23# Isolation (RESULTS)

106 6 7

Holy moly my Roses!
First of all, I want to thank everyone who entered (yall are amazing!) and I want to say THANK YOU FOR GETTING THIS BOOK TO 5K READS!

I am so happy with this poetry book! My creative writing one didn't get far lol but this one has, now I'm not sure if I'm gonna end this book and make another like a 2nd edition or something but this book has about 50 chapters now, what do you guys think?

Also, I want to give everyone a shoutout (on my message board) for entering! I had so many people enter this time and it was wonderful to see all your efforts!
Now usually I would pick just 3 winners but I feel like maybe I should make it 4 instead, not just because there were so many good ones but because I love even numbers haha.

So! Onto the winners! And just before I announce them please know that just because you didn't win doesn't mean I didn't love your poems, I just felt these ones were stronger. You are all winners to me and just because you didn't win this time it's more likely you'll win next time!

1st place - LavananNaidoo
Prize - review on any book!
Your poem really stuck out to me and it was such an interesting view, it really got me inspired!

2nd place - rreaire
Prize - a review of any poem!
Your rich description and pure emotion really drove me into the world you are in right now, spectacular!

3rd place - temptedtantrum
Prize - a painting of your choosing!
I love how you did short sentences, really made an emphasis on your emotion and brought me in, so strong!

4th place - funr2016
Prize - a book cover!
Your poem was short and interesting, it asked questions and made me think! Well done!!

Runner ups!
(If I missed you let me know)
Runner up prizes!
Prize - a shoutout on my message board and recommendation!

(You didn't think I'd not give you any prizes now did ya?)

Thank you again, everyone, for joining!
The next contest will be posted TOMORROW 1st of May (2nd for me as today is my 1st) thank you again!

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