Chapter 1; Viva La Vida

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So I know it's a weird chapter name, but I decided to name the chapters after my favorite song that I listened to while editing this. Today it was "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay. If you don't know it... DISAPPOINTMENT! And listen to it!

Sorry if I get anything wrong in the flashback I was writing purely on memory. You can comment any mistakes and I'll go back and fix it

Bold is me, bold and italics is flashback, and just italics is thinking.

Beep... beep... beep...

The repetitive sound was starting to calm Katsuki Bakugou down to the point that he actually felt a little tired. But he didn't have any trouble staying awake. His focus was completely on Izuku Midoriya, or as Bakugou calls him Deku, who sat in the hospital bed sleeping. His green fluffy hair was spread out underneath him on the pillow he was resting his head on, and his freckles were illuminated by the hospital's unnaturally white lights. A new wave of guilt washed over Bakugou as he looked at the wires and tubes attached to Deku. They were currently the only thing keeping him from slipping into an eternal darkness.

If only he hadn't tried to save me, that idiot. Bakugou thought angrily.

The memory of Bakugou being captured by villains back at the training camp, along with the what you could call a successful rescue mission by Deku, Kirishima, Iida, Momo and even Todoroki, played in his mind. Unfortunately an intense battle between All For One and All Might was also occurring during the rescue mission. Deku hadn't been lucky enough to escape with no injuries. 

He lost a lot of blood... Bakugou remembered. He knew that night perfectly in fact his mind couldn't stop replaying the event over and over again.

Bakugou and the rest of class 1-A and class 1-B had been invited to a summer training camp. This of course excited him, and everyone else. He was being given a great opportunity to get stronger, which brought him even closer to accomplishing his dream of becoming the number one hero. 

They arrived and had their first long day of fighting monsters, which was just to get to the main building that they were staying at. The next day was  filled by the students all starting their own unique way of training. The exercises being given to them by the members of the Wild, Wild Pussycats. One day, said group announced a test of courage. 

Bakugou and that half and half bastard, Todoroki, were paired up. He sighed to himself. He hated IcyHot, in fact he would rather be with Deku. At least that way he could see the shit be scared out of his brief but still former childhood friend.

Their group was simply walking around, bored. They weren't easily scared, so in other words nothing was scaring them now. Or that is until a group of villains showed up at camp. Expectedly Bakugou and Todoroki were able to protect themselves easily enough. 

Deku then suddenly showed up with some other classmates. He immediately engulfed himself in conversation, talking eagerly about protecting Bakugou from the villains, because he was being targeted. Bakugou stood their watching, confusion masking his anger for once.

Tch, like I need protecting. Bakugou had thought.

Without Bakugou being included in the conversation, the rest of the group all decided to try and get to the main building, where Bakugou, and the rest of the group, would all be protected. In a haze of confusion he found himself running along with the group, being surrounding by the students. 

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