16 'edited'

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I felt a shiver ran up my spine....and it isn't in a good way......are the guys plotting something?

The girl is standing in front of me, frozen. Did I made her too mad that she froze up? Or is it something, no someone else? Glancing through the boys's face I see satisfied smiles....

So it was them.....they're probably mad because she screamed at me but no need to go that far as to freeze her shadow right? Nah, she deserved it but I want to deal with her myself.....Do I look that fragile to them?

Let her go.(me)

We don't want to. (Boys)

I glared at them and they just smile like they don't know anything....seriously there should be a limit to how over protective they are, they're treating me like a piece of glass that will shatter anytime if they leave me be....

"I want to have some fun too...I can handle this at least" I said with puppy eyes

"Go get ready for the tea party, it's about to start." nii-chan changed the topic with a gentle tone and a warm smile like it was nothing. He gave me a forehead kiss and gently push me towards my room...

I almost forgot. Well nii-chan always reminds me anyways. Wait....hehehehe~why not call that little girl come with me as well? Since she also has quite a high rank she should have been invited. I remember seeing her face last time.....she was the only one who glared at me like I was trash....guess she was jealous

I ignored that simply because I was being courteous.....looks like she doesn't seem to have accepted my courtesy...how rude..heh~

"Nii-chan, I believe she is also invited. Let her go too" I said with a sickly sweet smile

They seems to get that I was plotting something so they let her go. But well, her plan is showing on her face. She must have thought of using 'Angelica who has a fiancé was being intimate with others of the opposite sex' or something like that.

She should look in the mirror...her smile is twisted, creepy. I guess the boys will most likely follow me even if I tell them not to....so there's no point of arguing with them. How troublesome~ Carson better be grateful.

At the tea party

I greeted everyone who greeted me. Well I have the highest position so they will have to greet me first. We sat down and chatted for a while. Until 'Carason's future fiancé' interrupted

"Angelica-sama, don't you think you are too intimate to others of the opposite gender despite having a fiancé?"

There it is. Heh~girl you can't beat me even in your own game. Never start a fire that you can't extinguish. Before I was able to speak the other girls are already glaring at her.

"What are you implying? Are you jealous of  Angel-sama? She who is perfect and to you who is useless....you think you can have the rights for the lords to like you? Not any girl can have the Lords affection! Don't you know that we are fans of 'Angelica's harem'. We even have fan-fictions about it...don't you dare ruin it!" Lily spoke up while the others nodded in agreement

"Though the writer's name won't be revealed, there are ships of them! We, as devoted fans are obliged to give the writer more information so she can write for us. My OTP is Angelah(Noah x Angelica)!" Says Lilac

"Mine is Zaylica. Fated lovers brought together by political engagement!"

"Carlica for me. Loving the fiancé of his dear friend, but due to his friendship he can only admire her in silence as his love grows for her! Forbidden love.. How tragic yet beautiful!"

"I know it's forbidden love but my favourite is Xangle. The love between siblings. How wonderful."

Fan-fiction? What harem? Ships? This is kind of embarrassing.....the boys are also listening in the shadows...my face is heating up quite quickly....not good.

"Ha! Harem? I doubt any of the lords like her! She's just forcing herself onto them. By the way, Lord Carson...no, Dear Carson is my fiancé and she dare to sit on his lap!"

"The lords love her and you know it! Aww~we didn't see it the holy scenario. You're so lucky, Elly! Even though you are so ungrateful!" they say in tears as they glare at her

Oh~that's her name...Elly looks confused...well I too am confused. Holy scenario?

"Nee ~ Angel-sama can you sit on one of the lords lap for us?" Lilac says with sparkly eyes and the others nodded vigorously

I hummed in reply....I don't really get what they are getting on.....but I guess it means no harm? That girl, Elly is glaring at me again....I guess she expected to be pitied but it turned out like this....

"I am Carson's fian-"

The girls squealed at my direction without letting her finish....is there something at my back? Don't tell me....

As I turn to look, I was greeted by the boys...why are they appearing like this? I say I will handle this myself...

I give them the 'what are you doing?' Look and they being the cheeky brats they are, smiled warmly at me in return making the girls squeal even louder....

"Carson! They were bullying me" Elly says as she tried to cling on Carson's arm

Well I said tried because Carson avoided her swiftly. Which led to the girl fall face down onto the floor. Ouchie...

"Don't say my name so casually. We are not even close. Also, please don't spout nonsense, didn't I told you...you will never be my fiancé...if you keep on insisting,this might as well be the thing that seals your fate." Carson says coldly at the girl on the floor

"Carson is right, consider your position....you talking to my sister like that, we can easily end your life." Nii-chan says as coldly

"I will no tolerate my dear fiancé be treated by you like this....if I see your ill treating Angel again you might as well go to hell" Zayden says with a threatening smile

"Angel let's go. Would a public execution suffice? " Noah wrap his arm around my shoulders then give Elly a glare as he mumbled the last part

"Well, Good day ladies" I forced a smile

They smile in return as we leave. I heard the go 'kyaa kyaa' or something...

In the car~
"Why did you guys come out? I said I can handle it myself... "

"Angelica's harem huh?" Noah smile at me...he's teasing me

"Don't change the subject. I don't know how they come to that conclusion at all" I smile back clearly annoyed ... I think my mouth is twitching

"Well, they're not as dense as you...you're extremely dense." nii-Chan sighed

"What is that suppose mean?"

Am I dense? I don't think so though....I think my emotional intelligence is quite high though....

"You're very dense, Angel. Face reality." Carson and Zayden say with the 'duh' tone

"I don't think so..." then they all burst into laughter

What's so funny? I think I'm confused for a lot of times today.....

"Well we cleared up the mess anyways. There shouldn't be any more problem. Carson contacted Uncle Luke anyways"

Well I guess it's fine since everything is settled and I had fun..oh well~

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