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I finally managed to make Zayden calm down but he still insisted on seeing me meet the goddess. I guess it is normal to be curious since I really lashed out at the goddess and I rarely lose my composure.

And i guess it is necessary to apologize to the goddess as much as i hate it, she is still someone in a higher position than me. I still need her to protect my family. If only I was stronger.

"Goddess, I'm here. Come out, I want to talk." I said in a monotone voice. As much as I can't piss her off, I don't intend on being friendly.

She popped out of nowhere as usual. Must be good to be a goddess. How do one become a goddess anyways? Can i become one? Maybe I can still visit Zayden and the others if i turn into a goddess? Yea, as if it is that easy. If only things were that convenient.

"You know what to do goddess, this is matter between us." I emphasize on the us hinting her to set up a sound barrier.

Knowing the boys, they might eavesdrop out of worry. Even when if it is rude.

"Zay if you want to join the others go ahead, this will take a while. I let you bring me here but I am not dragging you into this." I smiled at Zayden warmly, I don't want him to worry too much, especially after he...nevermind

"I'll wait." I showed him a weak smile.

I can't hide my feelings as well as before after he confessed all those things,what the hell is happening to me? I don't like him that way, do I? Yea, impossible we've been together for so long already why would it appear suddenly right? But then again he is my fiance...

Maybe I'm just getting too emotional. Seeing my childhood friend cry because of me must be the reason or maybe because of my period. Stupid menstrual cycle. Let's not think anymore of this Angel. Focus.

The barrier is set up huh? Well I can't help it i guess, I'm going to be embarrassed by this.

"I apologize for my rude actions previously" I bowed

Tsk bowing to her is pissing me off. 

"It's okay. It was partly my fault too" the goddess said while scratching the back of her head.

Partly? Haaaah, partly? She broke her end of the deal and she says it's partly her fault. It is all her fault. I snapped because she didn't keep her damn promise.

Hahaha is the stress of dying making me crazy? This is clearly my fault for not being fast and strong enough. How could I blame someone for my weakness...I guess I was too frustrated that I was actually enjoying a shower while my mom suffered..

I might not remain sane if things like this keep happening. The thought of losing someone precious any second...

"but goddess, please know that I meant every single word I said. I agree my actions were out of line but YOU broke your promise. Care to explain the reason? Or am i just a toy so you don't need tell me anything? I thought you said that I was a blessed child of yours?"

Angel what are you doing? I can't piss her off. What has gotten into me? What is with me today? Am I going crazy? haaah...

"I am really sorry. The attack this time is something that I couldn't interfere. And I knew no life would be lost since you guys would make it in time. I'm not saying I can see all future but I believed in you guys." 

Believed? What if she believed wrong and mama would have lost her life? She was betting ?! Sh*t! I am already emotional unstable today and she goes and say some bull sh*t like that?

" Well since we did came in time it was fine. Mama was fine in the end so all ended well, didn't it? But next time you decide on betting if I will make it in time or not when someone I hold dear is in a life and death situation...sorry won't cut it." I said coldly as I glared at her.

"I think making a deal with the devil is far off better than you" I murmured loud enough for her to hear. As I walk by her to the direction where Zayden was waiting but stopped half way

"Tell me who commanded the assassination. Even you know something like this right? I need to release my pent up anger. Killing him sounds like a good way to take it all out so location. Now."

"The mountain in the North." I didn't spare her glance and walked away.

I don't want to piss her off but I can't hold back my anger. I thought I was already a master at holding back my anger but I guess I am still an amateur.

Time to go hunting. Better go get my sword or would a gun do better? I feel like stabbing so sword it is for today.

"Zay! Did you wait long? I'll be going somewhere for a while so tell the others for me? Also I want to go alone." I asked with puppy eyes

Unexpectedly, I was slammed against the wall, Zayden took a firm grip on both of my wrist and pinned it beside me. Too close, too close, his face is too close. He leaned closer until our foreheads were touching...this is bad for my heart.

We're always close but this is embarrassing. 

"What did you and the goddess discussed? I was being patient previously but you know I can't help but feel like something fishy is going on. And I always trust my sixth sense." he said as he lowered his head to my neck.

This is bad. I can feel his breath hit against my neck. I'm feeling hot, it's spring now though..

"Zay, can you let go?" I asked avoiding his intense gaze. I feel so powerless against him. Tsk.

"I will-" I sighed relived

"After you told me what deal you made with the goddess and what makes you think I would let you chase the assassins alone?"

How did he?

"How did I know? I can read your lips Angel." Zayden said taking my wrist and kissing it as well as lightly biting it .

I swear my face is red right now.

"Zay, other people will see...s-stop"

"So? You are my fiancee. I don't mind people seeing that you belong to me. If you mind so much just tell me what I want to know." He whispered into my ear

He continued by lightly grazing his teeth on my ear lobe. That's sly! I tried pushing him off but he is just too strong. 

Hyaa! How can he just suddenly lick my neck? I saw him smirking at my reaction. My breath is hitching...I'm sensitive there, tch

" Z-zay, it tickles... S-stop" but he ignored me

" Zayden, Angel what are you guys doing?" this voice...onii-chan.

He was standing there with wide-eyed as Zayden stopped what he was doing and glance over at nii-chan lazily. This is awkward...

"Nii-chan! This-"

What A Cliché....Reincarnated Into The Villainess (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now