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"Hmm~" I hummed as the wind blows my hair

"Stop changing your nap place from tree to tree....it's hard to find you when we're at the school you know?"

"Sorry guys...ehehe~"

Times passed, and now I'm in Black Light(middle school name)....well first year...it's been only half a year I'm here though....13 years old...it feels unreal.

"Since you guys are here, it means it's time to go home so let's go" I said jumping down from my comfort zone, the tree ...

"It will be troublesome if others saw you, a noble lady jumping down a tree you know?" Carson chuckle

"Well, I have my own ways of inspecting my surroundings, you needn't worry."

"Of course, of course...after all you the are great and powerful Angel" Zayden joked

"What's that supposed to mean?" I pouted then we all laughed

"Angel I heard you skipped class from time to time." nii-chan said with a scary smile

"ahaha that must be a rumour or something..." I said averting my eyes away from his

These small talks are our joy...I hope it can last forever but well.....the harsh reality is that  nothing lasts forever...

As we make our way to the car, a certain brunette blocked our path....How troublesome...

"State your business." Nii-chan said immediately as all of us turned serious

Seriously though, 'state your business'....I think papa influenced him a bit too much...

"Angelica-sama I have a huge crush on you....please go out with me." The brunette spoke

Who is he again? Usually commoners have brown hair so he should be here on scholarship? Or maybe he's just rich...This is a school for the nobles after all so...the school fee is very expensive. We got excluded because the royal family runs this school...

Back to the topic...this child is quite daring....my fiancé is right beside me...Plus I don't even know who this brunette is... I shook my head to signal them that I don't know this kid.

Zayden seems to be glaring daggers at him... The others too. If looks can kill, the kid would be dead by now.

"I loved you since that day...."

"Since what day?" I asked with a fake smile

"Since the day you helped me picked up my books....you were like an Angel."

Pick up books? Seriously? I shouldn't have picked his books up back then...

Well, I have a big social circle and I tend to be kind to strangers....I know a lot of boys have a crush on me but I already have a fiancé that they know they have no chance against so they do not dare to do anything except for being my supporters.....

but there are of course idi- I mean brave boys that confess even when they know they don't have a chance

"I do appreciate your feelings but I will have to reject the going out with you part. I apologise but I can't return your feelings. "

"Why? I am quite a looker, I have good grades and smart....most girls fall for me...but I only have eyes for the best fruit....heh~ I myself is top quality after all so why don't you like me?"

How arrogant! He compared to me to a damn fruit? What the hell is his eyes for? He can't differentiate a human and a fruit and he says he is smart? Or maybe his eyes are useless?

Maybe it's better to dig them out since they are useless anyways.....the guys are quite pissed as well now....

"Please know that I have a perfect fiancé already.... also It seems that your eyes are not working well to see me as a fruit...before I dig your eyes out or they get even thirstier to murder you....SCRAM!" I gave that kid a death glare...

"Aww~you wouldn't dare....your my little golden pe-"

Before he finished his sentence, I created ice ball in his eye socket as it squished out his eye ball...well it might seem brutal but he was testing my patience... Since he is a kid I will let him remain with an eye. What gives him the right to call me his?

"I am no one's and I said loud and clear that I am not a fruit. I said scram and I meant it. "


Is Noah gonna scold me?

"Good job, it seems like you magic control is improving every day " he praised as he patted my head

The next day~

"Angel, I heard that you replaced someone's eyeball with ice ball?" Papa looked at me with serious eyes

Ackk...well Papa would find out sooner or later anyways...his parents are complaining too

"Well he was bugging me...he compared me to a fruit and he was too arrogant...so"

"So you replaced his eye balls with ice balls?....Angel..."

"Yes?" I asked flinching a little and not looking into papa's eyes

"That's my baby girl! It was a good choice but keep it a secret from your mama. I'm proud of you." Papa said as he lifted me up

Well I thought I was going to get scolded but guess not...

Well today's a Light Day(Sat) so there's no school...so it means training with Uncle Oliver...great

The car ride to the castle

I felt a shiver ran up my spine...I don't know why but I don't like it at all....

"Angel did you feel it too?" Nii-chan asked

"Yes....I'm sure hell is coming our way..."

"We arrived..."

"Let's try to survive...it was nice meeting you" I joked

After training

As I said, today's training was hellish....but I'm done with it anyways....

"I'll go take a shower" I said as I stood up

"En, we'll take a shower as well...let's meet at the library after that." (Zayden)

Ahh~ I can't wait for a nice sho-

Glad I dodge that arrow....who in the world shot an arrow at me...there's more?!

Can't I have a break...I just wanted to take a good shower in the girls changing room and now there are arrows shooting at me through the window?

I swiftly dodge all the arrow and created an ice wall  at the window to block the arrow....I took the arrows on the floor and inspect them...the ends are coated with poison ...this will kill someone....so someone is trying to assassinate me? Well it's nothing new anyways..

Guys someone is trying to kill me, but I blocked the window with an ice wall so they can't do anything, you guys don't need to rush here just meet at the library as planned ...I mind linked the guys

Got it.We'll discuss this at the library, be careful....

Got it

Shower time shower time~~

What A Cliché....Reincarnated Into The Villainess (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now