RESULTS to epilepsy

106 5 4

Hello my Roses! Thank you everyone who entered! Let's start!

1st place - Darkmidnight
Entry - The fear, pain, and everlasting fright
When the dark is blacker then a moonless night
Fearing the flashing lights that brings the lasting fright
Constant scare and worry of the days to come
Shaking and constant pressure of the many tears that have come to be known

Only time will tell until you meet your the right ones
The care and joy of many to come as the everlasting peace
May the life of the many may live in a peace and enjoying life.

2nd place - dollymouse
Thank you for entering again! Keep it up!

3rd place - Cra-Zay
AMAZING acrostic and second entry! I hope you enter some more!

Honourable mentions -
d_Punam and JoshuaAnthony4

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