Chapter 4; Bad Moon Rising

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Beep beep beep mi boiz 

Heyo how ya'll doin?

I'm back w another chapter for ya'll, hope u enjoy

Song was 'Bad Moon Rising' by Creedence Clearwater Revival and I love the picture too

~ Flashback ~

Deku was simply walking home after school. As he strolled along he remembered the day's events. The teacher had stated that Bakugou and Deku were both going to apply for UA, which was quite an unfortunate thing for the green haired boy, reason being it made Bakugou very mad. Soon Deku stopped walking, he was lost in thought. Thinking about 'Kacchan' and how angry he looked earlier, and then eventually having his thoughts drift into UA.

Stopping turned out to be a bad move, as Bakugou was slowly, but surely catching up to his classmate. Considering that they lived by each other, running into one another wasn't an unusual thing. But it was certainly an unlucky thing to happen to Midoriya.

Finally Bakugou had made his way up to the shorter boy. In fact he was standing right behind the mumbling Deku, who hadn't even noticed him yet. Bakugou, getting pissed at the lack of attention, decided to kick Deku hard in the back, which not only surprised him, but also knocked the wind out of him.

Deku flew to the ground landing hard on his hands and knees, causing small scrapes to form. His bag slid down and touched the floor. Meanwhile his books and some papers were littered all over the pavement. Deku didn't even need to ask, "What was that for?" He already knew the answer. He knew why Kacchan was mad. So instead he immediately started cleaning up the mess.

Bakugou then made his way ahead of the boy he considered pathetic. Once he reached his destination he turned around, squatting right in front of Deku and, without hesitation, started yelling at him. 

"You going to UA!?" He laughed. "Hilarious!" Then his tone darkened. "Your a quirkless loser, a nobody. You fail at everything! You made your dad leave your quirkless ass behind, you have no friends, your hopeless but here you are still trying. It amazes me how your not able to realize this stuff Deku. Your just a little shit, unable to understand when it's time to just give up! Your going to spend the rest of your pathetic useless life working for some lame underpaying company, with a crappy little apartment that you can't share with anyone. So why don't you just do us all a favor and take a swan dive off the tallest building you can find." He spat. Then he stood up turned around and left without another word.

Despite taking little injuries Deku was still more hurt than usual. Those words had felt like a hard slap across the face. The green haired teenager sat there, tears filling the edges of his eyes. Then he took a few minutes to collect himself and stood up silently with his bag in hand. From there he walked home quickly, avoiding eye contact with anyone that passed him just looking at his moving feet. And no matter how hard Deku tried to shake Bakugou's words off, they stuck. He kept trying to tell himself that Kacchan is just being Kacchan and that he doesn't want him to die. But it didn't work, no matter how many times he told himself this, he still felt as if he was lying to himself.

A little bit later Deku arrived at his doorstep. He reached towards the door knob, but just as he was about to turn it he thought, 'What if Bakugou was right? What if everyone would be better off without me?' Feeling depressed he continued opening the door all the way. 

The familiar warmth from his home surrounded him, and he instantly felt a little better. He left his belongings by the door and entered the kitchen where his mom was cooking dinner. She looked up at him and gave him a huge smile revealing small white teeth. He loved that smile and the warmth and familiarity of it ran through him like a shiver. 

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