. Dublin was a beautiful place, but it was just my luck that the bottom of the sky dropped out on me as I made my walk back from the pub. I nodded at the inn-keep, Declan, who looked up from polishing some mugs behind his little pub as I entered.

"Long nigh' again, lassie?" He asked as he looked me over and tossed a clean towel to me to help dry up some of the rain water dripping from my person.

"Buíochas. Aye, found yet ano'her pub I cannae go ta. Startin' ta think I may need a change in scenery." (Thanks) I replied as I toweled off my arms and my hair before drying the floor around me.

Declan grinned proudly at my use of the Irish language before turning serious. "Tha' may be true. A'least tell mah the blood on ye ain't yer's." He said in a fatherly tone.

I shook my head and laughed. "Nah, it belongs to the bastard now passed out in the alley behind Flannery's."

"Flannery's?!" Declan boomed, almost dropping the mug in shock. "Jesus, lass. I coulda told ye tha' was a bad idea. Ye know Morri an' I 'ave told ye ta save yer money an' just drink 'ere— Now don' give me tha' look." He scolded.

I raised a brow in amusement. While I was thankful for all that Declan and his wife had done for me, I wasn't big on constant handouts. "Declan, tha's enough. I appreciate wha' the two of ye have done for me, but a little fight here an' there isn't gonna stop me from going to the various pubs and exploring. I was no stranger to occasional bar fights back home." I insisted.

He sighed but relented and dropped the matter. "Morri will be back in tha mornin'. Ye joinin' us for breakfast?" He asked. I nodded and waved goodnight before heading upstairs to my room.

    Once there, I got the shower going as I stripped down. Stepping underneath the steaming stream of water, I washed the chill and ache from my body. I had been in Ireland for about two and a half years now and this was the 3rd time this month that I had to fight off a handsy drunk to get out of the bar. I'll admit though, sometimes the fights reminded me of home and my family. I missed them like hell.

I missed my stand-in uncles Tig, Bobby and Happy, and how they bickered over who got to teach me what as I was growing up and going through my prospect period. I missed getting into mischief with Jax and Opie. I missed my best friend from my time in Queens, Juice, and wondered how he was adjusting to the M.C. life. And I especially missed my mother.

Despite missing them, I hadn't talked to any of them since I arrived in Ireland. More often than not the calls turned into arguments, so I'd only call to update them when I went to a different country and that's when I'd find out any significant news that could be going on in Charming. The last times being when Jax got married, and eventually the news of his plans to get divorced.

I got out and dried off, throwing on clean underwear and one of my dad's old SAMCRO T-shirt's and crawled into bed. I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I got lost in my thoughts of my time in the other countries I had been to, the work I had done, the crazy shit I had seen. Eventually, I started thinking about the next place I would travel to.

It was sometime near 3am when I finally got comfy and started to doze off. All of a sudden my phone starts ringing, the tune of AC/DC's Highway to Hell blasting through my phone speaker. Scrambling to grab it off the nightstand I squinted and rubbed the sleep from my eyes to read the name that popped up on my screen: *Jax Teller* and hit accept.

"Jax, I love you big bro, but you better have a damn good reason for calling me at 3am..." I grumbled half asleep into my phone.

"3am? What ya talkin about Ro? Oh wait, where are you again?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at his use of my nickname from when we were kids.

"It's 3am here in Ireland. I've been here for two and a half years remember? But then again, it has been awhile since we last talked." I replied.

"Damn, yeah I guess it really has been... Listen, Rosie, I need you to come home. You remember my wife well, ex wife, Wendy?" He asked. I rolled my eyes once again. As if I could I forget.

Wendy was the girl who was supposed to put my brother back together again after Tara (who not only is his ex girlfriend but my ex best friend) left him heartbroken. Wendy had her issues though, so I had a feeling this discussion wasn't going a good direction.

"Rosie?" He asked, making me realize I had forgotten to verbally reply.

"Sorry, yeah I remember, what'd she do now?" I asked.

"She was pregnant. Went and bought crank off of one of Darby's crew and OD'd, Ma found her passed out. My kid, Abel, he was born 10 weeks early... he has the family flaw, and a tear in his stomach. H-he's so tiny.. I can't help but fear that he's not gonna make it, Ro. I don't know if I'm meant for this dad shit and so much is going on with the club..."He blurted, clearly getting more and more upset, so I cut him off .

"Jax, it's okay. Calm down, you're not going to have to do this alone. While I've loved all the traveling I've been doing these past few years, if you and the club need me I have no issues hopping on the next flight home." I reassured.

"Please. I need my sister. And besides, we both know Ma would love for you to come home. The upset around you joining has died down almost completely." He stated, his pleading tone becoming more relaxed.

"Alright, alright. I'll come home. How's Juicy adjusting? I haven't heard from him since he told me he got patched in, and that was when I was in Italy." I questioned.

I heard him sigh in relief before replying back, "He's doing great, really went above and beyond when he upgraded a lot of our tech shit."

"That's great, I knew he would." I replied, opening my laptop and looking up the next flight to home.

We talked a little bit about what was going on back in Charming so I'd know what to expect, including the fact that our weapons warehouse got blown up by Mayans. But Jax reassured me that the guys had already retaliated.

"Hey, so I found a flight that leaves here at 7am. I'll have a layover in New York, but I'll arrive at LAX by 5pm. So how about you and Juice come pick me up and bring me home?" I said, grinning at the idea of seeing my brother and best friend for the first time in years.

"That's perfect! Seriously, thank you Ro. Juice and I will see you when you get here! Mom, Clay and the others are going to be so exc-" He started to say before I cut him off.

"No no no, don't say anything to anyone else yet, I want it to be a surprise okay? Love you Jackie, I'll see you later today!" I said, trying to contain my laughter. I smiled to myself as I heard him mumbling something about "that damn nickname", before he spoke again.

"If you say so Ro, call me when you get to your layover in New York! See you in less than a day, love you too sis." He said before we hung up.

By the time we got off the phone it was after 4am so I decided to get up and start packing so I could have breakfast with Declan and Morri before catching my flight. Luckily I've traveled pretty light the past few years. I chuckled to myself, this should be interesting. I was curious about how much the club has changed since I was last home. I changed into some comfy clothes for travel and located my passport before going about my last couple hours in Dublin, and then heading to the airport.

Author's Note:

As I stated in the intro, this is my first time writing a story like this. Feedback is always appreciated, but bullying will not be tolerated. Things will pick up and fall into place as I get more comfortable and find a writing style that works for me.

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