22 'edited'

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*cough cough cough*
*urgh blurg*
It hurts.....ahh....it hurts so bad.....how long has it been since I started coughing out blood? And it always hurt my body so bad .....*cough *

*knock knock*

"Angel you in there? I have something I need to give you."

Oh no, it's nii-chan. I have to wash off the blood on my hand......I don't want him to see it.

"Wait,*cough* I'm coming!" I yelled from the bathroom

I washed the blood off then head to the door.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile.....I hope this will be fast....I think I can't hold in my tears too long. My body feels like collapsing.

"Are you okay? I heard you cough...."

"I'm fine, I just chocked on some water. What did you want to give me?"

"Here. This is the information you needed. You better go to bed now, alright? It's late."

"Thanks, goodnight. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight. Sweet dreams."Nii-chan said and pecked my forehead.

My smile disappear when the door closed...I locked the door... I can't hold it in anymore..

Tears started to pour out from my eyes....the pain is irresistible.....it hurts so much! *COUGH* I better head back to the bathroom.....I can't stain the carpet....too much I'll clean this after the attack is over.

An hour later~

Finally...it was hell. I'm glad this attack is always at night. I don't want them to worry about me too much. The goddess did say I am immortal so I shouldn't be able to die....so I guess I'll suffer this my whole life? The thought made me laugh painfully.

I should get some sleep now...it won't be good if the dark circles under my eyes is too obvious....

The next day~

"My lady, it's time to wake up." My maid, Anna woke me up

"En, good morning" I smile brightly

"Good morning." She said with a warm smile "today you will have a singing lesson after sword practice, please be ready."


After refreshing myself up, I headed to the training hall.

"Nii-chan, morning."

"Good morning. Let's start."

The sound of swords clashing against each other reminds me that it was another normal day.

Heart...hurts.....this feeling....why is the attack happening now? It just happened last night....it should have been tonight.....not now.

"Nii-chan, I need to go to the bathroom. I need to relieve myself." I lied as I clutched my stomach

"Go ahead" nii-chan smile warmly

The smile made me feel guilty but if I tell them the truth, the warm smiles that I love so much, that I want to protect...I can't turn them into frowns. Even if I suffer, I only need to suffer alone.

The sink became dark red as it was coated with blood....my blood. Will I die because of the loss of blood? The goddess did say I am immortal but it feels like dying is better than this....or is there another reason she didn't tell me personally?

Is there any medication for this? I guess I'll go to the medicine cabinet and take some new painkillers later....it might not help like the last one ....but I'll give it a shot.

"I'm back" I waved

"You look pale....are you really okay?" Onii-chan asked with a concerned expression

"Of course, what's the worst that can happen to me? I'm nice and healthy. I'm just a little tired because of training. It's normal so let's continue shall we?" I smiled

"If you say so...." Nii-chan doesn't seem to fully belive me but he seemed relieved.

After practice~

Hahhh~ a bath after practice is so comfortable. I'll have to ask mama about the painkillers later.

"My lady, you have to get change now. Your family is waiting for you in the dining hall."Anna called from the other side of the door.

"I'll leave your clothes on your bed." After saying that, she left the room as I heard the door close.

I guess I should get changed. Wrapping myself with my towel, I headed to my bed.

A light pink blouse with white pants for today. After changing, I ran to the dining hall.

"Papa, mama." I said sweetly

Today's breakfast is pancakes, one of my favourite. I dug into the fluffy and soft pancakes. Delicious ~

"Is it to your liking?" Mama asked

"Yup, it's delicious!" I said as I take another bite.

"Our Angel does love pancakes." Chuckle nii-chan

"Eat slowly, no one is going to steal them from you, there are seconds too" papa chucked "also drink more water, you have singing lessons later."

"En, Mama where did you put the new pain killers?" I asked

"It's still in the same place as the old one. Why?"

"Nothing I just want to now, just in case" I reassured her

"Are you really okay? I heard you coughing last night though?" Nii-chan asked

"I'm really fine, really. That's just because I chocked on some water. "

"You'll delay your singing lesson, you're going to have a check up after breakfast. If you are fine then it's all good. A check up won't hurt. " Papa said worried

"I'm fine,really. There's no need for a check up." They cannot know....

"I agree with dad." Nii-chan said as mama nodded along

I can't object now....let's just hope the doctor won't notice later....

What A Cliché....Reincarnated Into The Villainess (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now