Chapter 2: The Crow Flies Straight

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    The flight and layover had gone smoothly, and before I knew it I was back in California. Not far out of the gate I saw my brother and my best friend and started running towards them, flinging myself into Juice's arms.

"JUICY!!! Oh my god did I miss you!" I exclaimed before doing a double take at how much he had changed. "HOLY SHIT! Juan Carlos!" I screeched, "Since when did tribal head tattoos an' mohawks become okay again?!?!"

He laughed as he spun me around once, "Since I decided I wanted them, my reaper ink is way cooler though." He said before setting me down and showing me his arm.

My brother tapped me on the shoulder, "So what am I, chopped liver?" He complained sarcastically with a smirk on his face.

We both laughed as I jumped into his arms and bear hugged him, "Of course not Jackson! I wouldn't be the best little sister ever if I let tha' stand?!" I exclaimed. He set me down and we began making our way through the airport.

"Hey, who's the new prospect?" I asked as we walked out of the airport doors and up to the van, nodding to the scrawny, sandy blonde-haired guy with a prospect patch on his kut.

"Ah yeah that's Half-Sack." Jax said and I snickered.

"Half-Sack? What kinda name is that?" I asked.

"Well you see it's becau-" He started to say as he began unbuckling his pants.

Jax slapped him on the back of the head, "Dude, you don't have to pull your pants down to explain the shit. One, we're in a damn airport. And two, you try to expose yourself to my sister again and you'll loose the other nut."He snapped at him.

The kid grimaced and rubbed the back of his head as he laughed nervously. "I was in the military and got one of my nuts blown off, sooo yeah... hence the name but you can also call me Kip or Eddie." He explained, shaking my hand.

Jax pushed him towards the luggage cart, "Sack, help Juice get my sisters bags in the van and head straight to my place. Hop on Ro, you're with me. It's a mess, but you can stay in at my place for the night." He said as he sat down and handed me his helmet. Once everything was loaded in the van, we were racing out of the parking lot towards his house.

    ***The next day at Teller-Morrow***

We pulled into the lot with Juice and Kip right behind us in the van, lord did it feel good to be home. We had all crashed for the night at Jax's place, eating a dinner of Pizza and beer. Juice and Kip were made to stay the night so there was no possibility of spoiling my surprise homecoming.

Jax stopped long enough to let me off his bike and then backed into his spot, killed the switch and got off walking up to my side and throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"The guys are out with Clay right now, but Mom is in the office. Let's go surprise her." He suggested with a smirk.

"Let's do it." I said with an expression identical to his.

We walked up to the office and I got behind Jax, my 5'5" frame hiding perfectly behind him as he opened the door.

"Hey ma!" He shouted just as Gemma turned around and nearly jumped out of her skin. I threw my hand quietly over my mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Jackson. What did I tell you about scaring me?!" She snapped.

He played off his laugh as a cough. "I'm sorry, but I think this will make up for it..." He said, stepping out of the way, revealing me.

"Hi Ma..." I greeted softly. She gasped, her hand instinctively going over her heart as she stood up.

"Baby girl? Shit, I've missed you!" She exclaimed, striding over and engulfing me in one of her hugs. She released me before slapping me on the arm. "Saoirse Rose Teller, when I said you should get away for a bit, I didn't mean for 7 years with almost no contact!" She snapped with a cross look that faded back into a smile as she hugged tight me again.

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