I'm Sorry..

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This takes place in 1x10 at Jughead's birthday party.

I was sitting down in the corner of the house, trying to avoid anyone to be honest. Jughead and I just got into a fight. I feel horrible. I should've known that he wouldn't want a party. While I was drowned into my thoughts I saw Ethel and Jughead. Hugging. Great. This made my mood worst. You know what. This is a party. I might as well have a drink. One drink turned into 3, then 8. While I was dancing. I suddenly felt two strong arms around me. My drunk mind thought it was Jughead so I kissed him. The kiss got heated and I landed in a guest bedroom making out with a stranger. He started to take off my shirt, but I am a vurgin so I told him to stop. He didnt. Then I got a good look at him. Chuck. I tried to push him off of me but it was no use. I whimpered at the thought of Jughead finding out about this. I heard the Door open and close. I'm stuck. And scared.

Jug POV:
I searched around for Betty. I have to apologize to her after I lashed out on her for no reason. I asked Ethel and she hugged me and wished me well. She sees something, then told me she saw Betty and Chuck talking. Then going upstairs. I checked and what I saw killed me. Chuck on Betty making out. I slammed the Door and made out with some girl.

Betty POV:
Chuck finally fished and left the room with a smirk on his face. I laid there. Numb. I heard the door open again and saw Veronica.

"B omg what happemed who did this to you?!?"

All I could get out was "Chuck". V helped me into my clothes and walked me downstairs to the front door. What I saw broke my heart in two. Jughead was making out with a girl. He was cheating on me. I think V noticed because she went over to him and slapped him. He looked confused then saw me. He stomped over to me and pulled me into an empty room. "What do you want?", I said turning away. "YOU cheated on me with Chuck. That's right. I saw you guys in the guest room. How could you do this to me. I wanted a future with you. And this is how you betray me. You, you SLUT". I could've died right there. He saw us, he could have saved me, he left me. He looked at me in such pure anger. This wasn't the Jughead I knew. Not one bit. "What's your excuse now whore?", he yelled. I couldn't move. "H-he um", was all I could get out. Tears were running down my face like a waterfall. Before I could continue V pulled me out of the room and hugged me as I sobbed into her shirt. She took me into the basement and got me some water. She left to go get Archie. Then Jughead came down and saw me. He rolled his eyes. "Look who it is liar", he cursed. I stood up and slapped him. "He raped me. And you could've helped me. BUT NO. YOU WANTED TO MAKE OUT WITH SOME GIRL AND FORGET ABOUT ME HUH. I NEEDED HELP", I yelled. I started to sob as he wrapped his arms around me crying. I pushed him off and ran outside.

Jug POV:
Betty was raped. I saw her and Chuck. I could've helped her. But instead I made out with a girl. I tried hugging her, but she pushed me off and ran. This is all my fault. She was hurt because of me.

I don't know what this is tbh. It's really bad sorry.
Part 2??

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