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   The funeral went smoothly, and things were still a bit rough for the next few days, but a week after it mostly everything was going back smoothly. Kirishima didn't feel like crying each time he thought of Masaru and his stories, and Bakugou stopped hating the fact that his father had chosen his death. It wasn't a bad time for him, he died happy, no one could say he didn't. Things went back to the normal routine, and Kirishima had a full week of working to make sure none of his clients missed a single session again. He sure got a tongue-lashing by one of the clients he has known for the longest time. She was definitely not happy that Kirishima missed a session with her.

   "What the hell was up with that last week! You promised that you would be there to see the improvements and you go and miss a session? You are unbelievable!" she exclaimed, standing up and slamming her hands on Kirishima's desk. 

   He raised his hands up to his chest as defense while he gave her a very very nervous and dreading smile. "Listen, I had something very important to do-"

   "I don't give a single f- heck about it! You should have called to say you couldn't hold a session. I would have been less mad," she growled. "I felt completely humiliated in front of your colleagues," she pouted, crashing down on her seat, crossing her arms and looking at the side. "What did you have that was so important?" she asked, her voice softer. She did try to get better.

   "I'm sorry, I know I should have, but I thought Fatgum would have told you since I told him," he sighed. "I went to a funeral," he stated.

   "Oh... Sorry for overreacting," she sighed. "I'm sorry for your loss-"

   "No, I'm fine. It was my boyfriend's father. I had gotten close with his dad, and then I was emotionally attached, and then he died," he sighed. "I didn't lose my family. I... Anyway, we are trying to improve your reactions," he smiled, trying to change the subject. "You are overreacting less, but I understand how things turned to this," he chuckled. "So, what happened since our last session?" he asked.

   She was quick to be mad, but then she was quick to understand. Kirishima's over clients didn't have such reaction to his disappearance, and accepted his apology smoothly, giving their condolences. He honestly didn't expect things to go as smoothly as they did, but he's glad everything went well. He did do a lot of apologizing though.

   Work wasn't as stressful as he expected it to be. He had fun during lunch breaks, had fun seeing how well his clients improved over the weeks, and eventually got to go home for the weekend. His relaxing was cut short when his friends had shown up on Saturday's morning, waking him up from his fifteen hour nap plan, destroying all his weekend plan. Not that he minded anyway, his friends made him happy within minutes after waking up. He thought he would be grumpy, but only a few minutes apparently.

   He forgot how much he loved his friends several time since he met Bakugou. He was so focused on him that he forgot that he had over people to be with. Life wasn't just work, YouTube, and Bakugou. It was also all his friends that he loved dearly. How could he be grumpy when they wake him up to hang out the entire day?

   Ashido decided an outfit for him like usual, giving him a baggy shirt she found and some jeans, knowing that Kirishima would look perfectly publicly acceptable. Kirishima treated everyone to breakfast, preparing them some tea and bread with butter on it while he quickly drank a protein shake and a cereal bar.

   They soon made their way outside, talking about the fun they'll have, and got on the train. The train ride was about thirty minutes, and Kirishima will admit that he had a lot of fun on that train ride. Kaminari was talking about some games he was going to try out on some streams, and Sero gave him all the reason not to, and honestly, Kirishima thought it was pretty funny. Aoyama talked about some fashion convention where clothes were made out of chocolate, and Kirishima was very interested. Anyone would be if they liked chocolate and clothes. Well, just chocolate for Kirishima. At some point, Sero began to rant about how some company tricked him to sponsor a very bad and low quality mobile game on his channel, and all their subscribers now think that he is gullible, and that- well, he was ranting for a long time. Kirishima pat his back the whole time. Ashido had also started an interesting conversation, thinking that since they are talking about games, she could talk about all the horrible dress up games she played online. She added that she hated them because she would rather design the clothes herself. She got mad for some reason when Sero asked why she doesn't just makes a dress up game herself.

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