Chapter Five

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"Wait, wait, wait," Mikey held up his hands as the group of five sat in a circle in the pit, Echo and the orange-masked turtle taking the two bean bags while the other three sat on the floor with their legs crossed. "Let me get this straight. So you're saying that your uncle... from Wisconsin... is actually the head-honcho of Antonio's Pizza?"

Although the turtles knew they needed to rest for whatever challenges the next night may hold, once they started talking to Echo, none of them ever really wanted to stop. It could've been her sense of humor, the way she tried not to visibly laugh at all of Raphael's sarcastic remarks and failed, how she understood the terms Donnie used when talking about science-related topics and seemed genuinely interested in conversing about the advancements in technology over the past decade, or her sheer excitement when Leo asked why she and her friend were out so late anyway and her response was to gush and swoon over the newest Space Heroes movie.

It could've been because she was the first human they'd ever really interacted with that hadn't ran away from them screaming for help, too. But the moment Mikey asked about pizza and the blonde began to talk of her relative being the creator of his newest favorite food, it was official; she had to be his best friend.

"Well, the CEO, to be more precise," She replied with a nod. "But yeah, he and a buddy of his from Italy started the business over in Madison around fifteen years ago."

"So that's why the cheese is so good," Donnie realized and tapped his chin with his finger absentmindedly as he thought out loud. "They took the basic properties of pizza and added their own spin on how typical topping-cheese is made, developing their own secret cheese recipe and substituting the majority of the usual ingredients with more pure, healthier options. Brilliant thinking on their part."

"This is off the chain," Mikey squealed from his seat. "Best day ever! First it's our mutation day, then we got to go outside, discovered pizza, and rescued the coolest girl ever!"

"But the most important part from all of this," Raph gestured widely to the group, referring to their conversation. "Is that by some magical twist of fate, we ended up saving the frickin' heir to Antonio's Pizza."

"Who gets a free pizza of her choosing every Friday and Saturday." Donnie pointed out as well, a fact that sent the three other boys to let loose a round of triumphant cheers and Echo couldn't help but chuckle at their reactions.

"And I would love to share them with you, if you guys would still want to-" She stopped herself short, catching the mistake in her words and the girl let out a sigh. "I guess I actually...can't share them with you..." Their eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in disappointment as they assumed her actual meaning was less than open towards the idea of spending time with them again.

"No, no, no, its not what you think," She quickly tried to back-track. A lightning bolt of pain stabbed her in the chest when she saw the sadness and offended looks in their eyes, especially from Mikey who looked like he was on the verge of tears. "I'm moving in a couple days. That's the whole reason we went to the movies tonight." Echo tried to explain. "My mom left ahead of me to make sure the house was ready a few days early...and I wanted to have one last fun weekend with my best friend."

"Ouch, that sucks," Raphael said, trying not to sound as disappointed as he felt. Just his luck, the first decent human he'd met and was starting to like would be leaving the state in less than forty-eight hours. He knew this day was had gone too well without there being some sort of catch- besides witnessing a girl and her father be kidnapped.

"Who knows, though," Echo tried to turn this depressing moment into something hopeful and playfully tapped her boot against Mikey's leg. "Maybe after we get April and her dad back, she'll let me stay for the rest of the semester as emotional support. It's already half way to Christmas, then we'd be able to spend the holidays here and I'd get to see you guys again."

Before: A TMNT Fan-Fiction (Part One- Edited Edition)Where stories live. Discover now