FNaF 2 stuff

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Emily: I have some new info

Bonnie: go on

Emily: well from what everyone is saying you guys will have to be on the move as the new ones will be looking for you, therefore I shouldn't wear the costume. Also there is a theory that the new Chica will be trying to fix the new Foxy. Also, I will be getting alerts about Foxy and another. 

Freddy: might be me

Donna: don't asume to quickly Freddy. I have been on facebook and a picture of a marionette shows on the camera with the warning symbol

Chica: and who is the only one in this room, besides Donna and Katie who hasn't had a re-design 

Golden Freddy: that will be me

Katie: so what you are saying is that the marionette is going to be like Golden Freddy, but he can be seen on screen?

Foxy: aye I believe they are

Emily: great, I hope Mike has some info

Mike: call me 

Emily: Mike, it is the other way around, you call me to help me when the nightmare begins

Bonnie: do we have anything else? 

Chica: yeah, WE HAVE PIZZA! *eats pizza* 

Freddy: I just hope her counerpart doesn't start a pizza war

Bonnie: no, the other one is thinner and it says like "lets party" or something on the bib

Katie: I kinna feel sorry for Emily

Emily: I'll cope, but only Donna and Katie can stay with me when IT happens, the rest of you will have to avoid the new ones. 

Donna: wait why can we stay?

Foxy: because you two land lubbers don't have a counterpart to avoid. You wont hurt us and the new ones won't hurt you because you are not getting replaced

Katie: ok :3 

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