FNaF and warrior cats crossover

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A/N to celebrate the release of the first ever book of this sort of book (and1K followers, whoop whoop) I will be doing a crossover of the two.  The same chapter in this book will be posted in the warrior cat  spoof book, so if you read both and you are reading this first then you dont have to read it in the other one.

Emily: Chica, how long till we get there

Chica: not long now

Sapphireheart:what is that stench, smells of rotten corpses and... NO!

Watereye: what?

Sapphireheart: can they really be here?

Snowdrop: who?

Sapphireheart: is today the day?

Stingingleaf: when?

Donna:Chica, are you sure we are in the right plase, it is just a forest

Chica: I am positive that Saphire said she lives here now

Katie: I sure hope so

Sapphireheart: hey, so are you here for HOLY FOXDUNG

Foxy: hey lass, you better be careful for I am not a pile of dung

Katie: who are you

Sapphireheart: I am Sapphireheart

Freddy:well, nice to meet you

Bonnie: nice to meet you Sapphireheart I am-

Sapphireheart: no need to Introduce yourselves,  I know who you are... well 4/7of you Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Freddy, bit I haven't seen you three in thw the game beforw

Emily: I am Emily, the new night shift security guard at Freddy Fazbear's pizza

Donna: I am Donna, a new addition

Katie: and I am Katie, also a new addition

Snowdrop: why are you here?

Chica: I was looking for Saphire, she said she lives somewhere around here, I am interested in her offer

Sapphireheart: oh, I was wondering if anyone would show for that. You see my name is also Saphire, it just depends on where I am.

Bonnie: but you said your name was-

Sapphireheart: I know I know, but this offer hastwo be made using my twoleg self, so if you would follow me.

Donna: I am confused

Sapphireheart: I'm just wondering but inthe game there is a golden Freddy, where is he

Foxy: game?

Sapphireheart: ooh, right. You do t know that there is a game based off the place

Emily: I did, which is why I got a dollar raise

Sapphireheart: not much though is it? $3.50 a hour anf $4.50 for you

Emily: I know, but I can live with it, anyway in the game a lot of people have been saying it was a halusination and is not really anyone. People also say that Foxy is acctually

Sapphireheart: good and that he is just checki g on you, but you die of a heart attack and one of the others stuff you in a costume

Emily: how did you-

Sapphireheart: everyone is crazy about it in camp, here we are

~big flash~

Saphire: so, you want me to manage your business?

Emily: yes, the last manager is retiring and we need a new manager. 

Saphire:deal, but I cant save Bonnie and Chica's fate, that is in the hands of someone greater than me

Bonnie: *sighs*

Donna: *yawn* lets het back

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