10.4K 405 795

   Life doesn't always go the way you expect it to be. Kids talk about being famous celebrities when they get older, like singers, athletes, actors. Other kids talk about exploring the world, like a tourist, or an astronaut. Kirishima had many different career ideas, and he surprised himself with the one he followed at a young age. When he was in primary school, he thought that becoming a boxer would be manly, and when he started middle school, he believed that being an athlete was what his destiny was. He surprised himself. Entering high school, he made new friends, and they thought beginning a YouTube channel was the most successful career path. Kirishima thought that it was risky, because YouTube could close down, and they'd be jobless. So he watched from a distance as they began their gaming channels, reaction channels, and beauty channels. He didn't join in until later, when he discovered what he wanted to do.

   Becoming an online unprofessional counselor wasn't his main plan, but he doesn't hate it. In fact, he loves what he is doing. He discovered he wanted to help people for a living when he helped a girl get over her first heartbreak. Seeing her cheer up made him so happy he felt like he was floating. He helped more people around his school soon after. He began with helping friends get over fights, and motivating students after horrible grades. He helped in any way he could, and he was just happy seeing people get better. He wouldn't change it for the world. He just wanted to help more and more, and eventually, his school became limiting. It was Ashido who suggested it, after getting a hundred subscribers, telling him that he could have some sort of email in which people post their questions or problems, and he could answer them in a video. She also mentioned that if people have similar problems, he could help many people more than once at a time. So he thought... why not? Ashido was getting successful and known through makeup tutorials, people frequented Kaminari's live streams, and people submitted memes to Sero to react at. He could reach worldwide, and help any who ask. So he decided to do it.

   He made himself a new email, and made a YouTube channel from it. Naming his channel Ei Helps, people from his school were his first audience. He made general videos in order to interest people, and get some people outside his school get interested. He got fifty subscribers when he entered his second year of high school, and he got up to one thousand when entering his third year. Most of his audience was from his school, but he didn't mind. He was helping people, and that's all he cared about then. Ashido had reached fifty thousand subscribers by then, thanks to her quality videos, and she helped him get some recognition when she used him in a video where she would apply makeup to someone blind folded. He hated that this was their first collaboration, since it was quite embarrassing, but he got to become more known, and people he didn't know about emailed him some questions, and he got to make more videos. He was happy he could be useful. All the comments were nice as well, so he was pretty lucky. When he got to one thousand and a half nearing the middle of his last year of high school, he changed his channel name to Red Riots, and explained the new name to his subscribers in a video he used for a welcome to his channel. He said that he was "Red" and that he would riot for people to smile again. He would do everything for people to be happy, which was why he chose that name. His name was less basic, and people got more interested in his channel. He soon made a twitter to reach more people, and make them aware that he was there if they needed help. 

   Graduating out of high school, Ashido was making money on YouTube already, even if it was just a little bit, and Kaminari often played games with well known gamers, and Sero was for liking every kind of meme, even playing games to amuse people with his inexperience. He played games with Kaminari, and their comments were the funniest to listen to, so they got pretty famous. Sometimes Kirishima would join them, but he was focused on his channel a lot, which was receiving more questions than he could ever imagine. He was happy to help, but knowing people needed help meant that not everyone was happy, so it did bring a bit of melancholy to his heart knowing that. He reached a hundred thousand subscribers sooner than he ever thought, and even though his friends were way past it, he felt like it did deserve a bit of a celebration, so he asked on Twitter for some questions about him his viewers might have, and he did his first Q&A, which turned out to be quite funny he realized while editing the video. He was glad he was getting a little bit of income from it now, and with one ad at the beginning, at the middle, and at the end, his income became a little bit bigger by the month. He was nowhere near to getting a living, but he was getting something, and it felt like hitting two birds with one stone. It still wasn't enough to make a living though.

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